
  1. 经济学家刘国光的文章引起了社会上多方面的关注和争议。

    An article written by economist Liu Guojia has brought in great disputes .

  2. 访中国社会科学院特邀顾问、著名经济学家刘国光

    Interview with Liu Guoguang , famous economist and special adviser to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  3. 第五章刘国光对再生产理论和综合平衡思想的丰富与发展。

    Chapter five Liu Guoguang produces enriching and development of the theory and overall balance thought to regeneration .

  4. 刘国光教授认为西方经济理论没有对中国经济改革起到过指导作用,这种观点是不符合历史事实的。

    Professor Liu Guo-guang believes that Western economic theory has not played a guiding role in economic reform in China .

  5. 西方经济理论对中国经济改革与发展的影响&与刘国光教授商榷

    The Impact of Western Economic Theory on Economic Reform and Development in China & A Discussion with Professor Liu Guo-guang

  6. 中国社会科学院特邀顾问、著名经济学家刘国光日前谈了看法。

    Noted economist and special adviser to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently expressed his views on this question .

  7. 一些人把刘国光教授关于加强马克思主义经济学教学和研究的意见说成反对改革,这是不能成立的。

    It is not tenable that some people take Professor Liu Guo-guang 's opinions about strengthening the teaching and studying of Marxist economics as opposing reform .

  8. 马克思主义经济学是中国经济改革的理论基石&兼评有关刘国光7.15讲话的某些批评意见

    Marxist Economics Is a Theoretical Cornerstone for China 's Economic Reform & Also on some Criticizing Opinions about " Liu Guo-guang 's Speech on July 15 "

  9. 刘国光是一个科班出身的经济学家,并且是西方市场经济思想和马克思主义经济思想共同锻造的经济学家。

    Liu Guoguang is the economist of a professionally trained , and the economist that the thought of western market economy and Marxism economic thought forged together .

  10. 刘国光认为,从粗放型增长向集约型增长是现代经济增长的一个历史趋势,且有一定的阶段特征。

    Liu noted that the transformation from an extensive to an intensive economic growth mode represents a historical trend of economic development and has a certain periodical features .