
mén méi
  • lintel;door-head;door header;lintel of a door;family status
门楣 [mén méi]
  • (1) [lintel of a door;doorhead]∶门框上部的横梁

  • (2) [family status]∶门第

门楣[mén méi]
  1. 这些建筑技术在工艺上的成果就是柱子、门楣、拱门、拱顶,桁架和悬桁。

    These building techniques are post and lintel , arch and vault , truss , and cantilever construction .

  2. 看着一副副整整齐齐放在地砖上待干的春联,想着它们将要被喜气洋洋的人们张贴在门楣。

    Watching a deputy neat to be on the floor tiles on the dry couplets , thinking they will have to be beaming people posted on the lintel .

  3. 如果我不戴面纱就会有辱门楣。

    It would dishonour my family if I didn 't wear the veil .

  4. 里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。

    Rick appeared , bending his head a little to clear the top of the door .

  5. 苏珊姨妈因逃税入狱之后就成了有辱门楣的害群之马。

    Aunt Susan became the black sheep of the family after she went to prison for tax evasion1 .

  6. 门上的一个窗户,人们用铰链把它和门楣连在一起的。

    A window above a door and hinged to a transom .

  7. 船闸输水廊道门楣研究

    Research of the lintel in the veranda of the navigation lock

  8. 他把这句话刻在他所办学校的门楣上。

    He carved this sentence on the gate of his school .

  9. 你有过机会保护花家门楣。

    You had your chance to protect the FA family .

  10. 其建筑物的门楣、斗拱、梁拄,均有精美木雕。

    Its lintels , brackets and roofs all have artistic engravings on them .

  11. 对我家门楣,我在意的是荣誉。

    What matters to my house is honor .

  12. 无锡传统街区建筑入口门楣装饰特征

    Decorative Characters of the Lintels at the Entrance of Traditional District Buildings in WuXi

  13. 又用橄榄木制造内殿的门扇,门楣,门框。门口有墙的五分之一。

    For the entrance of the inner sanctuary he made doors of olive wood with five-sided jambs .

  14. 他想成为一名作家,但他的父亲认为那不是光耀门楣的职业。

    He wanted to become a writer , but his father didn 't think it was a respectable profession .

  15. 传统的门楼是青石条垒成,凿以门楣,书香之家还要附上对联。

    The traditional gate house is made of stone stripes , and be cut a hole as a lintel .

  16. 你理应如此做,要通过受教育来光耀门楣。

    It 's what you are supposed to do , is to bring honor to the family by becoming educated .

  17. 船闸输水廊道门楣研究防止冲天炉过桥堵塞的措施

    Research of the lintel in the veranda of the navigation lock A Method to Prevent the Barrier of Cupola Lintel

  18. 他长得很高,头总难免要撞上那低低的门楣。

    He is too tall , and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway .

  19. 第四窟门楣顶部是七幅飞天壁画,每幅各做飞天四身;

    Lintel at the top of the fourth cave are seven Feitian murals , each of the four to do Feitian ;

  20. 把羊羔的血涂在房屋左右的门框和门楣上。

    You will take the blood of that lamb and strike it on the two side posts and the upper part .

  21. 据说,这一经历使身为田家老二的田文华发誓要光耀门楣。

    The experience is said to have made Tian Wenhua , the second eldest child of the family , determined to make her family proud .

  22. 去年,刘文彩的一位孙子为了光耀刘氏门楣,在大邑县组织了一次大团聚。

    Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan , whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties .

  23. 哥哥是个律师,而她的姐姐是个医生。他们说她有辱门楣因为她决定当女招待。

    Her brother is a lawyer and her sister is a doctor . They say she is the black sheep of the family because she decided to be a waitress .

  24. 民俗相信鬼魅只会直线前进,不会拐弯绕路;因此住宅正中与前方的位置,如正脊、门楣、入口都是防卫重点。

    Folk custom believe that ghost only walks in a straight line therefore in the entrance and the front door are the main place that need to defend the ghost .

  25. “学而优则仕”以及“光耀门楣”的思想印记也在古宅里随处可见。

    Also omnipresent are marks of the idea that " he who excels in study can follow an official career " and that of bringing honor to the family name .

  26. 各家要取点血,涂在吃羊羔的房屋左右的门框上和门楣上。

    Then take some of the blood and put it on the two sides of the door and over the door of the house where the meal is to be taken .

  27. 而在门框,门楣,门槛都消失了一世代之后,生机勃勃的丁香花还是生长着,每年春天展开它的芳香的花朵,给沉思的旅行者去摘;

    Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone , unfolding its sweet-scented flowers each spring , to be plucked by the musing traveller ;

  28. 正面石头上的福音章节与此穴洞有关,「革责玛尼」被雕刻在门楣上,提醒我们这地方最初的名字。

    A stone in the facade carries the Gospel passages pertinent to the grotto , while the word " Gethsemane ," carved on the lintel , reminds us of the original name of the place .

  29. 同时,在儒家修齐治平的主流文化背景之下,李贺的生命意识还包含人生价值和意义的追求,这个没落的王孙对唐王朝的兴衰有着道义上的责任,也有重振家道、光耀门楣的责任。

    In the background of Confucian mainstream culture , his life consciousness has implication of his pursuit of life value and meaning , his moral duty to the Dynasty 's rise and decline , as well as to the family 's revival and glory .

  30. 画像石是石窟、门楣、祠堂、墓室、棺椁等的石刻装饰画,是我国古代为丧葬礼俗服务的一种特殊的艺术形式。

    The stone basso-relievo is the stone inscription decorated in rock caves , door lintels , ancestral halls , coffin chambers , inner and outer coffins etc. and it is a kind of peculiar artistic form for burial etiquette and custom services in ancient China .