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  • Mrs. Thatcher
  1. 我当时说;如果撒切尔夫人反对的话怎么办?

    I said , What if Mrs. Thatcher opposes it ?

  2. 他们仅仅希望撒切尔夫人击败希思先生。

    They only wanted Mrs. Thatcher to stop Mr. Heath .

  3. 他的挑战导致了撒切尔夫人的下台。

    His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down .

  4. 他对欧洲统一的执著追求在一定程度上促成了撒切尔夫人的下台。

    His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power .

  5. 撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、不轻易妥协的政治家。

    Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician .

  6. 撒切尔夫人现在国外,所以不能发表评论。

    Lady Thatcher , who is abroad , was not available for comment .

  7. 撒切尔夫人在美国要比在本国更受欢迎。

    Mrs Thatcher 's standing was much higher in the US than at home .

  8. 当撒切尔夫人任命他为苏格兰检察总长时,他是个完全没有从政经验的新人。

    He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate .

  9. 1979年撒切尔夫人首次大选获胜后,工党的路线明显左转。

    After Mrs Thatcher 's first election victory in 1979 , Labour moved sharply to the left

  10. 撒切尔夫人倒台的那一刻在世人的记忆中留下了永久的印痕。

    The moment Mrs Thatcher fell from power has left a lasting imprint on the world 's memory .

  11. 他们发现的这个基因叫做ABCC9,后被人以前英国首相撒切尔夫人的名字命名,戏称为“撒切尔基因”,因为撒切尔夫人以睡眠时间少而著称,每天的睡眠时间只有四个小时。

    The gene the team identified is called ABCC9 and has been nicknamed the " Thatcher3 gene " in honor of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher , famous for needing as little as four hours of sleep a night .

  12. 撒切尔夫人在35年前任反对党领袖时,创建了政策研究中心(centreforpolicystudies)来表述自由市场的好处。

    When Lady Thatcher was leader of the opposition 35 years ago , she founded the centre for policy studies to express the benefits of free markets .

  13. 现在她再次回到电影院,开始研究英国历史上的另一位标志性的人物:撒切尔夫人,梅丽尔•斯特里普在最近上映的电影《铁娘子》(IronLady)中饰了这个角色。

    She 's back in the movie theater studying another icon of British history : Margaret Thatcher , portrayed by Meryl Streep in Iron Lady .

  14. 在“全球40位改变世界的女性”榜单中,英女王、前首相撒切尔夫人和作家J·K·罗琳等均在榜单之列。

    The Queen , Margaret Thatcher and J.K. Rowling have been celebrated in a list of the top 40 women who changed the world .

  15. 当你身后坐着一个富有传奇色彩的前任时,统治国家从来都不是件易事&正如约翰•梅杰(JohnMajor)在90年代接替撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)之后所发现的那样。

    It is never easy to govern the country with a larger-than-life predecessor sitting behind you , as John Major found in the 1990s after succeeding Margaret Thatcher .

  16. 英国前首相撒切尔夫人(margaretthatcher)说过,汇率应是由市场来决定的事情。

    Margaret Thatcher , former UK Prime Minister , was right when she said that exchange rates were a matter for markets to decide .

  17. 特朗普每晚只睡四小时,就像撒切尔夫人、彼得雷乌斯将军、雅虎CEO玛丽莎•梅耶尔、和百事可乐CEO卢英德那样。

    Like Margaret Thatcher , General David Petraeus , Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Pepsi 's Indra Nooyi , Mr Trump sleeps only for four hours a night , his butler said .

  18. 说撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)在英国是有名的铁娘子,但中国国有媒体周二报道说,她曾经在中国遇到过对手。

    Margaret Thatcher may have been Britain 's ' Iron Lady , ' but in China , state-run media said Tuesday , she met her match .

  19. 或许需要一场真正的财政危机才能说服法国人,就像撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)曾说过的那样:别无选择。

    It may need a genuine fiscal crisis finally to persuade the French that , as Margaret Thatcher once put it : There is no alternative .

  20. 2007年尼古拉萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)当选法国总统时,曾私下支持自己是法国的撒切尔夫人这种观点。

    When Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of France in 2007 , he quietly encouraged the idea that he was the French version of Mrs Thatcher .

  21. 设计师艾萨克麦兹拉西(IsaacMizrahi)回想起撒切尔夫人与美国前总统里根(PresidentReagan)的友谊时说:上世纪80年代,我常与人打赌:撒切尔夫人与里根总统属于同一类人。

    Recalling her friendship with President Reagan , the designer Isaac Mizrahi says : In the 1980s I used to bet people that Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were the same person .

  22. 撒切尔夫人放弃了那顶帽子,却依然佩戴着珍珠项链,因为这是她于1953年生下双胞胎后,丈夫丹尼斯(Denis)给她的礼物。

    Mrs Thatcher surrendered the hats but not the pearls , which her husband Denis had given to her after the birth of their twins in 1953 .

  23. 自从英国前首相撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)17年前辞职以来,这是首相权力首次在大选之间易主。布莱尔随后前往白金汉宫觐见女王,正式引退。

    In the first handover to a new prime minister between elections since Margaret Thatcher 's resignation 17 years ago , Mr Blair then travelled to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen and formally stand down .

  24. 前英国首相撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)周一因中风去世,终年87岁。在发生多次轻微中风之后,她于2002年退出公众视线,此后只是偶尔公开露面。

    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who died Monday from a stroke at age 87 retired from public engagements in 2002 following a series of small strokes , and was only occasionally seen in public since then .

  25. 最后一次以首相身份访问米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)主政的俄罗斯时,撒切尔夫人挖苦道,新任莫斯科市长似乎是她本人的经济学导师米尔顿弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)的信徒。

    On her last visit as prime minister to Mikhail Gorbachev 's Russia , Mrs Thatcher noted wryly that the new mayor of Moscow seemed to be a disciple of her own economic guru , Milton Friedman .

  26. 上次大选你是否投了撒切尔夫人的票?

    Did you vote for Mrs Thatcher in the last election ?

  27. 顺便说一下,撒切尔夫人也没有发明吉百利片。

    Incidentally , Thatcher didn 't invent the Cadbury Flake either .

  28. 撒切尔夫人曾宣称不再印钞。

    Mrs Thatcher once proclaimed that printing money is no more .

  29. 约翰梅杰接替撒切尔夫人做了首相。

    Mrs Thatcher was succeeded as prime minister by John maior .

  30. 撒切尔夫人推崇美国的自由企业。

    Mrs Thatcher venerated the free enterprise of the US .