
  • 网络Salem
  1. 接下来他被叫做撒冷王。

    Next he 's called the King of Salem .

  2. 在撒冷有他的帐幕,在锡安有他的居所。

    In Salem also is his tabernacle , and his dwelling place in Zion .

  3. 他来到这个叫做撒冷的地方,恰巧就是耶路撒冷。

    And he comes to this placed called Salem , which just happens to be Jerusalem .

  4. 的名意是「仁义王」,而由他作王的城名叫「撒冷城」,「撒冷」的意思是平安。

    His name means'King of Righteousness'and he was king of the city of Salem which means peace .

  5. 他头一个名翻出来,就是仁义王,他又名撒冷王,就是平安王的意思。

    First , his name means'king of righteousness ' ; then also , 'king of Salem'means'king of peace . '

  6. 过了十四年、我同巴拿巴又上耶咯撒冷去、并带著提多同去。

    Fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem , this time with Barnabas . I took Titus along also .

  7. 创14:18又有撒冷王麦基洗德、带著饼和酒、出来迎接.他是至高神的祭司。

    And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine ; now he was a priest of God Most High .

  8. 什么地方能看得到跟她们相媲美的那种鲜艳呀,可说是找不到的,除非是到撒冷去,据说,在那里,年青姑娘都发散着那种麝香的气息,

    Elsewhere match that bloom of theirs , ye cannot , save in Salem , where they tell me the young girls breathe such musk ,

  9. 约翰在靠近撒冷的哀嫩也施洗,因为那里水多。众人都去受洗。

    And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim , because there was much water there : and they came , and were baptized .

  10. 无疑,对于那些在40年前的6月份庆祝耶鲁撒冷再统一及犹太教圣地回归的人而言,道德威胁是他们最后想到的事情。

    The moral threat was doubtless furthest from the minds of those celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem , and the return of Judaism 's holiest sites , 40 years ago next month .

  11. 来七1这麦基洗德,撒冷王,至高神的祭司,就是那当亚伯拉罕杀败诸王回来的时候,迎接他,并给他祝福的。

    Heb . 7:1 For this Melchisedec , king of Salem , priest of the most high God , who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him .

  12. 亚伯拉罕也将自己所得来的取十分之一给他。他头一个名翻出来,就是仁义王,他又名撒冷王,就是平安王的意思。

    To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all ; first being by interpretation King of righteousness , and after that also King of Salem , which is , King of peace ;