
  • 网络Community Correction;community-based corrections
  1. 社区矫正的性质直接影响矫正方式。

    The nature of the community correction directly affects the correction .

  2. 社区矫正风险评估机制的分析与思考

    Analyses and Reflections on the Risk Assessment Mechanism in Community Correction

  3. 社区矫正(CommunityCorrection,Community-basedcorrection)是和谐社会创建中的刑事司法领域的热点问题。

    Community Corrections ( Community-based Correction , CC ) is a hot issue in the field of criminal justice in the harmonic society .

  4. 矫治社会工作介入我国社区矫正的初探

    Exploratory Research on Correction Social Work 's Intervention in Community-based Correction

  5. 刑事一体化视野中的社区矫正

    On Community Corrections from the Perspective of the Integrated Criminal Science

  6. 优势视角下的社区矫正介入策略研究

    Study on Intervention Strategies of Community-based Corrections from the Advantage Perspective

  7. 第一章,社区矫正模式概述。

    The first chapter , an overview of community corrections model .

  8. 第二章对中国目前的社区矫正的实践进行了分析。

    Chapter 2 analyses the now-on practice of Community-based Corrections inChina .

  9. 第三,如何通过社会工作介入来改善基层社区矫正方式?

    Third , how social work intervention to improve grass-roots community correction ?

  10. 社区矫正的程序保障制度比较研究

    A Research on Insurance System for Community-based Corrections by Comparison

  11. 第二制定并完善社区矫正相关法律。

    The second set and improve community correction relevant laws .

  12. 社区矫正事业期待辉煌

    The Cause of Community Correction is Expecting a Splendid Future

  13. 社会工作伦理价值在社区矫正中的彰显

    Highlighting the Ethical Value of Social Work in Community Correction

  14. 美国社区矫正的成功典范&迪兰西街矫正中心

    A Model in America for Community-Based Correction : The Delancey Street Foundation

  15. 我国移植社区矫正的前景展望及本土化构建

    On the Future of Community - based Corrections in China

  16. 社区矫正是一种社会化的刑罚执行活动。

    Community Correction is a social activity of the punishment .

  17. 社区矫正对象人身危险性预测探析

    On Exploring Criminals ' Personal Dangerousness Assessment in Community Corrections

  18. 社区矫正制度化的若干建议

    Some Suggestions on Promotion Development of the Community Correction System

  19. 青少年犯罪社区矫正制度的现实解读

    Interpretation of the reality of juvenile delinquency community correction system

  20. 我国应该尽快建立社区矫正&非监禁刑罚执行制度

    China Should Rapidly Establish Community Corrections & the Non-custodial Penalty Enforcement System

  21. 青少年犯罪社区矫正的社会工作方法探讨

    The research of social work methods to Juvenile community corrections

  22. 社区矫正制度在我国的试点与探索

    Experiments and Gropes : Community Remedy System in Our Country

  23. 由社区矫正而引发的刑罚执行及其相关问题

    Enforcement of Criminal Penalty and Other Relevant Problems Arising from Community Corrections

  24. 论社区矫正制度的司法完善

    Rectifies the System by the Community the Judicature to Consummate

  25. 我国社区矫正对象人身危险性评估探究

    Research on Estimate of Community Correction Objects ' Personal Risk in China

  26. 论构建有中国特色的社区矫正新机制

    On Constructing New Community Correction Mechanism with Distinct Chinese Characteristics

  27. 第二章:社区矫正的理论基础。

    Chapter two : The theoretical foundation of community correction .

  28. 队伍专业化主要是建立专门的社区矫正官。

    Professionalism is mainly to establish specialized community corrections officer .

  29. 第二章社区矫正的概念及历史发展。

    The second chapter the concept and historical development of community correction .

  30. 寻求行为的融洽点:标签理论与社区矫正

    Pursuit of the Harmonizing Point between Behaviors : Label Doctrine and Community Correction