
  • 网络the transition;transformation;transition period;transitional period
  1. 如今,该领域正处于转型期,从专注于本科生参与的实验室研究转向更多元人群一起研究的更复杂真实的情景。

    Today , the field is in transition , moving away from a focus on laboratory studies with undergraduate participants towards more complex , real-world situations studied with more diverse groups of people .

  2. 而后,结合大型体育场馆现有体系的建设运营特点和目前所存在的问题,阐述了转型期基于PPP视角下构建大型体育场馆建管体系的必要性和可行性。

    Then , considering the characteristics of large-scale stadium ' construction and operation and present problems , the paper explains the necessity and feasibility of PPP-based construction and management system of the large-scale stadium in the social transition .

  3. 学界把我国目前的社会发展称之为社会转型期(socialtransitionperiod)。

    Academic and social development in our country now known as Social Transformation ( social transition period ) .

  4. 在中国处于社会转型期,尤其是中国加入WTO的今天,中国农民必将面临更严峻的考验。

    In the period of social transition , especially at nowadays when China has joined the WTO , Chinese peasants will have to face up to more rigorous tests .

  5. 宁高宁说:这是中国的一个转型期。

    This is a transformation period in China , he said .

  6. 社会转型期的大众文化定位

    The Position of Popular Culture in the Period of Social Transition

  7. 略论社会转型期法的调控作用

    Regulation role of the law in turning period of the society

  8. 文化转型期文学想像力的失落

    The loss of Literary Imagination in The Era of Cultural Shift

  9. 论转型期我国行政伦理制度的建设

    On Establishing the Administrative Ethic System in China 's Transitional Period

  10. 论社会转型期我国体育投资的相关问题

    On Related Issues of Sports Investment in China during Social Transition

  11. 转型期中国大陆城市居民的阶层意识

    People 's Strata Consciousness in Urban China during the Transformation Era

  12. 转型期高师生的职业价值观与职业理想

    Occupational value and occupational ideal of normal university students in transition

  13. 试析我国社会转型期中间阶层的发展问题

    Development of middle stratum during society transition period in our country

  14. 转型期父子关系链中的文化心理&论高觉新的自我牺牲

    Cultural Psychology in the Father-Son Relation Chain in the Transitional Period

  15. 转型期我国政府行政指导研究

    Study on China 's Administrative Guidance System during the Transitional Period

  16. 转型期农村社区社会资本研究

    The Study of Rural Community Social Capital in the Social Transition

  17. 金融资产管理公司弱势办事处转型期战略研究

    Financial Asset Management Companies Vulnerable Office Reforming Time Strategic Research

  18. 图书馆转型期的服务工作

    < title > Library Service in the Period of Transition

  19. 社会转型期人力资源会计若干问题探讨

    Exploration of Issues of Human Resources Accounting in Period of Social Transformation

  20. 社会转型期我国流动人口的现状及管理新构想

    New Concept of Floating Population Management during the Society Conversion

  21. IT环境下的高校图书馆转型期建设

    College Library Construction in Transforming Period under the IT Environment

  22. 对转型期城市规划管理的思考与探索

    Pondering Over the Urban Planning and Management in Transforming Period

  23. 社会转型期的经济纠纷与社会控制

    On Financial Disputes and Social Control in the Process of Society Transformation

  24. 图书馆转型期经费投入需求矛盾与对策

    Strategy of Library Expense Investment and Demand Contradiction on Changing Style Period

  25. 劳动关系与劳资关系:两种体制下的经济关系&中国转型期的经济关系研究

    Labour Relations and Employee-Employer Relations : the Relationship under Two Different Systems

  26. 试析转型期中国义务教育的免费性

    Analysis on the Free Quality About Chinese Compulsory Education in Transitional Period

  27. 转型期大学生价值观教育的探究

    Exploration of the Value Education of College Students in the Transitional Period

  28. 浅析中国社会转型期民间段子的研究价值

    About the Research of Folk Phrases During the Social Transition in China

  29. 转型期的中国经济增长、就业与公共政策

    Economy Growth , Employment and Public Policy during the Transformation of China

  30. 中国转型期社会冲突观念的重构

    Social Conflict Idea 's Reconstruction During Social Transformation In China