
àn juàn
  • records;archives;dossier;files
案卷 [àn juàn]
  • [records;archives;dossier;files] 古代官署分类存档的文件;一案一卷,故称案卷。今指各单位分类保存以备查阅的文件

案卷[àn juàn]
  1. 所有案卷都一丝不苟地妥加保存。

    The records are kept with meticulous care .

  2. 并对行政案卷排他制度的配套措施作了一些概括性、原则性的讨论。

    And have made some general , principled discussion in administrative records exclusion system equipped measures .

  3. 她主动把有关案卷带给了他。

    She brought him , unasked , the relevant file .

  4. 这个房间已被用来存放本部门的案卷。

    This room has been set aside for the department files .

  5. 公告送达,应当在案卷中记明原因和经过。

    The reasons for service by public announcement and the process gone through shall be recorded in the case files .

  6. 本文对中国档案MARC信息组织的计算机系统进行研究,多级WEB信息检索实现了文件案卷类别全宗双向的等级连接和远程检索。

    Computer information organization of Chinese MARC AMC and multi levels retrieval on WEB have been studied .

  7. 此后我们一直在焦急等待CS法院将案卷移送北京审理。

    Since then we had been anxiously waiting for the file being transferred to Beijing court .

  8. 在英格兰,Solicitor是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师,在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。

    In England a solicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent , representing clients in lower courts , and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts ;

  9. 焦作市1998&2007年学校卫生行政处罚案卷分析

    Analysis of Administrative Penalty for School in Jiaozuo City during 1998-2007

  10. 我们不在案卷纪录上,我们是安全的。

    We 're not on the books . we 're safe .

  11. 论行政许可听证程序之案卷排他性原则

    On the Principle of Files Exclusivity of Administrative Licensing Hearing Procedure

  12. 律师在审查起诉阶段不能阅看全部案卷材料;

    The rejection of reading materials in the prosecute stage ;

  13. 干部人事档案案卷管理方法也该改改了

    Management Method for Cadres ' Personnel Archives Should Be Improved

  14. 审判者已经坐庭,案卷都展开了。

    The court of judgment sat , and the books were opened .

  15. 作为决定之依据的案卷数据自适应鉴定监视器

    Record as basis of decision data adaptive evaluator and monitor

  16. 图书管理员把一大堆案卷从柜台那头推到这边。

    The librarian shoved a huge file across the counter .

  17. 医院干部人事档案案卷存在的主要问题与思考

    Main problems and Thinking on hospital personnel files of cadres

  18. 我国行政案卷排他制度问题研究

    The Study of Administrative Record Exclusion System in China

  19. 案卷是使用卡片索引查找的。

    Files were located by using the card indexes .

  20. 对取消案卷概念的辩证认识

    A Dialectical Knowledge of Canceling the Concept of File

  21. 作为决定之依据的案卷议会投票决定复议该案。

    Record as basis of decision The assemBly voted to reconsider the Bill .

  22. 他把手里拿着的案卷向下递给了科森。

    He handed down to Casson the file he held in his hand .

  23. 上诉院保管案卷的法官把主犯移交给法律保官。

    Master of the Rolls the delivery of a principal into lawful custody .

  24. 这个案卷是跟其他许多案卷一起发现的。

    This dossier was unearthed along with many others .

  25. 你务必迅速地退还案卷,行吗,彼得?

    Make sure you return your files promptly , won 't you , Peter ?

  26. 我检查过案卷,其中有些未按顺序编排。

    I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order .

  27. 一份关于犯罪统计数字的枯燥不堪的案卷。

    A very dull file about crime statistics .

  28. 他要有关1991年债务人的案卷。

    He ask for the file on1991 debtor .

  29. 行政案卷排他原则的行政法地位问题研究

    Research on the Status of Administrative Law of the Principle of Exclusive Administration Files

  30. 计算机辅助赋予档案案卷题名研究

    On Computer aided Giving Title for Archive