
  • 网络Transfer;transfer payment
  1. 由转移支付的因素分析发现造成这种结果的主要原因是现行的转移支付制度结构的不完善,没有充分的将基本公共服务因素纳入考虑,而过多的关注GDP水平。

    By the factor analysis found that transfer payment system is incomplete , the basic public services factor has not fully considered in the system , the GDP has been considered too much .

  2. 要结合社会主义市场经济的背景、扩大GDP和财政资源总量、调整转移支付模式、规范转移支付操作行为以及建立健全监督管理与法律制度体系,促进我国转移支付效率的提高。

    We should integrate the circumstances of our socialistic market economy , enlarge the scale of GDP and fiscal resources , rectify the model and behavior of transfer payment , establish and perfect the system of supervising , administering and law , increasing the efficiency of transfer payment in China .

  3. 1)调查数据不包括税收、货币转移支付和补偿,例如雇主提供的医疗保险等。

    It excludes taxes , transfers , and compensation like employer-provided health insurance .

  4. 作为债权国,德国反对组建“转移支付联盟”(transferunion),并坚持表示,财政纪律至高无上。

    Germany , as creditor country , opposes a " transfer union " and insists that fiscal discipline is everything .

  5. 该法第307条第f款没有任何地方显示国会在制定该部分时意图取消历史性的律师费用转移支付原则(fee-shiftingprinciples)和公平的直觉概念。

    There is nothing in307 ( f ) to indicate that Congress meant to abandon historic fee-shifting principles and intuitive notions of fairness when it enacted that section .

  6. 经济再平衡要求利率、工资和汇率总体上升高,以提高居民收入在GDP中的比例,也要求政府提高向居民的直接或间接转移支付。

    Rebalancing requires that interest rates , wages and the currency rise in the aggregate in order to increase the household income share of GDP , along with higher direct and indirect transfers from the state to households .

  7. 如美国国会预算办公室(CBO)所指出,1979至2007年间,经政府转移支付和联邦税调整后的实际(剔除通胀)平均家庭收入累计增长了62%。

    As the Congressional Budget Office notes , real ( inflation-adjusted ) mean household income , measured after government transfers and federal taxes , grew by 62 per cent between 1979 and 2007 .

  8. 义务教育财政转移支付的目标选择

    Targets Choice of Fiscal Transfer Payment for Compulsory Education in China

  9. 财政转移支付制度国际比较及借鉴国际老人齿科学会

    International comparison and reference on the system of fiscal transfer payment

  10. 2谁有条件获得这项转移支付?

    Who will be entitled to obtain such a transfer payment ?

  11. 第一章,转移支付的基本理论。

    First , the basic theories of the fiscal transfer payment .

  12. 关于财政转移支付测算方法的比较

    Comparision of the survey method on pay and shift for finance

  13. 论我国义务教育财政转移支付法律制度的完善

    The Improvement of Legal System on Compulsory Education Financial Transfer Payment

  14. 促进主体功能区建设的财政转移支付制度设计

    A Design of Transfer Payment System for the Development Priority Zones

  15. 省以下转移支付资金分配的经济因素&以2005年的江西省为例

    Economic Factors of Sub-provincial Fiscal Transfers & The Evidence from Jiangxi

  16. 社会主义新农村建设与转移支付制度变革

    New Rural Construction of Socialism & Reform of Transfer Payments System

  17. 上海财政转移支付制度建设的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration about Fiscal Transfer Payment System Construction in Shanghai

  18. 基于转移支付的非一体化库存路径问题协调模型

    Coordination Model for Decentralized Inventory Routing Problem Based on Transfer Payment

  19. 再次,规范完善政府间转移支付制度。

    Again , the intergovernment transfer payment system should be improved .

  20. 完善政府间转移支付制度实现公共服务均等化

    Improving the Intergovernmental Transfer Payment System to Achieve Equalization in Public Service

  21. 四是实现转移支付制度的科学化、规范化。

    Realizing the scientific and standard system of transfer payment .

  22. 西部民族地区财政转移支付制度研究

    Research of Finance Transfer Payment Rules in Western Ethnic Area

  23. 三是完善转移支付制度问题;

    Thirdly , improving the fiscal transfer payment system problem ;

  24. 中国社会保障的地区差异及其转移支付

    The Regional Disparity of Social Security in China and Its Fiscal Transfer

  25. 用公平原则重建政府间转移支付制度不失为防范和化解地方财政风险的措施。

    Reconstructing inter-government transfer payment system under the fair principal .

  26. 加大纵向和横向政府财政转移支付的力度;

    Strengthening vertical and horizontal the ability of government financial transfer payment ;

  27. 论协调区域发展的财政转移支付制度创新

    On Innovation of Transfer Payment System to Coordinate Regional Development

  28. 是否能够达到转移支付政策的设计目标?

    Whether can you reach the design goal of transfer payment policy ?

  29. 转轨期间财政转移支付制度的区域均衡效应

    An Analysis of Interregional Equity Effect of Government Fiscal Transfer Payment System

  30. 转移支付制度的理论分析与实践对策

    The Theory Analysis and Practical Countermeasure about The System of Transfer Payment