
  • 网络degree measure
  1. 从小学阶段起,学生就开始学习使用角度制来度量角的大小。

    Students have been taught to use degree to measure angles since they were at elementary schools .

  2. 同时,学生对弧度制概念的理解很大程度上受到其对于角度制概念理解的影响。

    Meanwhile , students ' understanding of radian concept is greatly affected by their understanding of degree concept . 4 .

  3. 它是利用激光技术从物理的或化学的角度制备特殊陶瓷材料和满足陶瓷材料的特殊加工条件。

    The laser processing technology is used to make some special ceramic materials physically or chemically , and meets some special processing conditions for ceramic materials .

  4. 随着课程改革的日益深入,语义学语文试卷越来越不适应时代的发展和学生的实际,建立起语用学的语文考试体系、从语用的角度命制试题必将是文言文试题改革的方向。

    With the development of the course system reform day by day , test paper of semantics cannot meet the development of the times and students ' reality , so making examination question from the aspect of pragmatics will be a direction of the examination question reform in classical Chinese .

  5. 为了从控制晶体生长角度,说明制备纳米硫酸锶沉淀体系中存在的EDTA对产品粒径的影响作用,根据过程机理,用恒组成法研究硫酸锶晶体生长动力学。

    In order to illuminate the effect of EDTA on product size from crystal growth point of view , the crystal kinetics of SrSO_ ( 4 ) precipitation was investigated according to the mechanism preparing nano-SrSO_4 powder by method of constant composition .

  6. 因此,非常有必要寻找延长TS-1使用寿命的方法。本文从减缓TS-1积碳的角度出发,制备了两种不同的催化剂。

    As a result , it is of great importance to find ways to prolong the age of TS-1.In this paper , two kinds of catalysts have been made according to the viewpoint of easing down the carbon deposition of TS-1 .

  7. 从制度学派的角度看租佃制

    The tenancy system as seen as from the institutional school

  8. 本文从一个新的角度&会计制序角度来探讨一些会计理论问题。

    This paper discusses some problems of accounting theory from a new angle & accounting institution .

  9. 进风角度对钢制椭圆翅片管散热器热力阻力特性的影响

    Effect 0f air flow direction on heat transfer and resistance performance of elliptical finned tube heat exchanger

  10. 以不同角度刀具切制杨木刨片,并制成大片刨花板,对刨片的流变和强度性能及刨花板性能进行了测定和研究。

    Poplar wood was cut into flakes with which flakeboards then were made and board properties were determined .

  11. 本文首先从企业成本管理的角度,对制造型企业环境成本核算进行研究。

    In this paper , first , studies the environmental cost accounting of manufacturing corporations in terms of cost management .

  12. 尝试从材料设计的角度出发,制备了一种具有一定抗高温性能和易再水化修复性能的砂浆,并研究了其作用机理。

    A kind of mortar with fire resistance and easy to rehydrated repair performance is prepared in this experiment and its mechanism is studied .

  13. 西方主流经济学家从反对任何形式的计划经济的角度否定公有制和市场经济的结合。

    From the Angle against any form of planned-economy system , western mainstream economists denied the rationality of the combination of public ownership and market economy .

  14. 对多孔玻璃的制备工艺原理作了论述,并从玻璃组成、热处理时间和温度、酸度处理以及掺杂等角度阐述了制备工艺中影响孔径大小和分布的因素。

    The principle of production and the effects of glass composite , the temperature and time of heating treatment , acid treatment and additive on pore radiuses and distribution of porous glass are studied .

  15. 再次,在建立会计制序概念的基础上,我们进一步讨论了会计制序的演进过程,从而从纵向的角度对会计制序有了更深的认识,并且也对会计发展史有了新的见解。

    Thirdly , on the basis of accounting institution , we discuss the evolution of accounting institution and recognize accounting institution more deeply from the vertical angle and have a new idea about accounting development .

  16. 该章从历史溯源的角度对陪审制在英国的起源及基本雏形、陪审制在英属殖民地的传播与发展以及陪审制在欧洲大陆的传播发展进行了比较详尽和深入地研究。

    In the perspective of history , this chapter put emphases on the origin and the rudiment of system of Jury in England , as well as the spreading and the development in British colonies and the European continent .

  17. 在不扰动混凝土微观结构的前提下,根据不同要求,利用扫描电镜,从不同角度对上述制样进行观察,获得清晰的微观图像,以便进一步分析研究混凝土的微观结构。

    These samples above will be observed through scanning electron microscope , from various angles , according to different demands , to acquire distinct images for further research on micro-structure in HSC without disturbance of the concrete structure . 3 .

  18. 马克思从主客体及其相互关系的角度考察所有制,是马克思所有制理论的重要内容之一,对于正确判断所有制的性质和类型具有十分重要的意义。马克思所有制理论若干范畴译名与释义考辨

    Marx 's study of ownership from mutual relation between subject and object is significant for judging correctly the character and type of ownership . A Critical Examination of the Translated Terms and Relevant Explanations of Several Categories of Marx 's Theory of Ownership

  19. 首先从理论计算和模拟的角度上证明了制备纳米Ni/微米TiB2包覆颗粒的可行性。

    The possibility of creating nano-Ni / micro-TiB_2 coated particle is approved by theoretical calculation and simulation .

  20. 从经济学角度谈医院所有制改革的难点

    Difficult points in hospital ownership reform from an economic perspective

  21. 从产权角度重新认识公有制的本质内涵与实现形式

    Understanding the Essential Connotation and Ways of Realizing Public Ownership in Perspective of Property Rights

  22. 从会计信息失真角度谈权责发生制与现金流动制的运用

    Analyzing the use of accrual basis and cash flow basis : form distortion of accounting information

  23. 还可以从关系的角度,研究所有制与分配制度、与产业结构调整、与资源配置的关系等等。

    The study of the relationships between assign system and the adjustment of industrial structure is also an appropriate example .

  24. 本文从实际应用角度介绍了钢制板式散热器在世方豪庭项目成功使用的经验。

    From a view of practical application , this article introduces the successful experience of using steel panelradiators in the Century Hill project .

  25. 本文从电极表面和铝合金工件表面两种角度出发,寻找制备涂层材料,以延长电极的使用寿命。

    From the point of the electrode surface and the aluminum alloy work piece surface , coating materials are sought and prepared to prolong the electrode life .

  26. 本文试图在前人研究的基础上,从一个新的角度来探讨科举制的废除对农村精英的影响。

    On the basic of the former study , the thesis is trying to probe into how the rural elite was under the influence of the abolishment of imperial examinations system .

  27. 第三部分考察通胀目标制的基本理论,在总结了实施通胀目标制各国的经验基础上,从理论的角度阐述通胀目标制的实施环境、基本框架和操作要领。

    Chapter 3 makes a comparative study of some related theories of inflation targeting , to elaborate the implement environment , basic frame and the operation theme of inflation targeting theoretically .

  28. 并从新药研发主体角度对我国制药业进行专门的研究,使我国制药业的企业对我国制药业的研发现状有一个清晰的认识。

    And from the perspective of drug research subject in the pharmaceutical industry , devoted to the enterprise of our country in pharmaceutical research and development status of Pharmaceuticals have a clear understanding .

  29. 构建一个静态博弈框架,通过博弈模型来分析合作制保险中政府、农户和农业保险合作社(相互会社)之间的利益关系选择,即从均衡的角度来考察合作制农业保险。

    We constructed a static framework of game theory to analyse cooperation form in the insurance . The choice among farmers , government and agricultural cooperatives ( mutual clubs ) leads to two Nash-balances .

  30. 从交易费用的角度看,合作制对于降低农村信贷市场交易费用具有明显的优势,是一种适合我国当前农村经济实际的金融产权制度。

    This article holds the opinion that the cooperative institution has an advantage in reducing the transaction cost in the rural credit market , and the cooperative is a suitable property institution for rural areas .