
  • 网络behavior style;behavioral style
  1. 党政领导干部的行为风格与人格特点之间也存在显著的相关。

    Meanwhile , executives were more prone to be feminine and less masculine . Significant correlations were also found between personality and behavior style in executives .

  2. 这套机制深深嵌入会所内部,甚至普遍存在于娱乐行业长久以来形成的行为风格中,高效度却难以被当事人察觉。

    This set mechanism , effective but imperceptible , is " inserted into " the club deeply and even exist in the " behavior style " that has taken shape for a long time in the amusement industry .

  3. 承认自己有一个与生俱来的、本能的行为风格。

    Accept that you have an inborn , instinctive style of action .

  4. 绝大部分医药代表都知道,了解他们所负责拜访的医生的人格风格、行为风格是很重要的。

    Most reps realize the importance of understanding the social and behavioral styles of their doctors .

  5. 当然,你不可避免地会同那些本能行为风格和你不同的人打交道。

    Of course , you 'll inevitably interact with people whose instinctive patterns are different from yours .

  6. 人格是个体固有的思维方式与行为风格,它具有稳定性和独特性而且有别于他人。

    Personality is thinking pattern which is unique and static . Personality can distinguish someone from others .

  7. 四种行为风格

    The Four Behavioral Styles

  8. 一旦你知道自己的本能行为风格,采用”头脑风暴“得出让它为你效劳的途径,而不是让它与你背道而驰。

    Once you know your instinctive style , brainstorm ways to make it work for you , not against you .

  9. 在一些销售培训中,曾经问医药代表这样一个问题“在人格和行为风格中,哪种风格的医生,你们觉得最难打交道?”

    In my sales training workshops , I ask reps ," What social or behavioral styles do you have the most problems dealing with ?"

  10. 人格是稳定的、习惯化的思维方式和行为风格,它贯穿于人的整个心理,是人的独特性的整体写照。

    Personality is stable , habits of thinking and behavior styles , which runs through the whole human psychology , is one of the unique nature of the overall portrayal .

  11. 通过深度访谈和问卷探讨了基层党政领导干部的行为风格类型及其与自我和谐及工作绩效的关系。

    Extensive interviews , questionnaire inquiries , and other ratings were applied to investigate the behavior styles of local government executives and their relations with self-experience consistency and job performance .

  12. 第一个问题的研究结论是,成功创业者的创业心理由五个因子构成,分别是:心理动因因子、行为风格因子、资源整合因子、开创变革因子和自我特性因子。

    The conclusion of the first issue is that the entrepreneurial psychology of successful entrepreneurs is made up of five factors , namely : psychological motive factors , behavioral style factor , resource integration factor , reform factor and self-characteristic factor .

  13. 现从激励机制的方法与手段,领导管理行为风格方法与艺术,护理创新思维在护理管理中的应用,护理管理艺术与技巧方面综述了护理管理的方法。

    It reviewed the methodology of nursing management from aspects of the methods and measures of encouragement system , the styles methods and art of leading management behaviors , using of nursing creative thinking in nursing administration , and the art and skill of nursing administration .

  14. 她在乎个人的行为,风格和外在形象,但从不以自我为中心或者刻薄待人。

    She cares about her behavior , style and appearance , but is never self-centered or mean .

  15. 我们决定为桩API增加别名以与编写单元测试时所采取的行为驱动开发风格进行无缝集成。

    Development style of writing unit tests .

  16. 但你有没有想过,有一些领导者由于其树立的反面例子,也塑造了我们的行为和管理风格?

    But what about those leaders who shaped our behavior and management style because of the negative example they have set ?

  17. 这项课程是为帮助学生使用人类行为和领导风格的心理学和研究来领导组织。

    This course is designed to help student develop the skills needed for managing organization from the point of view using psychology and study of human behavior and leadership styles .

  18. 企业文化对企业发展的作用是毋庸置疑的,企业理财文化作为企业文化的一种亚文化影响着企业财务部门的理财行为与理财风格。

    It is beyond question that the function of Enterprise Culture to the development of the enterprise , as the substructure of the Enterprise Culture , Enterprise Financial Management Culture influences financing action and style of finance department .

  19. 课堂管理方式是教师在课堂教学活动中所表现出来的特定行为模式,是一种相对稳定的行为风格。

    The classroom management style is the special behavioral pattern of teachers displayed in the course of teaching .