
dì sān rén chēng
  • third person
第三人称 [dì sān rén chēng]
  • [third person] 指记叙、抒情一类文章中,叙述人不出现在作品中,而是以旁观者的身份出现,是第三人称

  1. 一方面,need可用作实义动词,此时它的用法跟其他动词一样:第三人称单数作主语时加s,疑问句和否定句用do来构成。

    On the one hand , it can be used as an ordinary verb and has the same forms as an ordinary verb . The third person singular ends with an s , and questions and negatives are formed with do .

  2. 除了现在时第三人称单数后面那个讨厌的s以外(sheruns),不管你谈到谁,动词形式保持不变。

    Apart from a pesky s at the end of the present tense third person singular ( she runs ), verbs remain unchanged no matter who you are talking about .

  3. 你母亲的父亲是你的外祖父。father是主语,grandpa是主语补语,都是第三人称、阳性、主格。

    Your mother 's father is your grandpa .

  4. Dai现在用第三人称说自己了?

    Dai speaks about himself in the third person now ?

  5. 这是款第三人称动作冒险游戏,靠你的行动来推动故事剧情,以及一些互动3D图像。

    This is the third-person action under subsection adventure game , by your actions to promote the plot , as well as interactive3D images .

  6. 英汉语(第三人称)强势反身代词(IR)被认为是一种代词性反身代词,不同于真正的、语法化了的反身代词。

    The third-person intensive reflexives ( IRs ) in English and Chinese are normally taken to be'pronominal reflexives'unlike'real , grammaticalized'reflexives .

  7. 在这个模式里,你按R拔出近战武器就会进入第三人称视角,使你在战斗时看得更清楚。

    In this mode if you draw you melee weapon with the R button your view will switch to third person perspective in order to grant you some more awareness during combat situations .

  8. N2作为小句的主语(N2)可以是第三人称代词他,也可以是零形式。

    The subject of the embedded clause ( N2 ) can be the third personal pronoun " ta ", it can also be null .

  9. 小布什自从离任就一直低调,这回在Facebook上只更新了两次,都是用第三人称,以表明这是别人帮他更新的。

    Mr Bush , who has kept a low profilesince leaving the white House in2009 , has posted two comments so far , written in the third person , indicating someone else is updating the site .

  10. 如果算作两个,那么我们是否也要把它的变型也单独计算(例如:复数名词dogs,第三人称单数现在时dogs)?Dog-tired(筋疲力尽)算一个单词还是两个连在一起的单词?

    If we count it as two , then do we count inflections separately too ( e.g. dogs = plural noun , dogs = present tense of the verb ) . Is dog-tired a word , or just two other words joined together ?

  11. Dog究竟算一个单词还是两个(名词指一种动物,动词指长期跟随)?如果算作两个,那么我们是否也要把它的变型也单独计算(例如:复数名词dogs,第三人称单数现在时dogs)?

    Is dog one word , or two ( a noun meaning ' a kind of animal ' , and a verb meaning ' to follow persistently ' ) ? If we count it as two , then do we count inflections separately too ( e.g. dogs = plural noun , dogs = present tense of the verb ) .

  12. 人称代词的对比研究表明,ETT-C和ETT-B倾向于大量使用第三人称,但与ETT-C相比,ETT-B中使用了更多的第一和第二人称来缩短与读者的距离并建立与读者的互动。

    In terms of person pronoun , the third person pronoun is favored by both ETT-C and ETT-B. But compared with ETT-C , ETT-B use more first and second person pronouns to shorten the distance and establish interaction between the writers and readers .

  13. 使用第三人称书写简历。

    Writing the resume or cover letter in the third person .

  14. 英汉第三人称指示语的语用意义及对比

    The Comparison and the Pragmatic Meanings of the Third Person Deixis

  15. 第三人称叙事的视角关系

    The Relationship of the View - Points in Third-Person Fictional Narrative

  16. 汉语第三人称代词预指功能研究

    An Analysis of the Cataphoric Function of Third-Person Pronouns in Chinese

  17. 他用第三人称讲述了自己的故事。

    Speaking in the third person , he told his story .

  18. 施事成分出现的情况较少,大多为第三人称。

    There is less agent composition , mostly for the third person .

  19. 英汉第三人称代词回指话语分析

    Discourse Analysis of the Third Personal Pronominal Anaphora in English and Chinese

  20. 有时我会以第三人称跟自己说话。

    Sometime I speak of myself in the third person .

  21. 上古汉语第三人称代词考察

    A Investigation about the Third Person Pronouns in the Primitive Chinese Language

  22. 第三人称叙事的形式叙述者限定

    Restrictions for the Formal Narrator in the Third Person Narration

  23. 第三人称隐性指称的图式理解模式

    Interpreting the Implicit Reference of Third Person by Schema Theory

  24. 现代汉语第三人称代词的性别缺点及补正

    Third Personal Pronouns of Modern Mandarin : Flaws and Strategies

  25. 巩固动词单数第三人称的用法和动名词的用法。

    To review and reinforce the use of third person & gerund .

  26. 正式邀请书通常以第三人称的身分发出和接受。

    Formal invitations are usually issued and accepted in the third person .

  27. 第一或第三人称、初级或高级水平的文化测试。

    First or third person , literacy range from primal level to postdoctoral

  28. 汉语第三人称代词照应与法语相应结构的对比

    The Comparison of Third-person Pronoun Reference between Chinese and French

  29. 第三人称代词在深层回指中的应用分析

    An analysis of third person pronouns in deep anaphora

  30. 汉语普通话中第三人称代词的用法

    The Use of the Third-person Pronoun in Mandarin Chinese