
  • 网络relevance theory;principle of relevance
  1. 主要以关联理论为框架,从话语生成与理解的角度,讨论言语交际中话语标记语IMean的语用功能,以此揭示自然语言交际的动态性,说明加强话语标记语研究的重要性。

    This essay is based on the relevance theory . The pragmatic function of the discourse marker " I mean " is discussed by means of discourse origin and discourse understanding so that the importance of discourse markers is emphasized in language research .

  2. Gutt最先将关联理论运用于翻译研究,它在该领域展现出了强大的解释力。

    Relevance theory was first applied to translation studies by Gutt and has since demonstrated great interpretive power .

  3. 话题熟悉程度、语言水平和问题类型对EFL听力理解的影响:一项基于图式理论和关联理论的实验研究

    The Effects of Topic Familiarity , Proficiency Level and Question Type on EFL Listening Comprehension : ST and RT Perspectives

  4. Wilson的关联理论,对疑问句中的说话人意义(意向)的尝试性确定和推断,指出:虽然关联理论还不完善,但它仍不失为确定语句中说话人意向的有效理论。

    Wilson , applied in interrogative sentences , pointing out that although relevance theory is incomplete , it is an effective theory for the study of speaker 's attitude .

  5. 鉴于关联理论和Grice的会话含义理论的密切关系,文章在解释随意言谈时,选择了从Grice的会话含义理论及其合作原则开始。

    As relevance theory is developed from Grice 's conversational implicature theory , the understanding of loose talk is firstly viewed in Grice 's sense .

  6. 以男子400m项目为例,应用灰色关联理论对每百米分段成绩进行分析,为男子400m运动员在训练和比赛中合理分配体能提供参考;

    Taking men 's 400m running for example , the paper analyses the result of every division of 100m , and provides some reference for men 's 400m running in their training and competition .

  7. 关联理论从认知学的角度阐述并修正了Grice的会话理论,提出语言交际是一个认知过程,即明示-推理模式,从而给语用学研究开拓了新的视野。

    The Theory of Relevance has revised Grice 's Conversational Implicature from the viewpoint of Cognitive Science . It points out that language communication refers to a mode of cognitive inference , therefore , it is a new approach to the study of pragmatics .

  8. 本文在第一章中回顾了国内外英语广告双关语翻译的主要发展情况。同时,也特别指出了以ErnstGutt为代表的学者们认为在关联理论中文本和语境之间的关联性要加以重视。

    In the Chapter One , review about the major development of the translation of puns in English advertisements home and abroad has been stated , meanwhile , Ernst Gutt pointed out that in the relevance theory the relevance of the text and its context should be emphasized enough .

  9. 关联理论认为人的交际模式应为明示&推理交际。

    The Relevance Theory argues that communication is ostensive - inferential .

  10. 从关联理论看语篇语境效果的取得

    The Achievement of Textual Contextual Effects from the Relevance Theory Perspective

  11. 本文是从关联理论的角度解读戏剧对白的翻译。

    This paper provides the relevance-theoretic account of translating dramatic dialogue .

  12. 关联理论的使用能保证交际的成功。

    The usage of relevance theory guarantees the success of communication .

  13. 辩证性&关联理论的翻译本体论阐释

    The Ontological Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  14. 关联理论的认知语境观及其对阅读教学的启示

    The Relevance-theoretical Approach to Context and Its Implications for Teaching Reading

  15. 并以关联理论为依据,提出了相应的翻译原则与策略。

    And some correlative translation principles and approaches are put forward .

  16. 关联理论与会话含意理论比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Relevance Theory and the Theory of Conversational Implicature

  17. 关联理论在文学翻译实践中的应用

    Application of Relevance Theory to the Practice of Literary Translation

  18. 关联理论对同义反复的阐释

    An Application of Relevance Theory to the Analysis of Tautology

  19. 关联理论与王维禅诗英译

    On Relevance Theory in the Translation of Wang Wei 's Chan Poetry

  20. 从关联理论的视角看比喻的理解与翻译

    Metaphor Comprehension and Translation & From Relevance-Theoretic Point of View

  21. 水力自控翻板闸门泄流水力关联理论

    Hydraulic Correlative Discharge Theory of Automatic Turning Gate Controlled by Hydraulic Pressure

  22. 接着,本文介绍了关联理论。

    On the following , this thesis introduces relevance theory .

  23. 小议两种语境观的互补性&系统功能语言学与关联理论的语境观

    On the Mutual-Complementarity of Two Contexts & Systemic-functional Grammar and Relevance Theory

  24. 从关联理论视角论语用翻译

    On Pragmatic Translation : A Study from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  25. 关联理论、常规关系与跨文化阅读理解

    Relevance Theory , Stereotypical Relation and Cross - Cultural Reading

  26. 用新的灰关联理论模型分析嵌岩桩承载特性

    Analyze bearing characteristics of socketed pile with new grey relationship theory model

  27. 关联理论为话语标记语的研究提供了新的视角。

    The relevance-theoretical approach provides a new perspective to analyze discourse markers .

  28. 关联理论是语用学三大理论之一,也是语用学中最具影响的理论之一。

    Relevance Theory is one of the most significant theories in pragmatics .

  29. 关联理论的幽默观

    Explanation of Humor from the Viewpoint of Relevance Theory

  30. 合作原则与关联理论之比较观

    A Comparison of the Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory