
  • 网络samuel;Sam
  1. 听起来就像《撒母耳记上》的第二章。

    Sounds like its right out of1 Samuel , second chapter .

  2. 撒母耳平生作以色列的士师。

    And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life .

  3. 他和撒母耳就往拿约去居住。

    And he and Samuel went and were living in Naioth .

  4. 撒母耳做的第一件事就是为那家庭行洁净礼。

    The first thing Samuel did is he consecrated the family .

  5. 你对撒母耳的退休演讲有何感想?

    What is your reflection upon Samuel 's retirement speech ?

  6. 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和华。

    The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli .

  7. 撒母耳就去,仍睡在原处。

    So Samuel went and lay down in his place .

  8. 先知撒母耳迅速处决了亚甲王。

    While the prophet Samuel put a swift end to King agag .

  9. 于是撒母耳在米斯巴审判以色列人。

    And Samuel judged the children of Israel in mizpeh .

  10. 首先他说这个女人真的看到了撒母耳。

    First he says the woman really did see Samuel .

  11. 撒母耳对百姓说,不要惧怕。

    And Samuel said to the people , do not be afraid .

  12. 于是,撒母耳在吉甲耶和华面前将亚甲杀死。

    And Samuel put Agag to death before the Lord at Gilgal .

  13. 扫罗就起来,和撒母耳一同出去。

    When Saul got ready , he and Samuel went outside together .

  14. 耶和华第三次呼唤撒母耳。

    Then Jehovah called Samuel again , the third time .

  15. 撒母耳回答说:“请说,仆人敬听。”

    Then Samuel said ," Speak , for your servant is listening . "

  16. 撒母耳就把这话传遍以色列地。

    And Samuel 's word came to all Israel .

  17. 撒母耳希伯拉语的意思是:被神听见。

    Samuel in Hebrew means : Heard of God .

  18. 他脱掉了自己的衣服,也在撒母耳面前受感说话。

    He stripped off his robes and also prophesied in Samuel 's presence .

  19. 耶和华又呼唤撒母耳。

    And the LORD called yet again , Samuel .

  20. 撒母耳说:“我在这里。”

    Samuel answered ," Here I am . "

  21. 撒母耳年纪老迈、就立他儿子作以色列的士师。

    When Samuel grew old , he appointed his sons as judges for israel .

  22. 撒母耳就使耶西和他众子自洁,请他们来吃祭肉。

    And he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice .

  23. 撒母耳的长子是约珥,次子是亚比亚。

    And the sons of samuel : the oldest joel , and the second abiah .

  24. 那时,撒母耳还是孩子,穿着细麻布的以弗得,侍立在耶和华面前。

    But Samuel was ministering before the LORD & a boy wearing a linen ephod .

  25. 至于撒母耳所说的国事,扫罗却没有告诉叔叔。

    But he did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about the kingship .

  26. 这时候撒母耳是以色列第16任士师,他也是先知。

    At this time Samuel was the16th Judge of Israel and a prophet of Israel .

  27. 撒母耳就照耶和华的话去行。

    Samuel did what the LORD said .

  28. 撒母耳作士师的时候,耶和华的手攻击非利士人。

    Throughout Samuel 's lifetime , the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines .

  29. 撒母耳便甚忧愁,终夜哀求耶和华。

    Samuel was troubled , and he cried out to the Lord all that night .

  30. 撒母耳听见百姓这一切话,就将这话陈明在耶和华面前。

    When Samuel heard all that the people said , he repeated it before the lord .