
  • 网络Natural Growth Rate;rate of natural increase;natural rate of increase
  1. 因此,过去10年间,自然增长率由千分之八下降至千分之四。

    Consequently , the rate of natural increase dropped from eight to four per 1000 over the decade .

  2. 用自然增长率、线性回归和灰色GM(1,1)预测三种模型对土地利用结构优化多目标模型参数进行预测;

    Furthermore , those methods such as natural growth rate , linear regression and grey GM ( 1,1 ) were employed to predict parameters relevant to the model .

  3. 2000年,青海省人口的自然增长率是多少?

    In2000 the natural growth rate of the Qinghai population was ?

  4. 人口自然增长率控制在8‰以内。

    And Keeping the natural growth rate of population under 8 per thousand .

  5. 因此,25至44岁年龄组的不断缩小,降低了需求的自然增长率。

    A shrinking 25-44 age group therefore lowers natural growth rates of demand .

  6. 人口自然增长率为10.06‰。

    The natural population growth rate was 10.06 ‰ .

  7. 人口自然增长率为10.06。

    The natural population growth rate was 10.06 .

  8. 积累率与人口自然增长率优化模型

    An Optimal Control Model for the Accumulation Rate and the Natual Growth Rate of Population

  9. 人口自然增长率由14.39‰下降为11.21‰;

    The natural population growth rate dropped from 14.39 per 1,000 to 11.21 per 1,000 .

  10. 利用最优化原理研究了该系统的积累率和人口自然增长率。

    The optimal control theory is used to study the accumulation rate and the population growth rate .

  11. 中国自然增长率与经济长波主体的内在关联性研究

    The Inherent Relationships between the Natural Rates of Growth and the Main Period of Long Growth Waves

  12. 第三章对西汉各时期及整个西汉一代的人口平均自然增长率进行了研究。

    The third chapter is related to the natural increase of the population in West Han Dynasty .

  13. 朝鲜族人口自然增长率下降对发展的影响

    The Influence of Sharp Declining of Korean Nationality 's Population on the Development of the Nationalities and Society

  14. 人口自然增长率1.006%,低于1.144%的计划目标。

    The natural population growth rate was10.06 per thousand , lower than the planned target of11.44 per thousand .

  15. 极端温度是抑制褐飞虱种群自然增长率的主要因素之一。

    Extreme temperatures are thought to be one of the main factors suppressing natural population growth of the brown planthopper .

  16. 值得注意的是上海的自然增长率历史上第一次出现了负数。

    What is worth mentioning is that the natural increase rate in Shanghai is negative for the first time in history .

  17. 研究表明主要的社会经济驱动因子为第一产业、人口自然增长率、非农人口。

    The study shows that the main socioeconomic drivers are the primary industry , the natural growth rate of population and the non-agriculture population .

  18. 要采取更加切实可行的措施,逐步把西部地区的人口自然增长率降低到全国平均水平。

    We should take more practical measures , and gradually the western region of the natural population growth rate down to the national average .

  19. 宁夏农业要实现可持续发展,必须解决来自人口、资源、环境及社会经济发展的问题,如人口持续增长,自然增长率高;

    In order to realize Ningxia 's sustainable agriculture development , the problems from population , recourse , environment and economic development must be solved ;

  20. 全市各类医疗资源供给数量比上年均有所增长,增长率大于人口自然增长率。

    All kinds of medical resource supply increased compared to that of last year , and the increasing rate is higher than that of the population .

  21. 其中,15~49岁的育龄妇女、农村人口和人口自然增长率3个因素对总人口和年净增人数影响最大。

    Among of these , Number of Women at Aged 15 ~ 49 , rural population and natural growth rate of population have the largest influence .

  22. 贫困地区人口过快增长的势头得到初步控制,人口自然增长率有所下降。

    The hitherto-rapid population growth in the poverty-stricken areas has been on the whole put under control , and the population 's natural growth rate has decreased .

  23. 中国自70年代开始实行计划生育基本国策以来,人口出生率和自然增长率逐年下降。

    Since the introduction of the basic national policy of family planning , China 's population birth rate and natural growth rate declined on an annual basis .

  24. 更新传统观念,降低人口自然增长率,加强素质教育,改革科研体制,合理配置劳动力是推动西部地区经济可持续发展的先决条件。

    G conversion of traditional ideas , decrease of the increased rate for population , strengthening of population quality , innovation of system to science research and technology research .

  25. 运算和系统分析结果显示人口增长的主要影响因素为:女性人口、城乡人口、年龄结构、性别结构和人口自然增长率。

    It draws the conclusion that finds out five main influence factors : female population , urban & rural population , age structure , sex structure and natural growth rate .

  26. 五月份失业率则达到9.1%。再就业机会几乎与工作人口的自然增长率一致。

    The unemployment rate actually rose , to9.1 % , in May : the rate of job creation is barely keeping track with the natural increase in the working-age population .

  27. 模型中的变量包括人口及其自然增长率、分工与从事物质生产的劳动人员比例、经济总产出(投资、消费和出口)、价格、技术、制度、可利用资源总量。

    Variables involved include population and its natural growth rate , labor division , aggregate output ( investment , consumption and export ), price , technology , institution and resource reserve .

  28. 结论1.桐城市人口呈缓慢增长趋势,自然增长率出现正增长,桐城市尚未进入老龄化社会。

    The population of Tongcheng city is slowly increasing . The natural increasing rate takes on positive rise , and Tongcheng city has not became an aging society yet . 2 .

  29. 由于自然增长率在过去一个世纪乃至未来的变动,欧洲人口已不可逆转地老龄化,其中位年龄在各大洲中是最高的。

    Since natural increase rate kept unchanged in the past century and could remain the same in the future , Europe 's population is well on the way to become irreversibly older .

  30. 分析表明,实现充分就业目标的投资率高低取决于经济自然增长率和技术上可行的投资生产率,但主要取决于后者。

    As the analysis shows , the technical feasible investment productivity and the natural economic growth rate are determined the capital formation rate that realize the full employment , but mainly depend on the latter .