
jí pǔ sài yǔ
  • Romany;Gypsy
  1. 他不会罗马尼亚语,只会吉普赛语!

    He doesn 't speak romanian , he only speaks gypsy !

  2. 在养父母的养育之下,她学会了吉普赛语和摩尔多瓦语,上了一所俄语学校,然后又上了大学学习烹饪,毕业后成为了一名美发师。

    Under the guardianship of her adoptive grandmother she learned how to speak the gypsy language and Moldovan before going to a Russian language school and then college where she learned how to cook and become a hairdresser .

  3. 他是来跟我们学吉普赛语的!

    He came to stay with us to study romanes !

  4. 他不会说吉普赛语或者罗马尼亚语!

    He doesn 't speak Romanes or romanian !

  5. 吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同的单词。

    The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages .