
  • 网络religious dance
  1. 一种土著美洲的宗教舞蹈希望与死人交流。

    A religious dance of native Americans looking for communication with the dead .

  2. 我国乐舞文化的另一重要组成部分就是宗教舞蹈。

    Another important component of the Chinese music and dance culture is the religious dance .

  3. 一种宗教舞蹈为了带来雨。

    A ritual dance intended to bring rain .

  4. 佛、道舞蹈之兴起,形成为我国宗教舞蹈的又一重要门类。

    The newly-appeared Buddhist and Taoist dances also became important types of Chinese religious dance .

  5. 宗教舞蹈直接渊源于原始社会的巫舞。

    The religious dance originated from the Wu ( Sorcery ) Dance of the primitive society .

  6. 最具有戏剧性的是一些宗教舞蹈,特别是那些以述说神的故事或图腾祖先及氏族历史的舞蹈。

    The most dramatic ones are some religious dances , especially those that tell the stories about gods or the totem ancestors as well as the dances about clan histories .

  7. 它们充当的是圣殿的作用,在这些圣殿里老人们会面筹划节日庆典、表演宗教舞蹈、解决村落事务和传授一些部落流传下来的各种知识。

    They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders met to plan festivals , perform ritual dances , settle pueblo affairs , and impart tribal lore to the younger generation . ( 95 . R )

  8. 而雅乐舞蹈、伎乐舞蹈、民俗舞蹈、宗教舞蹈则是中华舞蹈文化传统的重要组成方面。

    In the Chinese dance tradition , the elegant official dance , the dance by folk troupes , the dance of folk customs , and the dance on religious occasions were the most important .

  9. 秦汉舞蹈图像史料的内容研究从祭祀礼仪;生活风俗;人物故事;对未来世界的幻想;宗教舞蹈;胡人舞蹈等几个方面入手。

    The research on the contents of the dance pictures of the Qin and Han Dynasty was carried out from these aspects : the sacrificial rites , customs , figure stories , fancies about the future world , the religious dance , the dance of the barbarian tribes . 4 .

  10. 净土瑰宝:宗教和石窟舞蹈

    Pure Land Jewels : Religious and Grotto Dances

  11. 也是在政治、医学、宗教、歌曲和舞蹈方面最有知识的人。最后,在传统社会中的老年人

    and the people most knowledgeable about politics , medicine , religion , songs and dances . Finally , older people in traditional societies