
jiā zhèng xué
  • home economics;domestic science;housecraft
家政学[jiā zhèng xué]
  1. 日本现代家政学变迁与现状考察报告

    Changes and Current Situation of Modern Home Economics in Japan

  2. 国际家政学联合会;

    International Federation of home economics ;

  3. 家政学是一门关于烹饪和缝纫的学科。

    Home Economics is a subject about cooking and sewing .

  4. 提到家政学,这门起源于20世纪初的学科对现在的很多人来说已是完全陌生。

    Home economics , a phrase from the early20th century , is now meaningless for many people .

  5. 可选择的课程包括:打字、队以及家政学,还有特别的专业课程。

    The menu of choices might include typing , band and home economics , as well as special academic classes .

  6. 家政学作为一门新兴科学起源于18世纪西方国家,是工业革命时代社会政治经济变革的产物。

    The history of home economics , the product of the Industrial Revolution , can be traced back to the 18th century .

  7. 中国特色家政学理论体系与学科构架研究罗素&数理哲学家、政论散文家、社会活动家

    A Study on the System of Chinese Feature Home Economics Its Formation ; Bertrand Russell Mathematical Philosopher , Political Essayist and Social Activist

  8. 在家政学课上,老师让我们设计理想的婚礼、理想的婚庆招待会,一直到撒大米、新郎新娘开着豪华轿车缓缓离去。

    In Home Economics , our teacher had us plan the perfect wedding and the perfect reception , right down to the throwing of rice and driving away in a limousine .

  9. 陈冯富珍1947年出生于香港,大学最初念家政学那时谁也料不到,凭着敬业和政治悟性,她会登上国际公共卫生领域的头把交椅。

    Born in Hong Kong in 1947 , Dr Chan initially studied home economics at college ; few then would have predicted that commitment and political nous would propel her into the top job in international public health .

  10. 以家政学的知识建设文明、美满的家庭,以完善的家政服务体系满足家庭需求,是推动社区建设更快、更好发展的有效途径。

    It is the effective way of promoting construction of community develops faster and better to establish civilized and happy families through the knowledge of home economics and to meet the family needs lay perfect service system of home economics .

  11. 本文通过对家政学、家政企业和家政服务的历史回顾与现状分析,在初步实践的基础上,提出在我院开设家政教育序列的构想。

    An imagination of launching the housewifery education in our college is put forward on the basis of the primary practice according to the historical review and the analysis on the present situation to the domestic science , the housewifery enterprises and the housewifery service .