
jué dòu shì
  • gladiator;wrestler
  1. 当一个爸爸坐下来,为他的儿子读故事,这本最应该是一天中最放松,最亲密,最亲切柔软的时刻,反而变成了这种角斗士般关于意志的争斗;

    And what should have been the most relaxing , the most intimate , the most tender moment of the day , when a dad sits down to read to his son , became instead this kind of gladiatorial battle of wills , a clash between my speed and his slowness .

  2. 照片中那些孩子气的滑稽搞怪动作,用指尖指着埃菲尔铁塔顶部,和竞技场上的角斗士雕像摆pose,对,现在你在拍照时也会学做这样的动作姿势。

    Those childish antics people get up to in pictures -- fingertips on the top of the Eiffel Tower , posing with fake gladiators at the Coliseum -- yep , you get to do them too now . 14 .

  3. 上面写着“铁笼角斗士大赛”

    It says ," battle of the lron cage gladiators . "

  4. “角斗士”的票已经告罄。

    The tickets for " Gladiator " have been sold out .

  5. 在罗马没有角斗士墓,没有墓碑。

    There are no Gladiator tombs in rome , no gravestones .

  6. 电影<<角斗士>>的制作者发现了一件有趣的事。

    The makers of the film Gladiator discovered an interesting thing .

  7. 是你内心的角斗士终于苏醒了

    It happened because your inner gladiator 's finally waking up .

  8. 在罗马,我有一些最好的角斗士和驾车者。

    I own some of the best gladiators and charioteers in rome .

  9. 有传闻说,角斗士泰安纳斯在保护他。

    Rumor has it , the Gladiator Tyrannus protects him .

  10. 毫无疑问,《角斗士》是本年度最成功的影片。

    Undoubtedly , Gladiator is the most successful film of the year .

  11. 在古罗马的角斗场上,角斗士与狮子搏斗。

    Gladiators fought with lions in the arena in Rome .

  12. 在罗马帝国时期,巴巴里狮曾被用于与角斗士搏斗。

    Barbary lions were used in combat against gladiators during the Roman Empire .

  13. 雷加把她从监狱里买了出来,然后给她进行角斗士训练。

    Reghar bought her from the jail and took her for Gladiator training .

  14. 逃出克隆岛。有点像角斗士。

    The island , it 's kinda like Gladiator .

  15. 但是角斗士的世纪却已经开始了。

    And the age of the Gladiator has begun .

  16. 伊莎贝尔望了一眼那个打败的角斗士。

    Isabel looked a moment at the vanquished gladiator .

  17. 船员由角斗士担任,打扮成当年战役中对立双方。

    crewed by gladiators dressed as the opposing sides of the recreated battle .

  18. 你干嘛穿的象角斗士一样?

    Why are you dressed as a gladiator ?

  19. 这让我想起历史上的角斗士。

    It makes me think of contemporary gladiators .

  20. 复仇角斗士的匕首的音效修正。

    The Vengeful Gladiator 's Rifle will now play the proper sound when used .

  21. 对很多角斗士来说,那是他们最后一次登高,因为他们再也不会出现了。

    For many gladiators that was their lastascentever , they would never arise again .

  22. 他们是元老们雇佣的角斗士。

    They 're gladiators hired by the senate .

  23. 一些角斗士挥舞着剑,护具则只是一面盾牌和一顶重盔。

    Some wielded swords , protected only with a shield and a heavy helmet .

  24. 过去的角斗士就是在这个竞技场展开殊死的搏斗。

    This is the arena in which gladiators used to lock in mortal combat .

  25. 竞技场盛大开幕,足足举行了一百天的欢庆盛典以及角斗士比赛,

    The grand opening was celebrated with 100 days of pageantry and gladiatorial games ,

  26. 角斗士迅速杀死了他的对手。

    The Gladiator quickly dispatched his opponent .

  27. 这部英雄传奇集战争和爱情于一体,在雷德利·斯科特(导演了《角斗士》)的执导下,一部浪漫的罗马史诗复活了。

    Scott revived the moribund Roman epic .

  28. 谁想成为角斗士?

    Who wants to be a gladiator .

  29. 古罗马的人们去圆形剧场观看演出和角斗士的表演。

    People in Roman times went to the Amphitheater to see plays and gladiator fights .

  30. 而主要的赛事则是角斗士的竞技。

    The main event was the gladiators .