
jiǎo pín lǜ
  • angular frequency
  1. ,角频率是,点P的转动惯量。

    And angular frequency is the square root inertia about point P.

  2. 这是个恒量,这是角频率,ω等于,的平方根,因此,of,g,over,R,,and,so,the,period,震荡的周期等于2π,乘以R/g的平方根。

    This is a constant , this is angular frequency and this omega equals the square root g / R of the oscillation is two pi times the square root of R over g.

  3. 每种滤波功能的特征角频率ω0都能由接地电容调节,而品质因数Q可由接地电阻单独调节。

    The natural frequency ω _0 can be adjustable by a grounded capacitor . The quality factor Q can also be independently controlled by a grounded resistor .

  4. 当角频率为ω的平面波垂直入射到等离子体鞘层时,导出振幅反射系数R及振幅透射看数T的解析表达式。

    For plane electromagnetic wave with angular frequency ω incident normally upon the surface of this layer , the expressions of the amplitude-reflection coefficient R and amplitude-transmission coefficient T are derived .

  5. 分析表明,在一定深度裂纹下,转子系统响应随不同角频率比表现出复杂的非线性现象,出现了周期k运动、拟周期运动和混沌运动等多种运动形式。

    It indicates that complicated nonlinear phenomena at different angular frequencies appear as the shaft crack gets a certain depth , such as period-k motion , quasi-periodic motion and chaos motion .

  6. 先测定一个于波标准到达时间的相位移曲线,并与实际记录比较,求出子波延迟时间t和相位移r以及角频率ω;

    Standard phase shift curves of a wavelet are determined , then compared with real seismic wavelet so as to pick the delay time t , phase shift r and circular frequency ω;

  7. 利用MATLAB进行仿真分析,得到了关于角频率的分岔图、相图及庞加莱截面图,分析了其对系统振动特性的影响。

    The bifurcation diagram , track curve and poincare mapping are obtained by means of MATLAB software . The effect of circumrotation velocity on the non-linear vibration characteristic of the system is analyzed .

  8. △W是角频率与中心频率的偏离值。基因频率:指某一特殊类型的等位基因在群体中所有等位基因总数中所占的比率。

    △ W is the radian frequency deviation from the center frequency . Gene frequency The proportion of an allele in a population in relation to other alleles of the same gene .

  9. 它以下面的方式摆动:,ωt,y,equals,y,max,times,the,cosine,of,omega,+π,这是角频率,和周期直接相关。

    And it 'll oscillate in the following way : y = ymax * cos t plus phi , then this is the angular frequency , which is directly related to the period .

  10. 每个基函数对应冕环中每根磁力线的一个固有角频率ωn,当冕环足点驱动频率等于磁力线的固有频率时,Alfvn波将在这根磁力线处发生共振。

    Every base function corresponds to an intrinsic angular frequency wn of every magnetic field line in coronal loops . Torsional Alfven wave resonance of a magnetic field line in coronal loops comes out when the driven angular frequency equals to its intrinsic angular frequency .

  11. 动态流变测试表明,STF具有粘弹性行为,储能模量()和耗能模量()随着所受剪切应力、角频率以及应变的改变而发生变化。

    The system showed viscoelastic behavior under dynamic rheological tests . The change of storage modulus and loss modulus with variation of shear stress , angle frequency and strain are reported .

  12. 匹配Z变换是将模拟控制器变为数字控制器的一种数字化方法,若模拟控制器的复数零点的虚部ω0大于采样角频率ω的一半,这时数字控制器的频率特性将会产生严重混叠。

    Matched z-transform is a digital method by which analog controller is transferred to digital controller . If imaginary part ω 0 of zero of analog controller is more than one half of sampling frequency ω s , frequency response of the digital controller can be aliasing .

  13. 研究了Holmes型Duffing振子的混沌及间歇混沌运动,发现参考信号与摄动信号间的微小角频率差是振子产生间歇混沌的原因。

    The chaos and the intermittent chaos motions of the Holmes type Duffing oscillator are researched . It is founded that the tiny angular frequency difference between the referential signal and the disturbing signal is the reason of the intermittent chaos .

  14. 考虑到在角频率的最低阶近似IBM和IBFM的推转计算给出转动惯量的很好的估计,因此本文推广这一方法,研究转动惯量对高阶项的依赖关系。

    Considering that the IBM and IBFM cranking calculations in the lowest order of angular frequency can give reasonably good estimates for the moment of inertia , we extend them to study the dependence of the moment of inertia on the higher order terms .

  15. ω是角频率,是不变的。

    This omega is the angular frequency It is a constant .

  16. 二阶电路等幅振荡及其角频率测定

    Unattenuated oscillations in the second-order circuits and its angular frequency measurement

  17. 扰动力的角频率称为外加频率。

    The angular frequency of the disturbing force called the impressed frequency .

  18. 最小的特征值相当于最低固有角频率。

    The smallest characteristic value corresponds to the lowest natural angular frequency .

  19. 锕系变形核转动惯量及奇偶差随角频率变化的微观机制

    Microscopic Mechanism of Moments of Inertia and Odd-even Differences for Well-Deformed Actinide Nuclei

  20. 我们叫它角频率,单位是一样的。

    We call it angular frequency , and the units are the same .

  21. 用能量法求多自由度振动系统的角频率

    The angular frequency of many-degrees of freedom oscillation system obtained by energy method

  22. 准粒子剩余相互作用与旋转角频率的关系

    The relation of residual quasiparticle interaction to rotational frequency

  23. 这个ω我们叫做,角频率。

    This omega we call the angular frequency .

  24. 相干信号联合波达角频率估计的一种新型预处理方法

    A New Preprocessing Method for Joint DOA-Frequency Estimation in the Presence of Coherent Signals

  25. 这是角频率。

    That is the angular frequency .

  26. 弹簧质量对耦合摆小振动角频率的影响

    The effect of mass of a spring on the angular frequency of MINI-VIBRATION of coupling pendulum

  27. 动态测试下的流变性能既与应变也与角频率相关。

    The rheological properties under dynamic test are associated with strain and angular frequency . 2 .

  28. 高通滤波器的截止频率等于电机的同步角频率。

    The cut-off frequencies of the high-pass filter are set to the synchronous frequency of induction motor .

  29. 磁场中电子绕原子核运动角频率的变化

    On the Change of the Angular Frequency of an Electron Moving around the Nucleus in a Magnetic-field

  30. 平面波矢量及角频率在任意运动界面上的边界条件及其应用

    Boundary Conditions of the Plane Wave Vector and Angular Freguency on an Arbitrary Moving Interface and Its Applications