
dì èr kè táng
  • second classroom
第二课堂 [dì èr kè táng]
  • [second classroom] 也叫第二教育渠道。指课堂教学以外,对学生进行教育和训练的各种活动

  1. 高校第二课堂活动的教育动力功能分析

    Functional Analysis on the Educational Impetus of Extracurricular Activities in College

  2. 对机械原理课程开辟第二课堂的思考

    About Opening Up the Second Class for Teaching Principle of Machinery

  3. 四是积极开展语文的第二课堂活动。

    Fourth , developing the second classroom activity in Chinese actively .

  4. 浅谈第二课堂对大学英语课堂教学的作用

    The Influence of Extracurricular Activities on the College English Classroom Teaching

  5. 开发建设大学英语第二课堂的意义与途径

    Significance and Methods of Developing and Constructing University English Second Classroom

  6. 完善第二课堂体系拓展学生综合素质

    Strengthen the Second Class System to Expand Student 's Synthetical Quality

  7. 无线电测向走进第二课堂的探究

    Research into Leading Wireless Rightly into the School 's Second Classroom

  8. 强化和拓展图书馆作为第二课堂的服务功能

    To Strengthen and Widen Library 's Service Function as After-class Classroom

  9. 开展体育第二课堂教学对增强学生体质的作用

    Carrying out Extracurricular Activities in PE to Build up the Students'Health

  10. 浅谈在第二课堂活动中贯彻素质教育目标

    Implementation of the Quality Education Objectives in the Second Classroom Activities

  11. 大学英语第二课堂存在的问题及对策

    Existing Problems of the Second College English Class and the Countermeasures

  12. 开辟第二课堂,延伸课堂教学。

    Open up the second classroom , stretch the classroom instruction .

  13. 第二课堂对大学生创新能力的培养措施

    The measures of the second classroom in cultivating the college students'innovation ability

  14. 自主学习理论及其对英语第二课堂活动的启示

    Learner Autonomy Theory and Its Implication for English Extracurricular Activities

  15. 浅谈图书馆是青少年学习的第二课堂

    On Library is the Second Classroom for the Education of Young People

  16. 大学英语第二课堂建设的探索

    Probing into the Establishment of Second Classroom in College English

  17. 运用第二课堂活动拓展大学英语教学的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Using Extracurricular Activities for Extending College English Teaching

  18. 中学化学第二课堂活动的探讨

    The discussion of second classroom activity of middle school chemistry

  19. 培养教师素质搞好静电第二课堂

    Bringing up Teacher 's Diathesis and Developing the Second Classroom

  20. 开辟化学第二课堂培养学生创新能力

    The Second Classroom Created , New Competence of Students Developed

  21. 第二课堂&应用型人才人文素质培养的重要途径

    Extracurriculum & an Important Way to Cultivate Humanities Quality of Applicable Talents

  22. 任务型教学法应用于英语第二课堂的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Applying Task-based Language Teaching to Outside Classroom Activities

  23. 高职特色下以英语第二课堂活动促进教学的探讨

    An Exploration on Improving English Teaching Under Higher Vocational Features

  24. 运用第二课堂培养学生实践能力的实践

    Applying Extracurricular Teaching Activities to Cultivate Students ' Practical Ability

  25. 第二课堂与学生英语应用能力的提高

    Setting up the second classroom to improve English application ability

  26. 在临床医学教育中有效开展第二课堂教育的思考与实践

    Thinking and Practice of Supplementary Classes in Clinical Education

  27. 多媒体技术在手术学第二课堂教学的应用体会

    Application of multimedia in supplementary class of operative surgery

  28. 初中美术课第二课堂

    Art Lessons of Junior School ── the Second Classroom

  29. 2通过第二课堂和校园文化环境来达到文化素质养成的目的;

    Using the environment of second class and campus to train cultures quality .

  30. 图书馆-少儿教育的第二课堂

    The library is the second class of juvenile education