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xī bó
  • tinfoil;tin leaf;tinfoil paper
锡箔 [xī bó]
  • [tinfoil] 涂着一层薄锡的纸,做成元宝形,迷信的人用来给鬼神焚化

锡箔[xī bó]
  1. 你可以用锡箔纸裹住它。

    You can wrap it up in tinfoil .

  2. 您把锡箔裹在哪里?一个男士问。

    " Where do you put the tinfoil ?" a man asks .

  3. 牛奶瓶盖是锡箔做的。

    Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil .

  4. 将锡箔包裹的试样投入带盖石墨坩埚中,第一步先在脉冲电弧炉中于660℃左右热分解,试样中各种形式的氧以Li2O形式保留在生成的锡锂合金中;

    The sample in tin leaf clad is put into a graphite crucible with a cap . Firstly , the sample is decomposed by heat at about 660 ℃, and the multiform oxygen in the sample is reserved in tin-lithium alloy by the Li2O form .

  5. 家庭锡箔加工作坊对儿童健康的影响

    Children 's health problem resulted from foil process in family workshop

  6. 香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用铅或锡箔制作

    Fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles

  7. 把肉用锡箔裹起来后再烧。

    Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it .

  8. 全自动锡箔机的设计与方案研究

    A Study on a Design and Proposal of the Automatic Silver Paper Machine

  9. 微波定时器响起来,我就用锡箔包了她的三明治。

    The microwave timer rang , and I wrapped her sandwich in foil .

  10. 中国历史上锡箔的特殊用途和传统制作工艺

    The special use of tinfoil and its traditional technology of production in Chinese history

  11. 锡箔被包裹在圆柱体上。

    that was wrapped around the cylinder .

  12. 去除汽车保险杠(铬)上锈点的方法:用一块蘸有可口可乐的雷诺兹锡箔卷擦拭保险杠即可。

    Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola .

  13. 哦,好吧。不用了。要我的锡箔纸帽吗?不用。

    Phoebe : Oh , that 's fine , no. Would you like my tinfoil hat ?

  14. 后来,牛奶公司把奶瓶口用锡箔纸封起来,想防止鸟儿偷食。

    After that , the milk deliver company sealed the bottle with foil to keep the birds away .

  15. 将锅子从火上移开,压入底部位18cm/7in的锡箔纸中。

    Remove from the heat and press into the bottom of a lined 18cm / 7in springform tin .

  16. “我们对自己的检测结果是否准确表示怀疑,”一名锡箔厂的工人对英国《金融时报》表示。

    " We doubt our test results are accurate , " one foil worker told the financial times .

  17. 利用上述反应拟定了测定铟的方法,经过适当处理,可用于锡箔和铅挖样中微量铟的测定。

    The method can be used to determine indium in tin foil and lead excavation sample with satisfactory results .

  18. 成型后,去掉锡箔纸,在蛋糕上层,再涂一层鲜奶油再撒上可可粉即可。

    Once set , remove and decorate with whipped cream and cocoa powder dusted over the top . Serve .

  19. 他的儿子今年六岁,在四周都是锡箔车间的一个幼儿园学习。

    His son is six years old and studies in a kindergarten in the middle of the foil workshops .

  20. 数百年来,杨汛桥镇一直是用于中国葬礼仪式中的锡箔纸的制造中心。

    For centuries , Yangxunqiao has been a centre for manufacturing the foil papers used in Chinese funeral rites .

  21. 原理是把声音录在薄膜上声音通过振动的针头刻录在锡箔上,

    It basically directed the sounds onto a diaphragm that vibrated a needle that essentially engraved the sound on tinfoil .

  22. 最初的时候,比尔森和哈钦斯尝试利用两层锡箔和一层绝缘的烘焙纸制造声音。

    Originally Billson and Hutchins conducted trials creating sound with two sheets of tin-foil and an insulating layer of baking paper .

  23. 锡箔纸要足够长,能把火鸡包裹住。

    Line a turkey roaster with long sheets of aluminum foil that will be long enough to wrap over the turkey .

  24. 确定了仪器工作参数,探讨了锡箔、标准样品对测定结果的影响。

    The working parameters of the instrument are determined and the influence of tinfoil and standard sample on the determination is discussed .

  25. 锡箔帮助很大,一个电话会议的参与者说,她说她把锡箔在衣服底下裹在身上。

    " Tinfoil helps tremendously ," reports one conference call participant , who describes wrapping it around her body underneath her clothing .

  26. 当爱迪生正在努力设法改善电报机及电话机时,却发现可以利用锡箔包裹的滚筒来记录声音。

    While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone , Edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil-coated cylinders .

  27. 菲比:不,不用了,这就行了。丽奇:你要我的锡箔纸帽吗?

    Phoebe : Oh , that 's fine , no. [ e ? ts f ɑ in ] Would you like my tin-foil hat ?

  28. 倒置新墨盒,抓住两头,锡箔封条朝里,然后扯掉封条。

    Hold the new cartridge upside-down by the ends , with the foil seal at the near end , and pull the seal away .

  29. 你可以用同样的方式在高脚果盘里放满五颜六色的硬糖,或者锡箔纸包装的巧克力或者口香糖。这些东西几个月都不会变坏!

    In the same way the compotiers can be filled with colorful candies or silver-foiled chocolates or gum drops , which will keep for months !

  30. 麝香葡萄用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种白色甜葡萄香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用铅或锡箔制作

    Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins . fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles