
dì yì rén chēng
  • first person
第一人称 [dì yī rén chēng]
  • [first person] 在记叙、抒情一类文章中,叙述人以作品中人物的身份出现,以我自称的即第一人称。文中的我可以是作者,也不一定是作者

  1. 他的书总是采用第一人称叙述。

    His books are always first person narratives .

  2. 他用第一人称讲述了这个故事。

    He tells the story in the first person

  3. 主要特性:-一个第一人称3D射击;

    Main acteristics : - a first-person3D shooter ;

  4. 同时给出虚拟实时漫游中第一人称漫游和飞行漫游的一般方法,讨论了在Windows环境下使用OpenGL进行虚拟漫游的基本步骤。

    Meanwhile , Gives commonly method of first person and fly wandering , discussed basics steps of virtual wandering used OpenGL in Windows environment .

  5. 第一人称射击游戏,或者大型的我们称之为3A级的游戏,

    first-person shooters , or the big , what we would call AAA games ,

  6. 开着一部分花里胡哨的图形功能玩第一人称解谜游戏《传送门2》(Portal2)是没问题,但假如把这些功能全部开启,那就不行了。

    The first-person puzzle game portal 2 was solid with some of the graphics bells and whistles turned on , but much less so when we tried everything on full throttle .

  7. 该方法较大地提高了3D角色实时动态碰撞检测效率,可应用于第一人称射击游戏、3D角色模拟游戏、机器人寻径以及虚拟战术环境中。

    This method can be applied to the FPS ( First Person Shooting ) game , 3D Character simulation game , path-finding in Robotics as well as virtual tactics to improve efficiency of 3D articulated character collision detection .

  8. 在FPS(第一人称射击)游戏的世界里有很少创新。

    In the world of the first person shooter ( FPS ) video game there is very little innovation .

  9. 虽然游戏主要是一个第一人称射击游戏,变速箱设法在一个坚实的RPG游戏经验,以及补习班。

    While the game was primarily a first person shooter , Gearbox managed to cram in a solid RPG experience as well .

  10. 2005年,IBM发布了社会计算指南(socialcomputingguidelines)。该指南要求,员工在网上写作时应使用自己的名字,采用第一人称,并明确说明他们所说内容代表自己,而不是代表IBM公司。

    In 2005 , it published its social computing guidelines , which insist that employees write under their own names , using the first person , and make it clear they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of IBM .

  11. Facebook、Twitter或者博客上的大多数人都试着像奥威尔那样写作:他们使用日常语言,以第一人称口吻发表看法,而不是借看似渊博的专家之口。

    Most people on Facebook , Twitter or blogs try to sound like Orwell : they use everyday words , and speak in the subjective " I " rather than as some fake-omniscient expert .

  12. 因此,用第一人称复数指代B2B网站和第二人称指代读者能最好的实现B2B简介的人际功能。

    Therefore , the employment of first person pronoun to refer to B2B operating companies and second person pronoun to refer to users can best achieve the interpersonal function of B2B websites .

  13. 最后运用该图像引擎,结合创造性的运用C语言实现的部分面向对象思想以及部分设计模式,开发了一个基于移动BREW平台的第一人称射击游戏应用。

    Finally the use of the image engine , combined with creative use of C language implementation of the part of the object-oriented thinking as well as some design patterns , developed a BREW-based mobile platform first person shooter gaming applications .

  14. 我的很多学生常常惊讶于他们的老师能在在线第一人称射击游戏中狠狠教训他们,或者完全忘情于一个优秀的RPG游戏。

    My students always found it amusing that their teacher could kick their butts in online first-person shooters , or that he could lose himself in a good RPG .

  15. Wilhelmina想要我写篇第一人称的文�

    Wilhelmina 's making me write a first-person piece

  16. 几天以来,Stroud搬运遍及各处的摄影器材,以第一人称来记录他的旅程。

    For seven days , Stroud hauls his camera equipment around and documents his journey in the first person .

  17. 这款来自美国著名电子游戏软件制作室Bungie的第一人称射击游戏在全球已经售出超过5000万份。

    This first-person shooter from Bungie has sold over 50 million copies worldwide .

  18. 但在他记忆力依旧清晰的当年,他的女儿多萝西(Dorothy)曾经把他的录音回忆录誊写为一份48页的文件,美国华人博物馆以此为底本,制作了一份四分钟的第一人称叙述视频。

    But when his memory was still sharp , his daughter Dorothy transcribed 48 pages of his taped recollections , which became the basis of a four-minute first-person narrative produced by the museum .

  19. 在过去一年,我们不是第一人称射击类型最好,Techland的野生西主题的游戏站出来与它独特的故事内容,强大的显卡,以及设定。

    In a year that wasn 't the best for the first person shooter genre , Techland 's Wild West-themed game stood out with its unique story elements , solid graphics and a setting .

  20. 从第一人称看新时期女性叙事

    Female Narrative in New Period from " First Person " Perspective

  21. 学术论文中第一人称语气是代表全体作者

    First personal tone standing for all authors in an academic paper

  22. 汉英第一人称指示语的文化隐喻

    The Cultural Metaphor of First Person Deixis in Chinese and English

  23. 抄录和记忆句型与惯用语时,要用单数第一人称。

    Use I when you record or memorize sentences or words .

  24. 《祝福》中第一人称回顾性叙述及其效果

    The First Person Recalling Narration and Its Effect in Blessing

  25. 用第一人称来描述这些图片。

    Take out three pictures and describe the three students .

  26. 马塞尔是这部小说中的第一人称叙事者。

    Marcel is the first person narrator of the novel .

  27. 一开始是以第一人称的述。

    It starts out as a kind of first-person narrative .

  28. 它是书中一个叫赛弗里安的男子以第一人称来写的。

    It is written in first person by a man named Severian .

  29. 她在该小说中有机地把第一人称叙述法与全知叙述法结合起来;

    She organically merges the first person narration with the omniscient narration ;

  30. 第一人称单数的人称代词的斜格形式。

    Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular .