
mén kònɡ tōnɡ dào
  • gated channel
  1. 成年豚鼠膀胱ICC上超极化激活环核苷酸门控通道(HCN)电生理的初步研究

    Initial Electrophysiological Study of Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-gated ( HCN ) Cation Channel on ICCs in the Adult Guinea Pig Bladder

  2. 植物环核苷酸门控通道(CNGC)基因家族的结构与功能

    Structure and Function of Plant Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Channel ( CNGC ) Gene Family

  3. 通过研究这些病例,科学家确认了SCN9A基因的突变,使得钠离子门控通道包括亚基NaV1.7功能失效。

    By studying these individuals , the scientists were able to determine that a mutation in the gene SCN9A causes a loss of function in the voltage-gated sodium channel it encodes ( subunit Nav1.7 ) .

  4. 棉铃虫幼虫神经细胞的急性分离培养及其电压门控通道的膜片钳研究

    Acute isolation and culture of nerve cell from the cotton bollworm and the patch-clamp study on the voltage-gated ion channels in the cultured neurons

  5. 采用荧光定量RT-PCR法检测超极化激活环核苷酸门控阳离子通道

    Qualification of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel mRNA using the fluorogenic quantitative RT-PCR method

  6. 结论SER脑内海马Ⅲ型电压门控钠通道N亚型表达上调。

    Conclusion The expression of type ⅲ sodium channel ⅲ N is up regulated in hippocampus of SER brain .

  7. 依托咪酯激活大鼠骶髓后连合核神经元GABAA门控氯通道电流

    Activation of GABA_ ( A ) receptor-gated chloride currents by etomidate in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons

  8. 5-HT和NA增强大鼠骶髓后连合核神经元甘氨酸门控Cl~-通道电流由蛋白激酶介导

    Enhancement of Glycine Gated Cl - Channel Currents by 5 HT and NA in Rat Sacral Dorsal Commissural Neurons is Mediated by Protein Kinases

  9. cGMP对慢性低氧大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞膜电压门控钾通道的作用

    Effect of cGMP on voltage-gated potassium channel in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells from rats exposed to chronic hypoxia

  10. 超极化激活环核苷酸门控阳离子通道(HCN)研究进展

    Research on Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Channels

  11. 并且大量研究结果发现,神经系统中,部分甾体激素类物质可以直接作用于一些细胞膜表面配体门控离子通道或G蛋白偶联受体,从而在数毫秒至数秒内即可改变神经元兴奋性。

    Considerable evidence has emerged that , during a millisecond to second time window , some steroids alter neuronal excitability via the cell surface through the interaction with specific neurotransmitter receptors or G-protein coupled receptors .

  12. 环核苷酸门控离子通道(cyclicnucleotide-gatedionchannels,CNG)是非选择性的阳离子通道,直接被环核苷酸活化。

    Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels ( CNGs ) are nonselective cation channels and opened by the direct binding of cyclic nucleotides , cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP .

  13. NMDA受体是兴奋性氨基酸谷氨酸(Glu)的特异性受体,属配体门控离子通道,是由不同的亚单位组成。

    The NMDA ( N methyl D aspartate ) receptor is a ligand gated subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors , comprising different subunits .

  14. 细胞外高K~+浓度对HCN(1,2)通道电生理特性的影响超极化激活环核苷酸门控阳离子通道(HCN)研究进展

    Effect of high extracellular K ~ + concentration on electrophysiological properties of HCN ( 1,2 ) Research on Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Channels

  15. 目的观察大鼠背根神经节(DRG)电压门控钠通道αⅢ在不同疼痛模型中的变化,探讨慢性神经痛的发生机制。

    Objective To investigate the changes of αⅲ sodium channel transcript in dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) neurons in different models of chronic neuropathic pain .

  16. 四乙胺对宫颈癌SiHa细胞增殖及电压门控钾通道的抑制效应

    Inhibitory Effects of Tetraethylammonium on Proliferation and Voltage-gated Potassium Channels in Human Cervical Carcinoma Cell Line SiHa

  17. 目的:观察电压门控钠通道NaN/SNS2在大鼠坐骨神经慢性压迫性损伤(Chronicconstrictioninjury,CCI)14天后的变化,探讨慢性神经痛的发生机制。

    The present study was to investigate the changes of TTX R sodium currents and NaN / SNS2 sodium channel transcripts in DRG neurons in chronic constriction injury ( CCI ) of sciatic nerve 14 days after surgery .

  18. 目的观察电压门控氯通道-3(ClC-3)在大鼠异位心脏移植急性排斥期中的表达及意义。

    Objective To investigate the expression and significance of Voltage-gated Cl channel-3 ( ClC-3 ) in acute cardiac allograft rejection in rats .

  19. 电压门控钠通道(VGSC)是许多天然生物神经毒素特异作用的靶受体。

    Voltage gated Na + channel ( VGSC ) is the target of numerous natural neurotoxins .

  20. P2受体可再分为两类,即配体门控离子通道型受体(P2X受体)和G蛋白偶联型受体(P2Y受体)。分子生物学研究结果显示:P2X受体包括七种亚型,即P2X1~7;

    The P2 receptors are divided into two categories : the ligand-gated ion channel receptors ( P2X ) and the G protein-coupled receptors ( P2Y ) .

  21. 背景:电压门控钠通道(VGSC)在神经元动作电位的产生和传递中起着极为重要的作用。

    Background : Voltage-gated sodium channels ( VGSC ) are crucial for the generation and propagation of action potentials .

  22. 胞外Ca2+内流不仅与NMDA受体门控Ca2+通道和电压门控Ca2+通道有关,还与电压依赖性Na+通道有关。

    Furthermore , the influx Ca2 + from outside of the cells was related not only to NMDA receptor gated Ca2 + channel and voltage-gated Ca2 + channel , but also to the voltage-dependent Na + channel .

  23. 利用全脑缺血模型,采用免疫印迹和免疫沉淀方法,探讨N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体和L-型电压门控钙通道拮抗剂对细胞色素c从线粒体中的释放和Bcl-2的表达变化影响。

    To evaluate the effects of different antagonists on the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol and the expression of Bcl-2 in mitochondria in rat hippocampus after ischemia , we examined Bcl-2 and cytochrome c expression by immunoblotting using 4-vessel occlusion ( 4-VO ) as brain ischemia model .

  24. 结论:电压门控钾通道对SiHa细胞增殖的调控具有重要作用,阻断电压门控钾通道可抑制SiHa细胞增殖。

    CONCLUSIONS : Voltage-gated potassium channels play an important role in regulating proliferation of cervical carcinoma SiHa cells . Blocking voltage-gated potassium channels could inhibit proliferation of SiHa cells .

  25. 【目的】探讨电压门控Na+通道拮抗剂riluzole对大鼠早期创伤性脑水肿的作用以及可能的作用机制。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of sodium channel antagonist riluzole on traumatic brain edema at early stage in rats and probe its possible mechanisms .

  26. 电压门控钠通道(VGSC)在神经元及大多可兴奋性细胞动作电位的形成和传播过程中扮演着极为重要的角色。

    Voltage gated sodium channels ( VGSC ) are responsible for the rising phase of the action potential in the membrane of neurons and most electrically excitable cells .

  27. 电压门控钠通道与相关调制剂相互作用的分子机制

    Molecular mechanism of interactions between voltage-gated sodium channel and its modulators

  28. 家蚕烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体与电压门控钠通道基因研究

    Studies on the Silkworm Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor and Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Genes

  29. 电压门控钠通道与背根神经元伤害性传入

    Voltage gated Na ~ + Channel in Nociceptive Afferents of DRG Neurons

  30. 电压门控钠通道α亚单位的研究

    Study of voltage - gated sodium channel α - subunit