
jiā wù láo dònɡ
  • housework;house work
  1. 家务劳动历来被认为是妇女的事。

    Housework has traditionally been regarded as women 's work .

  2. 家务劳动通常是繁杂的。

    Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome .

  3. 许多现代发明便利了家务劳动。

    Modern inventions facilitate housework .

  4. GDP忽略了主要由女性完成的家务劳动的价值。

    GDP omits work done in the home , mostly by women .

  5. 二项Logistic回归分析结果显示:性别、文化程度、职业、家庭月均收入以及每天家务劳动时间等因素对福建省城镇体育人口形成有显著的影响。

    Demonstrated by Binary Logistic regression analysis result : Sex , years of schooling , occupation , the family month receives as well as factors and so on daily housework time forms to the Fujian Province cities sports population has the remarkable influence .

  6. 但是2000年OECD国家调查发现家务劳动价值都占了GDP的很大比重,如澳大利亚、瑞士和日本分别达到了58%、52.3%和20%。

    But OECD countries in 2000 found that the value of unpaid household are accounted for a large proportion of GDP , such as Australia , Switzerland and Japan respectively reached 58 % , 52.3 % and 20 % . In the 1920s , Housework of Study has already begun .

  7. 它是核算家务劳动是重要使用工具。

    It is the accounted household is important to use tools .

  8. 这一切都是为了把妇女从家务劳动中解放出来。

    All this was done to relieve women of household chores .

  9. 论女性家务劳动价值在婚姻法中的保护

    The Marriage Law Protection to the Value of Women 's Housework

  10. 有工作的妻子要做75%的家务劳动。

    Working wives do about 75 per cent of the housework .

  11. 你最好减轻你妻子的家务劳动。

    You 'd better relieve your wife of some of housework .

  12. 家务劳动之所以被认为是沉闷乏味的苦差使,原因就在于此。

    That 's why housework is considered such a dreary grind .

  13. 男女分担家务劳动。

    Men and women are encouraged to share household duties .

  14. 灰尘使家庭主妇一星期内不知增加了多少小时的家务劳动。

    Dust causes housewife hours and hours of housework week .

  15. 你不认为家务劳动很麻烦吗?

    Don 't you think that housework is very boring ?

  16. 国外在家务劳动的保护上立法较早也较完善。

    Foreign legislation on protection of housework is earlier and more perfect .

  17. 之所以如此,主要是因为中国古代女性以家务劳动为主,经济上不能独立。

    The reason is that the feminality are not independent in economy .

  18. 摘要家务劳动是人类社会的基本劳动方式之一。

    Domestic labor is one of essential labor of mankind .

  19. 现在,中国妇女不再被束缚于家务劳动了。

    Women in China are no longer restricted to domestic labor now .

  20. 家务劳动常常被忽视和贬低。

    Work in the home is often ignored and devalued .

  21. 过去,家务劳动全部由妻子承担;

    In the past , a wife took on all the housework .

  22. 你不能逃避家务劳动!

    You 're not getting out of doing the housework !

  23. 家务劳动主要由女性承担。

    Therefore , women still share the main burden of housework at home .

  24. 家务劳动一天可多达10或12小时。

    A housewife 's work can take ten or twelve hours a day .

  25. 家庭成员一起分担家务劳动。

    The housework is shared among the family members .

  26. 在贫困地区,女劳动力承担了较多的农业生产劳动和家务劳动。

    Women work more than men do both in agriculture and in housework .

  27. 照顾孩子为女性带来的压力要比其他家务劳动大得多。

    It creates much more stress in women than other forms of housework .

  28. 家务劳动这件麻烦事得解决。

    This business about housework has to be resolved .

  29. 这些职业妇女说她们的最大的问题之一是家务劳动。

    These working women say that one of their biggest problems is housework .

  30. 经济学视野里的家务劳动

    The Housework in the Field of Economics Vision