
  • 网络The Second Temple
  1. 其他卷轴,有的包含着以前不人所知的书籍抄本或宗教手稿。而在第二圣殿时期,依据这些书卷经文对宗教信仰进行了全新阐释。

    Other scrolls contained previously unknown books and religious manuscripts that shed new light on religious beliefs in the Second Temple Period .

  2. 这一节日还庆祝耶路撒冷第二圣殿的再次开启。

    It also celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem .

  3. 在第一和第二圣殿期间,犹太人的实践主要以耶路撒冷的圣殿生活为中心。

    During the First and Second Temple eras , Jewish practice centered around templelife in Jerusalem .

  4. 首先,以色列有《妥拉》律法及《塔木德》法典,可上溯5000年的犹太历史,包括第二圣殿及马塞达要塞。

    First of all , Israel has the Torah and Talmud , and you trace back 5000 years of Jewish history , including the Second Temple and Masada .

  5. 巨大的第二圣殿建筑群中的一块美丽的碎片仍然矗立着,形成了神圣圣殿的西南边界:西墙或哭墙。

    A tantalizing fragment from the immense second temple complex still stands , forming the southwest perimeter of the Noble Sanctuary : The Western Wall or Wailing Wall .

  6. 并且,你还要学习一些关于希腊世界的知识,为什么我要在学期一开始,用一节课讲了希腊世界和罗马世界,还有第二圣殿犹太教。

    Also , then you learn something about the Greek world , why I gave an entire lecture at the beginning of the semester on the Greek world and the Roman world , and second temple Judaism .

  7. 希律堡是犹太反抗罗马战争中的最后战略要地之一,但是在公元71年被罗马占领并摧毁,就在一年前罗马军队刚刚摧毁耶路撒冷第二圣殿。

    Herodium was one of the last strong points held by Jewish rebels fighting against the Romans , and it was conquered and destroyed by Roman troops in A.D. 71 , a year after they destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem .