
  • 网络Role dislocation;dislocation of roles
  1. 本论文针对当前青少年性别角色错位问题作了具体研究。

    This thesis makes a concrete research about adolescent gender role dislocation .

  2. 另一方面政府和市场角色错位。

    On the other hand , government and the market play roles reversedly .

  3. 舆论监督主体角色错位的思考

    Main Body s Misplacement of Public Opinion Supervision

  4. 乡镇政府仍存在着机构重叠、人员臃肿、角色错位等弊端。

    Villages and towns government have organizational overlapping , personnel overstaffed , role reversal , etc.

  5. 部分农村干部角色错位、素质偏低是农村干群关系失和的关键;

    It is the key that some cadres have low qualities and act out of duty .

  6. 方法:通过对目前药店店员工作角色错位的分析,建立药店店员的销售方格理论。

    METHODS : Marketing Grid theory was put forward through analyzing the present wrong-position of drugstore clerk .

  7. 这直接导致了我国现在的行业协会性质不明、角色错位。

    This directly led to the nature of Chinese current trade association is unknown , the role of dislocation .

  8. 本部分主要包括社区领导者角色错位的表现以及错位的影响因素。

    This part mainly includes the performance of the community leader role dislocation and influencing factor of the dislocation .

  9. 亟待重塑见证形象&论新闻记者角色错位危机

    In urgent need to reshape the image of ' witness ' : On crisis of journalists ' role misplacement

  10. 新形势下,政府的角色错位对社会中介组织的发展产生了种种危害。

    During the different development periods of the Society Medi-organization , the government has changed its role three times successively .

  11. 第二章分析了当前房屋征收拆迁中政府角色错位的现状及原因。

    The second chapter analyzes the role of government in house demolition in the current status and causes of dislocation .

  12. 对高校图书馆部室主任角色错位的思考教研室主任的角色定位

    Considerations about the Mal-positioning of the Role of Department Directors of University Library Role of Head of the Teaching and Research Section

  13. 现实生活中职业与身份的分离产生社会实体性农民与制度设置性农民的角色错位;

    Thirdly , the separation of occupation and status produces the role dislocation of social entity farmers and the system establishment farmers in realistic life ;

  14. 在我国传统公共服务体制中,政府角色错位或缺位,使公共服务供给效率低下,无法满足公众的需求。

    With the traditional public service system , the dislocation or vacancy of the government can not meet the needs of the public and produce poor efficiency .

  15. 政企职能不分致使国有企业经理人角色错位和经营目标短期化;

    Because the government and enterprises ' function is not divided into the manager 's role reversal and operations objective achieved in a short time of state-owned enterprise ;

  16. 本文对我国地方政府在区域经济竞争中的角色错位进行总结归纳,深入研究了由于地方政府在区域经济竞争中的错位而带来的问题。

    The wrong place of local government behaving on region economy competition is embodiment at local government contesting for investment item , local protection , and blindness at attracting investment .

  17. 然后,针对政府的职能缺位和角色错位,要求政府在拆迁工作中树立正确的工作理念,找准角色定位。

    Then , for the absence of government functions and role of dislocation , asked the Government to work in demolition work to establish a correct concept , identify the roles .

  18. 因此,本文将以现代知识观为切入点,深入分析现代大学教师发生角色错位的原因,并提出解决的策略,以促进大学教师向教育者角色的回归。

    The paper analyses the reason of teacher 's role misplace deeply on the basic of modern knowledge theory and brings forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to promote teachers in university regression to pedagogue .

  19. 其中政府行为商业化和政府行政角色错位是引起这些冲突和问题的实质原因,如果这一问题不得到解决,会严重影响和谐社会的构建。

    That reflects the behavior of the government is getting commercial and role of government is in disorder . If the issue can not be properly handled , that can seriously affect the construction of a harmonious society .

  20. 作者认为:在越战后的数次战争中,有些记者身着军装,手持武器向敌人开枪,记者角色错位是危险产生的主要原因之一;

    During several battles after the Viet Nam war , some journalists , in uniforms and weapons , fired against the enemy . The author thinks that journalists ' role misplacement is one of the major reasons for danger ;

  21. 公众参与缺失的成因主要是社会主义初级阶段特定状况的制约、中国传统文化的负面影响、制度供给不足和规划师的角色错位。

    Public participation deficiency is caused mainly by the situation-specific restriction of the primary stage of socialism , the negative influence of the traditional Chinese culture , the institutional supply shortage and the mal-positioning of the role of planners .

  22. 国有企业经营者行为异化的原因主要在于委托-代理关系的矛盾、经营者人力资本保护性安排的缺失、经营者角色错位和权力异化。

    The behavioral alienation of executives in the state-owned enterprises is mainly caused by the contradictions in the principal-agent relationship , the flaws of protective arrangements for human capital , and the disposition of role and the alienation of power of executives .

  23. 本文认为目前江苏省区域间产业转移存在的突出问题表现在:一方面产业转移双方推动力和承接力不强;另一方面政府和市场角色错位。

    The writer argues that typical problems with the industry transference among regions in Jiangsu are : on one hand , the two sides are weak in propelling and receiving industry ; on the other hand , government and the market play roles reversedly .

  24. 大学生成长阶段正是这个人生的特殊期、迷惘期,又面临学业、就业等心理压力以及人际关系、爱情等成长的烦恼和困惑,容易角色错位,引发心理问题。

    The college students are in the special period of life , at the same time some other psychological stress like academic , employment , interpersonal relationship , love trouble , that easy to dislocate the role , and then cause the psychological problems .

  25. 第三部分:梳理和归纳我国法制新闻传播中存在的道德问题:传播内容的失实、报道的不公正、报道品位的低下、侵犯他人隐私、传播者的角色错位、越位与异化。

    Part three : it has combed and summed up the ethical problems existing in the communication of legal system news of our country such as propagating unfounded , inequity of report , low quality , invading personal secrets , role reversal , offside and alienation of disseminator .

  26. 第三,政府角色的错位制约着慈善事业的发展;

    Third , the government role 's dislocation is restricting philanthropy 's development ;

  27. 其次,这种原因还来自于控辩双方角色的错位带来的负面影响。

    Second negative influence caused by wrong roles of parties of prosecution and defense is another reason .

  28. 政府“角色”错位?导致经济适用房生出不适之症?

    Government " role " mistaken ? Housing options not lead to the application of the economic depression ?

  29. 社区领导者角色的错位表现主要是职责内角色与职责外角色错位,主要角色与次要角色错位,新角色与传统角色错位。

    The performance of the community leader role dislocation include , the dislocation in responsibility outside role and responsibility role , the dislocation of the principal role and minor character , the dislocation of the new role and traditional role .

  30. 但仍存在如下突出的问题,一是公务员行政伦理角色发生错位,二是公务员的行政价值观发生扭曲,三是公务员的行政伦理行为发生失范。

    But there are still many problems . Firstly , there is dislocation of the civil servants ' administrative ethics roles . Secondly , the administrative values of the civil servants has distorted . Thirdly , there is anomie behavior of administrative ethics of civil servants .