
  • 网络york;Yorke;Yorkshire;Dwight Yorke
  1. 在约克,我们稍作停留,吃了点东西。

    In York we had a short stop for refreshment .

  2. 这个村庄位于约克正北五英里处。

    The village lies five miles due north of York .

  3. 他是在约克还是什么地方上的学。

    He went to school in York or somewhere .

  4. 他们不久以前还住在约克。

    Until recently they were living in York .

  5. 去约克的单程票多少钱?

    How much is a single to York ?

  6. 开车到约克不会超过一小时。

    York was within an hour 's drive .

  7. 这列火车直达约克。

    This train goes straight through to York .

  8. 有1,000多人围着约克谷地骑行了100英里。

    Over 1000 riders cycled 100 miles around the Vale of York .

  9. 在孩子们眼中,约克小屋最像一个安定的家。

    York Cottage was as near to a permanent home as the children knew

  10. 我最终进了约克大学。

    I eventually got a place at York University

  11. “你们以前去过约克吗?”“是的,去过。”

    ' Have you been to York before ? ' — ' Yes we have . '

  12. 她被任命为约克市邮政局局长。

    She was appointed postmaster of the city of York .

  13. 约克大学的研究团队对来自全英国83个诊所的691位抑郁症患者进行了随机的对照实验。

    A team of researchers from the University of Y ork conducted a randomized control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England .

  14. 于是他开始同英国减肥权威纳撒尼尔·E·约克戴维斯医生深入交流,以减掉自己身上那些肥嘟嘟的脂肪。

    that he began corresponding with Dr. Nathaniel E. Yorke-Davies , an English weight-loss guru .

  15. 两年后,他搬到了多伦多的约克大学(yorkuniversity),这样他就可以在一个顶尖的金融中心工作。

    He then moved to York University in Toronto two years later so he could work in a leading financial centre .

  16. 约克公爵安德鲁王子(princeandrew,dukeofyork)再有15分钟就该到了,而我此刻正为一件严重违反礼仪的事情烦恼。

    Fifteen minutes before the Duke of York is due to arrive , and I am fretting about a serious breach of protocol .

  17. 富国银行(WellsFargo)的亚当约克(AdamYork)表示:我想看看这是否只是一个月的反弹,还是真正的趋势。

    I 'd like to see if this is just a one-month bounce or an actual trend , said Adam York , at Wells Fargo .

  18. KeithHartley在英国约克大学国防经济学中心工作。

    Keith Hartley is from the Centre for Defense Economics at Britain 's University of York .

  19. 你可能会认为,就一项社会计划进行试验要比在医学领域困难得多,但约克大学试验研究组(yorktrialsunit)主任托格森却告诉我,事实恰恰相反。

    You might think it is far harder to run a trial on a social programme than in medicine , but torgerson , director of the York trials unit , tells me the opposite is true .

  20. 约克大学(YorkUniversity)舒立克商学院(SchulichSchoolofBusiness)毕业生2015年(该校上榜的最后一年)的平均薪资为8.7万美元,比2002年的8.8万美元还低。

    Alumni from Schulich School of Business at York University had a smaller average salary in 2015 at $ 87000 - the last year the school was ranked - than in 2002 , when it was $ 88000 .

  21. 2008年约克公爵Andrew透露说,皇室成员是不能玩大富翁游戏的,因为“太邪恶了”。

    In2008 , Prince Andrew , Duke of York , said that the Royal Family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home " because it gets too vicious " .

  22. Dyn首席战略官凯尔.约克(KyleYork)表示,该公司与执法机构仍在调查这次攻击的幕后黑手。

    Kyle York , Dyn 's chief strategy officer , said the company , alongside law enforcement agencies , was still investigating who was behind the attack .

  23. 约克大学(yorkuniversity)计算机科学讲师克里斯金布尔(chriskimble)表示,能够通过电子手段完成的工作非常有限,因此必须进行“现实空间”的交流。

    There is a limit to what can be accomplished electronically before interaction in " meatspace " must take place , says Chris Kimble , a lecturer in computer science at York University .

  24. 数月前,我长途跋涉来到位于纽约州约克城高地的IBM研究实验室的林间园区,为的就是能早早一窥那近在眼前却让人期待许久的人工智能的未来。

    A few months ago I made the trek to the sylvan campus of the IBM research labs in Yorktown Heights , New York , to catch an early glimpse of the fast-arriving , long-overdue future of artificial intelligence .

  25. 这类攻击的数量和类型、持续时间和规模,以及复杂性,都在上升,首席策略官凯尔.约克(KyleYork)说。

    The number and type of attacks , the duration and the scale , and the complexity of these attacks are all on the rise , said Kyle York , chief strategy officer .

  26. 上周六受到长时间的等待出租车,司机必须证明其在前线圣W。警察检查站身份证照片,去皇家约克酒店,多伦多电视塔和地铁会展中心。

    O.on Saturday were subject to lengthy waits for taxis , whose drivers had to show photo ID at police checkpoints on Front St.W. , to get to the Royal York Hotel , CN Tower and Metro Convention Centre .

  27. 约克说,因为依赖于Dyn服务的客户,Dyn通常是互联网的第一响应者。

    Mr York said because of the customers that relied on it Dyn was often the first responder of the internet .

  28. 来自多伦多约克大学的EllenBialystok解释道,双语儿童在执行行动优先排序的任务时表现比单语儿童要好。

    Ellen Bialystok , from Toronto 's York University , explained that bilingual children are better at tasks than .

  29. 在约克城高地的IBM实验室里,我享用了这道菜,也吃了另一款由沃森创造出的美味菜肴:瑞士/泰式芦笋乳蛋饼。

    For lunch at the IBM labs in Yorktown Heights I slurped down that one and another tasty Watson invention : Swiss / Thai asparagus quiche . Not bad ! It 's unlikely that either one would ever have occurred to humans .

  30. 史密斯说,“我感觉就像为了逃命在不停地全速奔跑。”18岁的史密斯是个高中生,家住附近的约克城(Yorktown),他在学校参加过径赛和越野赛跑。

    I felt like it was just nonstop sprinting for my life , ' said the 18-year-old from nearby Yorktown .