
  1. 南朝国婚形态是东晋的继续和发展。门阀制度和人物风尚对南朝国婚影响甚大。

    Family status and persinalism are two factors to influence royal marriage in the South Dynasties .

  2. 其二,阐释门阀制度对家史撰述的影响。

    Secondly , this part explains the influence of the ancestry system on the compilation of lineage history .

  3. 这一制度在隋唐时期施行中的不完善,也是中国封建社会中在用人方面由贵族门阀制度向科举制度过渡时期的一种反映。

    The defect in implementation this system is the effect of transition from noble status system to imperial examination system .

  4. 试析门阀制度及左思、鲍照的诗歌对它的批判

    Trying to Expound a Family of Power and Influence System and Criticism on it from Zuo Si and Bao Zhao 's Poems

  5. 不过,此期的齐鲁史学从内容到形式都打上了门阀制度的烙印。

    But , the history of Qilu area was stamped a brand of the system of influential family on the content and style .

  6. 它们大都歌颂坚贞不渝的爱情,谴责封建礼教和门阀制度对妇女的迫害,并且经常运用写实手法来刻画人物性格和环境气氛,创造了一系列优美的妇女形象。

    These works create a series of beautiful women images by using realistic skills to depict characters ' personality and the environment atmosphere .

  7. 这一时期,由于门阀制度的确立及其高度发展,门阀士族的权势急剧上升并达到鼎盛。

    In that periods , with the establishment and high development of clique system , the aristocrats ' power and influence hoiked and reached the top .

  8. 南朝国婚门第观与人物观的变化反映了门阀制度和门阀士族走向衰微的历史趋势。

    The changes of matrimonial views of the south Dynasties , esp in the imperial circle , reflected the decline of family status and nobility system .

  9. 这些作品大都揭露封建婚姻制度的残酷,抨击封建礼教和门阀制度对妇女的迫害。

    Most of these works are devoted to expose the cruelty of feudal marital system , and criticize the persecution of women by feudal conventions and aristocratic morality .

  10. 何逊为官梁朝,虽然当时的门阀制度相对较松,但统治阶级仍然赐予士族特权,使他们高官厚禄。

    He Xun official Liang Dynasty , when the patriarch system is relatively loose , but the ruling class is still given the the Nobles privilege , so that they have high position and handsome salary .

  11. 分析了魏晋风度产生的阶级基础&门阀制度,重点论述了魏晋风度产生的时代背景,:1、残酷的社会动乱,儒家信仰危机;2、庄子诗性哲学思维的回归。

    Analysis of the class foundation of Wei and Jin have-powerful family system , with emphasis on the Wei and Jin background of the times ,: 1 , cruel social unrest , the Confucian belief crisis ; 2 , the poetic philosophy of thinking back .

  12. 这与士族门阀制度的衰亡、科举制度的不断完善以及商品经济的盛行等这些自唐后期开始出现变化的社会大背景有着密切的关系。

    It is closely related with the social background , such as the decline of the noble patriarch system , the continuous improvement of the imperial examination system , and the prevalence of the commodity economy and etc. , that began since the late Tang Dynasty .

  13. 也正是在近代社会转型的背景下,失去了门阀士族制度、科举制度这些前近代社会中文化家族成立的制度基础,近代文化家族的意义才更加凸显,文化家族现象才尤其值得关注。

    When leaving from the institutional basis of the Officialdom System and the Imperial Examination System , we have the chances to realize the significance of culturally prominent families in modern China . Make family 's corporate culture ; Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .