
  • 网络joshua;yeshua;Jehoshua;josue
  1. FancyHands首席执行官约书亚?博尔图什(JoshuaBoltuch)表示,很多任务需要人类批判性思考的能力。

    Joshua Boltuch , chief executive of Fancy Hands , says many tasks need a human 's ability to think critically .

  2. 斯坦福大学(Stanford)的心脏病学专家约书亚·W·诺尔斯(JoshuaW.Knowles)博士称,这些药物是现代基因革命的一次胜利。

    Dr. Joshua W. Knowles , a Stanford cardiologist , called the medicines a triumph of the modern genetic revolution .

  3. 基督能量从未来的(用你们的话说)光球(spheresoflight)中倾注到了约书亚身上。

    This Christ energy was poured into Jeshua from spheres of Light which are-from your standpoint-located in your future .

  4. 我是那更高意识、更大存有的一部分,但我,约书亚,是那存有(或意识场fieldofconsciousness)的肉体部分。

    I am part of a much larger consciousness , a greater entity , but I , Jeshua , am the incarnated part of that entity ( or field of consciousness ) .

  5. 其后,约书亚·费里斯(JoshuaFerris)和凯伦·乔伊·弗勒(KarenJoyFowler)两位美国作家的作品入围了六本书的最终决选名单。

    Two American authors , Joshua Ferris and Karen Joy Fowler , made the six-book shortlist .

  6. 约书亚·伯曼(JoshuaBerman)是旅游作家,曾做过和平队志愿者。

    Joshua Berman is a travel writer and returned Peace Corps volunteer .

  7. 他们育有3子,长子约书亚(Joshua)现在管理着一只对冲基金。

    They have three children , and his eldest , Joshua , runs a hedge fund .

  8. 斯坦福大学(Stanford)的心脏病学专家约书亚·W·诺尔斯(JoshuaW.Knowles)博士称,这些药物是“现代基因革命的一次胜利”。

    Dr. Joshua W. Knowles , a Stanford cardiologist , called the medicines " a triumph of the modern genetic revolution . "

  9. 30岁的约书亚·迪亚蒙德(JoshuaDiamond)是和未婚妻和另一对情侣赶来的,他说这种无声迪斯科和普通夜店相比,更像是家长控制级的。

    Joshua Diamond , 30 , who came with his fianc é e and another couple , said the silent discos are more PG than regular clubbing .

  10. 哈佛大学尼曼新闻实验室(NiemanJournalismLab)主任约书亚•本顿(JoshuaBenton),称苹果此举“令人担忧”。

    Joshua Benton , director of Harvard University 's Nieman Journalism Lab , called it a " worrisome " development .

  11. 一位前记者向我推荐了约书亚攠本海默(JoshuaOppenheimer)执导的、获得2014年奥斯卡奖提名的纪录片《杀戮时刻》(TheActofKilling)。在片中,曾经参与处决的人再现了他们的罪行。

    A former correspondent recommended The Act of Killing , Joshua Oppenheimer 's 2014 Oscar-nominated documentary , in which men who took part in the executions re-enact their crimes .

  12. 早些时候毕比的近距离射门迫使对方门将DanEast做出精彩扑救。之后他又单手扑出了约书亚。金的弧线球。

    Early on , Bebe 's close-range shot drew a smart stop from goalkeeper Dan East , who then made a fine one-handed save from Joshua King 's curling effort after a surging run from Oliver Gill .

  13. 约书亚说:“我儿,我劝你将荣耀归给耶和华以色列的神,在他面前膂b罪,将你所做的事告诉我,不要向我隐瞒。”亚干知道他的罪已经显露出来,就说:

    Joshua said , " My son , please , give glory to the LORD God of Israel , and confess to him . Tell me what you have done , and don 't hide anything from me . " Achan knew his sin had found him out .

  14. Kruger早先曾声称一个尼日利亚传教士、所谓的“先知约书亚”在2001年他访问尼日利亚拉格斯的时候也治愈了他。

    Kruger had earlier claimed that the so-called prophet Joshua , a Nigerian preacher , had also cured him during a visit to Lagos in2001 .

  15. 事实上,心理学教授简•M•特温格和约书亚•D•福斯特在2010年进行的一项研究发现,当今30%的大学生在自恋人格表(NarcissisticPersonalityInventory)中被归为自恋者,远高于上世纪80年代中期的比例。

    Indeed , a 2010 research paper by psychology professors Jean M. Twenge and Joshua D. Foster found that 30 % of today 's college students scored as narcissistic on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory vs. just 19 % in the early 1980s .

  16. 不过,lexmachina公司的老板约书亚沃克宣布,近几个月,手机及相关软件制造商自身,却变得益发热衷诉讼。

    But in recent months the makers of handsets and related software themselves have become much more litigious , reports Joshua walker , the boss of Lex machina .

  17. 这位美国大兵爸爸约书亚卡尔在YouTube上发布了一条视频,视频中,他的小女儿布丽奇特撕开巨大礼物盒的包装纸,妈妈在一旁给她加油。

    In a YouTube video posted by father Joshua Carr , his little girl Bridget is seen ripping the wrapping paper off an enormous box , with her mother in the background encouraging her to open it .

  18. 另一份来自CIPR分析师约书亚·洛维茨和迈克尔·莱文的报告发现,与去年相比,今年放弃安卓而换用IOS的人较少。

    A separate CIPR report , from analysts Joshua Lowitz and Michael Levin , found that fewer people switched from Android to iOS this year , compared to last year .

  19. 但是我在想,也许我应该加入约书亚。

    But I was thinking , maybe I should join joshua .

  20. 约书亚,不只是查理遇害。

    Joshua , it 's not just that Charles was murdered .

  21. 你曾在巴黎恋爱过吗,约书亚?

    Have you ever been in love in paris , joshua ?

  22. 约书亚。克罗地说:对我来说这是一次难得的机会。

    Joshua Clottey : This is a miracle opportunity for me .

  23. 就都聚集,同心合意地要与约书亚和以色列人争战。

    They came together to make war against Joshua and Israel .

  24. 约书亚,关上门让死神越过我们。

    Close the door , joshua , and let death pass .

  25. 按照约书亚事先吩咐好的,以色列人马上挥舞着刀剑,冲进城去。

    The soldiers of Israel did immediately what Joshua had instructed .

  26. 约书亚不曾再来救你们,大卫王也不会。

    Joshua will not rise again to save you nor david .

  27. 但神告诉了约书亚怎样做。

    But God told Joshua what to do about that sin .

  28. 约书亚说,你为什么连累我们呢。

    And Joshua said , Why hast thou troubled us ?

  29. 我们来自一个遥远的国度(约书亚9∶6)。

    We be come from a far country ( Joshua 9:6 ) .

  30. 但是约书亚很大方地答应了,今天来到节目和我们聊天。

    But Joshua has graciously agreed to us today on International Forum .