
dì yī fū rén
  • the first lady;wife of the president of a country
第一夫人 [dì yī fū rén]
  • [the Firat lady] 一国中国家元首的妻子

  1. 本周,第一夫人宣布了新型食物营养标签,以此减少不健康食品在校园中的销售。

    This week , the First Lady announced new food nutrition labels and rules to reduce marketing of less-healthful food in schools .

  2. 正如有批评她的人一样,她也会拥有许多通常对第一夫人没有多大兴趣的粉丝。

    Just as she will have her critics , she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the First Lady .

  3. 副总统夫人们将临时代替各位第一夫人。

    Vice-presidents ' wives would fill in for first ladies .

  4. 美国第一夫人站在白宫的弧形楼梯上。

    America 's First Lady stood on the sweeping staircase of the White House .

  5. 去年,他在Target卖场推出了一系列女士服装及饰件,第一夫人一直都对这些服饰青睐有加,多次在正式场合挑选其一。

    Wu released a women 's clothing and accessories collection at Target last year and continues to be popular with the First Lady for official engagements .

  6. 我要感谢DanielRadcliffe第一夫人MichelleObama以及SaraFerguson

    I want to thank Daniel Radcliffe , first Lady Michelle Obama and Sara Ferguson

  7. 问:你要怎么去打扮第一夫人,比如MichelleObama要以什么形象去参加她丈夫的就职典礼?

    Q : How would you dress First Lady & elect Michelle Obama for the Inauguration Day ceremony ?

  8. 十年前第一夫人HillaryClinton发起了保护美国珍宝运动。

    Ten years ago , first lady Hillary Clinton launched the Save America 's Treasures campaign .

  9. MAD受到了很多国际关注,其中就包括2010年时美国第一夫人米歇尔的来访!

    MAD has gotten a lot of international attention including a visit from American First Lady Michelle Obama in 2010 !

  10. 我告诉第一夫人,Clifford和Riley是好朋友。

    I tell the First Lady Clifford and Riley are pals .

  11. 迄今为止,她已经飞过从澳大利亚到比利时等多个国家,为第一夫人劳拉•布什(LauraBush)和国会议员们提供服务。

    She has traveled to foreign destinations ranging from Australia to Belgium , serving first lady Laura Bush and members of Congress .

  12. 瞧,这位像极了前第一夫人克林顿?希拉里的女士,她原来是大名鼎鼎的新闻的女主播凯蒂·库里克(KatieCouric)

    Hilary look-a-like : President Clinton gets cozy with news anchor Katie Couric

  13. 他们曾负责处理加州第一夫人玛丽亚·施赖弗(MariaShriver)的媒体关系。

    They handled media relations for Maria Shriver when she was the first lady of California .

  14. 关注者可一睹第一夫人的日常生活,不仅有白宫厨房、花园的照片,还有作为Let'sMove!活动的一部分而给出的保持活力的秘诀。

    Followers can expect a glimpse of the First Lady 's daily life , ranging from snaps of the White House Kitchen Garden to tips on staying active as a part of her Let 's Move !

  15. 女主人公是菲律宾的前第一夫人伊梅尔达·马科斯(ImeldaMarcos)。

    The subject is Imelda Marcos , the former first lady of the Philippines .

  16. 美国时间本周四,NBC电视台宣布第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马将在《公园与游憩》本季最后一集中亮相。

    First lady Michelle Obama is going to make an appearance on the season finale of Parks and Recreation , NBC announced Thursday .

  17. 当我们到达白宫的时候,Riley和第一夫人正站在草坪上。

    When we get to the White House , Riley and the First Lady are standing on the lawn .

  18. 参议院和第一夫人CristinaFernandezdeKirchner本周将成为阿根廷参选总统的第一位女性。

    Senator and first lady Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner this week became the first woman to be elected president of Argentina .

  19. “我想应该给总统一些和学校的孩子们谈话的空间鼓励他们,”前第一夫人劳拉布什周一告诉CNN。

    " I think there is a place for the president * to talk to schoolchildren and encourage " them , former first lady Laura Bush told CNN Monday .

  20. 梅拉尼娅·克纳夫斯现在的身份是梅拉尼娅·特朗普(MelaniaTrump),如果她的丈夫在接下来的大选中获胜,她将成为继续路易莎·亚当斯(LouisaAdams)之后的首位在外国出生的美国第一夫人。

    Melanija Knavs is now Melania Trump , and she is one election away from being the first foreign-born first lady since Louisa Adams .

  21. Galliano曾为戴安娜王妃和法国第一夫人设计过衣服。

    Galliano has made dresses for Princess Diana and France 's first lady , Carla Bruni .

  22. 尽管萨克奇上任妻子赛西莉亚(cecilia)在萨克奇的就职典礼上引人注目的穿着prada,但未来的法国第一夫人应明白,她是在对国家进行宣传。

    Despite former wife Cecilia sporting Prada on Inauguration Day , the future first lady of France should understand that she is a bit of a national marketing opportunity .

  23. 第一夫人SandraTorres上周宣布她将与总统AlvaroColom离婚,这样她就可以参加竞选,接替总统职位。

    The first lady , Sandra Torres , announced last week that she would divorce the President , Alvaro Colom , so she could stand for election to succeed him .

  24. 然而,是她和一个美国议员的接触,即俄亥俄州的TonyHall(及其夫人),激发了她1993年作为第一夫人JanetMuseveni的客人到乌干达去的热情。

    But it was her contact with a United States congressman , Tony Hall from Ohio , and his wife that inspired her to go to Uganda in1993 , as a guest of the First Lady Janet Museveni .

  25. 安倍昭惠曾做过电台DJ,有点酒量,还是个韩剧迷。一些人猜测,这样一位第一夫人可能有助于改变安倍首相在国际上的保守形象。

    Now there is speculation that Akie , a former DJ and fan of South Korean television dramas who is known to take an occasional drink , may help soften her husband 's conservative image overseas .

  26. 今年的奥运会在伦敦举行,美国第一夫人在华盛顿一所大学为当地的孩子们主办了一个小型奥运会,英国首相夫人SamanthaCameron也来前来配合她。

    Since this year 's Olympic Games are in London , Obama 's British counterpart , Samantha Cameron , provided a natural tie-in , as the U.S. First Lady hosted a mini-Olympic competition with Washington-area children at a local university .

  27. 这段被传至YouTube视频分享网站的视频时长27分钟,主要内容是布吕尼早年接受采访的片断,当年的布吕尼轻佻放荡,与如今身为第一夫人端庄贤淑的风格有着天壤之别。

    The 27-minute film , which has been posted on the video-sharing website YouTube , contains excerpts from interviews of the young Miss Bruni that juxtapose her risqu é past with her demure present as the wife of the French president .

  28. 差不多2个世纪后,为了防止别人说三道四,说自己服饰的品味不够爱国,当时的美国第一夫人杰奎琳肯尼迪(JacquelineKennedy)聘用美国设计师奥莱格卡西尼(OlegCassini)仿制自己最喜欢的法国时装款式。

    Nearly two centuries later , to guard against claims that her taste in clothes was insufficiently patriotic , First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy enlisted the American designer Oleg Cassini to copy her favourite French designs .

  29. 她们均在争相效仿法国前第一夫人布吕尼(CarlaBruni-Sarkozy),在怀孕期间身穿常规时装。布吕尼怀孕期间,就穿着白色香奈儿(Chanel)高档花呢连衣裙与黑色短上衣。

    All are following the lead of former French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy , who wore a Chanel haute couture white tweed dress and black jacket while pregnant , in adapting non-maternity wear to their new situation .

  30. Norad于1955年建立了圣诞老人追踪计划,12月24日,总统和第一夫人接听儿童电话已成为传统。

    Norad set up the Santa-tracking program in 1955 and it has become a tradition for the president and first lady to take phone calls from children on 24 December .