
zōng zhǔ guó
  • suzerain;colonial power;metropolitan state
宗主国 [zōng zhǔ guó]
  • [suzerain;colonial power] 在外交上不同程度地控制附庸国,而在内政上允许其保持独立自主权力的支配国

宗主国[zōng zhǔ guó]
  1. 嗣后指出其在朝鲜问题上所表现出的宗主国心态,并强调其宗主国心理在此间有所加强;

    Then points out that the suzerain 's psychology has strengthened ;

  2. 英国与印度的关系由宗主国与殖民地的关系转变为国与国的关系。

    The UK-India relations transformed from suzerain and colony into two sovereign states .

  3. 澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大跟它们的宗主国不曾有殖民冲突。

    Australia , New Zealand , and Canada , had no colonial conflict with the mother country .

  4. 那个岛是个殖民地,然而在大多数问题上它享有自治权,可以不接受宗主国的命令。

    This island is a colony ; however , in most matters , it is autonomous and receives no orders from the mother country .

  5. 前殖民宗主国法国表现得尤为愤世嫉俗。

    France , the former colonial power , showed particular cynicism .

  6. 美洲殖民地向宗主国挑战。

    The American colonies threw down the gauntlet to the motherland .

  7. 英国殖民地为了捍卫它们的独立,武装起来反对宗主国。

    The British colonies took up arms for independence against the mother country .

  8. 殖民地对宗主国及其苛捐杂税的反抗

    The colonies against the British and their taxes .

  9. 现代移民对宗主国来说已经成为一支不可忽视的建设力量。

    And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state .

  10. 埃及与奥斯曼帝国的属国与宗主国关系更增添了其变数的复杂性。

    The relations of dependency and suzerain between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire became more complicated .

  11. 随着时代的发展,更大的更强大的国家吞并或声称宗主国对较小的。

    As the era unfolded , larger more powerful states annexed or claimed suzerainty over smaller ones .

  12. 他们通过更加努力地抗争而获取成功,取得了与宗主国知识分子平等的话语权。

    They succeed hardly and obtain the equal right of speaking in the stage to the suzerain intellectuals .

  13. 作为生活于宗主国的殖民地人,王尔德必然会受到排挤,成为“边缘人”。

    As the colonial person living in suzerain state , he isdiscriminated against consequently and became a marginal man ;

  14. 一些高兴的天你的宗主国将一路上分叉进你的家的盘旋的光纤的管道。

    Some happy day the fiber-optic pipelines that circle your metropolis will branch all the way into your home .

  15. 小说中的主人公,因为在英国生活和工作,逐渐的接受了西方文明和宗主国的文化。

    Since he lives and works in the UK , the hero accepts Western civilization and the sovereign culture gradually .

  16. 当宗主国英国从印度退出的时候,留给他们一份不小心或者随意绘制的地图,这是一份危险的遗产。

    When the colonial power , Britain , withdrew from India it left a dangerous legacy of carelessly or arbitrarily drawn borders .

  17. 此外,政治和财政问题最终导致殖民地人民和宗主国英国的关系走到了决裂边缘。

    In addition , political and financial issues ultimately brought relations between the colonists and the English homeland to a breaking point .

  18. 尽管许多年后,美国人脱离了殖民宗主国,但英语留下了,而且至今仍然存在。

    Although many years later , the Americans broke away from their colonial master , the language of English remained and still does .

  19. 这个时期,外国列强还控制了中国周边的国家,这些国家曾承认中国使它们的宗主国并向清朝皇帝进贡。

    At this time the foreign powers also took over the peripheral states that had acknowledged Chinese suzerainty and given tribute to the emperor .

  20. 一方面,她们在宗主国受到种族歧视;另一方面,她们又遭受根深蒂固的性别歧视。

    On the one hand , they are afflicted with racial discrimination in the mainstream country . On the other hand , they suffer from sexual prejudices .

  21. 欧洲有关国家在战后虽然失去宗主国地位,但是仍对非洲保持很大的影响,由于欧洲的传统思维依旧存在,欧非之间建立真正的平等关系还需时日。

    With the traditional colonial ideology still hovering in their mind , it has comparatively a longer road for the Europe to establish really equal relations with Africa .

  22. 阿鲁巴岛于1986年从宗主国分裂出来,成为加勒比海域第六个说荷兰语的岛国,而库拉索和圣马丁将紧随其的步伐成为自治领土。

    Cura ? ao and St Maarten will become self-governing territories , following the example of Aruba , a sixth Dutch-speaking island in the Caribbean which broke away in1986 .

  23. 这意味着不能简单地把科学看成是天使,在某些情况下,科学还具有促使殖民地民众崇拜宗主国的功能。

    This meant that science can not simply be angels , in some cases , science also had the function of leading the public worship for the colonial sovereign .

  24. 这项制度源于中世纪的英国,由移民带到北美,成为殖民地人民与宗主国英国进行斗争的工具之一。

    Impeachment originated from England in the Middle Ages , and was brought to North American by immigrants , then became one of the struggling tools between the Colony and England .

  25. 摘要尼日利亚宪法和非洲大多数国家一样,发端于殖民地时期,受到原宗主国宪法模式和宪法原则的深刻影响。

    As the Constitution in most African countries , Nigeria constitution makes a start in colonial period , and suffers the profound influence of the constitution model and constitution principle of former suzerain .

  26. 摘要受不同宗主国外来法律文化及本国经济文化发展状况的影响,东盟各国商标法律制度在起源、建立的时间以及制度规范等方面均有不同。

    As a result of the influence of foreign Countries'Legal culture and the development of domestic economics and culture , the origin , establishing time , regulations and standards of ASEAN countries'are different .

  27. 作为文化研究领域的一个跨学科,后殖民理论关注于后宗主国与后殖民地国家的文化、话语与权力的关系。

    As a part of interdisciplinary field of cultural studies , postcolonial theory focuses on the relationship of culture , discourse and power between the " post " - suzerain countries and the colonized countries .

  28. 朝鲜光海君既要听命于宗主国明皇朝,又不得不顾忌强盛的后金政权的威胁,故只好在明与后金之间左右周旋,明哲保身。

    The king of the Korea both take orders from the Ming Dynasty and Misgiving the threaten that from the the Later Jin State , so in an awkward predicament and keep in good repair .

  29. 20世纪初叶亚洲的觉醒革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲,对亚欧之间殖民地(附庸国)与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。

    As the overture of modern national liberation movement in Asia , Awakening of Asia in the early 20th century pounded forcefully at the dependent relationship between the colonies in Asia and the suzerain states in Europe .

  30. 马尼拉中国大帆船贸易是发生在1565-1815年(相当中国明清时期)中国与当时的新西班牙(现今的墨西哥)、菲律宾以及他们的宗主国西班牙之间长达250年的越洋贸易。

    China 's galiot trade of Manila , about 250 years ' oversea trade , began from 1565 to 1815 ( Ming and Qing Dynasties ) between China , New Spain ( Mexico ), Philippines and their suzerain Spain .