
Liú Bèi
  • Liu Bei; founder of Han kingdom in the Three Kingdoms era
  1. 一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好机会。

    Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity .

  2. 刘备形象与传统君主理想

    The image of Liu Bei and the traditional ideal about monarch

  3. 刘备手下有一个将军名叫赵云,十分勇猛。

    Liu Bei had a very brave general named Zhao yun .

  4. 道德形象的文化冲突与理想重塑&兼论刘备等形象的电视剧改编

    The Cultural Conflict and the Ideal Re-portrayal of Moral Figures

  5. 有次打仗,刘备缴获一匹名叫“的卢”的千里马。

    Liu Bei captured an excellent horse in a battle .

  6. 他一个人去寻找刘备的夫人和儿子阿斗。

    He went to look for lady Liu and ah Dou himself .

  7. 原来诸葛亮要他四处宣扬刘备成亲的事。

    The first step was to publicize Liu bei 's marriage everywhere .

  8. 群众就是孔明,领导者就是刘备。

    The masses are Chukeh liangs , the leaders are Liu peis .

  9. 刘备和关羽都说:“真是太好了”。

    " A great idea !" agreed Liu Bei and Guan yu .

  10. 刘备带一千人马作后援。

    Liu Bei was given 1000 troops as the back up force .

  11. 刘备、张飞请他一同饮酒。

    Liu and Zhang invited him to join them .

  12. 深入挖掘这些个性性格特征,对于我们准确定位刘备这一主要人物形象具有重要意义。

    Exploring his individual character is important for us to define the main character .

  13. 刘备抓了抓头皮,回答说:他们说我是乡巴佬。

    Sratching his head , Liubei answered , They said I am a clodhopper .

  14. 婚后,刘备一直住在东吴。

    After the wedding ceremony , Liu Bei stayed in the state of Wu .

  15. 刘备文学形象和历史形象大异其貌之文化成因

    On the Cultural Reason of Liu Bei 's Different Literary Image and Historical Image

  16. 刘备、纪灵都吓了一跳。

    Both Liu and Ji got a fright .

  17. 赤壁之战后,协助刘备平定荆南。

    After Battle at the Red Wall , assists Liu Bei to still Jing Nan .

  18. 论《三国演义》中刘备丰富多彩的哭

    On LIU Bei 's Variety of " Crying " in Romance of the Three kingdoms

  19. 诸葛亮醒后,见刘备站在床前,非常感动。

    When Zhuge woke up and saw him , he was moved by his sincerity .

  20. 浅析《三国演义》中刘备的领导艺术

    An analysis of LIU Bei 's leadership skill in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  21. 刘表手下有一人颇懂相马术,言此马有妨主之相,劝刘表将马还给刘备。

    Following the expert 's advice , Liu Biao returned the horse to Liu Bei .

  22. 战斗中,刘备的妻子和儿子阿斗都不见了。

    In the battle , Liu bei 's wife and son ah Dou were lost .

  23. 刘备名言:兄弟如手足、妻子如衣服。

    Liu Bei said that the brothers is arms and legs and wife is clothes .

  24. 刘备称帝后不久,病死在白帝城,临死前将蜀国的大权都交给了诸葛亮。

    Not long after he proclaimed himself emperor , Liu Bei died of illness in Baidicheng .

  25. 但是关羽始终以义气为重,对刘备忠贞不渝。

    But Guan Yu remained unmoved , putting his loyalty to Liu Bei before all else .

  26. 208年,周瑜和刘备领导他们的军队抗击曹操。

    In 208 , Zhou Yu and Liu Bei led their forces to fight Cao Cao .

  27. 刘备考虑到自己兵力不足,也写信求助吕布。

    Liu , on the other hand , wrote l ü a letter asking for assistance .

  28. 刘备“三顾茅庐”的故事就是发生在古隆中。

    The story of " Three Visits to the Hut " happened in Gu Long Zhong .

  29. 刘备是《三国演义》中争议比较大的人物形象之一。

    This paper analyses a contentious and complicated character , Liu Bei , in The Three Kingdom .

  30. 刘备就让关羽和张飞守在门口,自己站在床边等他醒来。

    Liu let Guan and Zhang stand at the door , and he stood by the bed .