
  • 网络The Ninth Symphony;symphony
  1. 立陶宛爱乐交响乐团演奏了贝多芬的《第九交响曲》。

    The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony .

  2. 贝多芬的第九交响曲是壮丽的音乐篇章。

    Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music .

  3. 贝多芬第九交响曲激动人心的末乐章

    the rousing finale of Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony

  4. 《欢乐颂》摘自贝多芬第九交响曲的终曲合唱。唱词采用了席勒(FriedrichSchiller)的同名诗歌《欢乐颂》,是一部宏伟、充满着哲理旦性和英雄性的作品。

    " Ode an die Freude " was an excerpts from the last choral of the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven , which used Friedrich Schiller 's poem " Ode an die Freude ", is a gigantic work overflowed with philosophy and heroism .

  5. 大气磅礴的三重赋格&朱践耳第九交响曲大赋格段分析

    To Analyze The Grande Fuge Section of Zhu Jian'er Symphony No.9

  6. 德沃夏克《第九交响曲自新大陆》第四乐章的音乐形象

    The Image of Music in the Fourth Movement of Dvorak 's Ninth Symphony

  7. 贝多芬的《第九交响曲》(1824年)是他最杰出的作品。

    Beethoven 's " Ninth Symphony "( 1824 ), his most outstanding works .

  8. 贝多芬第九交响曲中的英雄性和斗争性

    Heroism and Belligerence in No.9 Symphony by Beethoven

  9. 他们决定在市长生日那天咏唱贝多芬的第九交响曲。

    They decide to chant beethoven 's symphony no.9 on the mayor 's birthday .

  10. 西格尔:我想现场的伴奏是贝多芬的《第九交响曲》。

    SIEGEL : I gather to the accompaniment of Beethoven 's " Ninth . "

  11. 对,我再不能听第九交响曲了。

    That 's right . I can 't listen to the ninth anymore at all .

  12. 你是说贝多芬的第九交响曲?

    You mean beethoven 's ninth symphony ?

  13. 在贝多芬创作第九交响曲的时候,他已经失聪了。

    AZUZ : By the time Beethoven composed the 9th Symphony , he had become deaf .

  14. 一切都会逝去,世界也会消失,但是《第九交响曲》将会永存。

    Everything will pass , and the world will perish but the Ninth Symphony will remain .

  15. 试论贝多芬《d小调第九交响曲》的音乐艺术创新

    Examination Theory Beethoven Music Artistic Innovation " the d 9th of Popular Tune Delivers Loud Song "

  16. 这就是《欢乐颂》,他是贝多芬第九交响曲的一部分。

    This is " Ode to Joy , " and it 's part of Beethoven 's 9th Symphony .

  17. 在美国的逗留使他写成了第九交响曲&《来自新大陆》,这大概是他最著名的作品。

    His stay in the United States resuited in his ninth symphony from the new World-probably his best-known work .

  18. 近200年来,世界各地的作曲家都受到诅咒:在完成第九交响曲后,该作曲家便会不久于人世。

    For nearly 200 years now , a curse has plagued composers the world over : Soon after completing his ninth symphony , a musician is doomed to die .

  19. 贝多芬的《d小调第九交响曲》是他的创作高峰,也是他一生创作思想的总结。

    Beethoven " the 9th of popular tune delivers loud song " is his creation peak , it is also the summary of his creation thought of all the life .

  20. 但有些死亡事件也让人匪夷所思,如奥地利作曲家古斯塔夫·马勒,年仅50岁便死于心脏衰竭,弗朗茨·舒伯特在他31岁时因感染伤寒抱憾辞世,以上两位作曲家均在完成各自的第九交响曲后身亡。

    But there are also the ridiculously early deaths of Gustav Mahler at 50 of heart failure and Franz Schubert of typhoid at a depressing 31 , both after writing their ninth symphonies .

  21. 1996年为香港医学会慈善演出贝多芬之《第九交响曲》任合唱指导,现为雅乐社合唱团指挥。

    He was the chorus master of the charity concert of the Hong Kong Medical Association performing Beethoven 's " Symphony No.9 " in1996.He is now the residing conductor of the Pro-Musica Society .

  22. 此外他意识到必须和贝多芬的第九交响曲竞争,他非常紧张,所以未能参加期末考试并且几乎丢了自己的文凭。

    In addition he was conscious of having to compete with Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony , and was so nervous that he failed to appear at the final examination and very nearly lost his diploma .

  23. 伟大的第九号交响曲以合唱为终曲所产生的议题,经过了一个多世纪,争论还是持续著。

    The great Ninth Symphony with its choral finale created a controversy that , after more than a century , has not yet abated .

  24. 贝多芬的第九《合唱》交响曲和柴可夫斯基的第六《悲怆》交响曲是世界交响曲中登峰造极之作。

    Beethoven 's ninth symphony Chorus and Tschaikovsky 's sixth symphony Sorrowful Creation canbe considered as two of the perfections of all the symphonies in the world .

  25. 为安全起见,他预先写好第十交响曲后才正式发布第九交响曲,这似乎奏效了,不过有一名观众在第九交响曲首映式上倒下。

    He wrote his tenth before releasing his ninth , just to be safe . It seems to have worked , although an audience member collapsed at number nine 's premiere .

  26. 第二部分则对具有代表性的第三交响曲、第六交响曲和第九交响曲进行了全面的作品分析;

    The second part carry on the comprehensive music analysis to the 3rd , the 6th and the 9th symphony separately ;