
zhóu chéng
  • bearing;bearing of shafts;axle bearing;gudgeon block
轴承 [zhóu chéng]
  • [bearing] 支承轴颈、耳轴、枢轴、短轴或其他部件,并使轴等在其中转动、摆动或滑动的机器部件

轴承[zhóu chéng]
  1. 轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。

    The journal rubs against the bearing surface .

  2. 这是一个滚珠轴承。

    It is a ball bearing .

  3. 换了一个油封和两个前轮轴承。

    An oil seal was replaced , along with both front wheel bearings .

  4. 本文介绍了静压气浮导轨的设计方法,开发了止推气浮轴承设计软件;

    The design methods of static-pressure air-bearing sliders were presented and an air-bearing design system was developed .

  5. 此类轴承在各类电子仪器中得以广泛运用

    They are widely used in electronic instruments aeronautic instruments etc.

  6. 为延长轴承寿命,轴承应保持良好的润滑状态

    For dilating the bearing life , bearing should keep lubricative well .

  7. 强度:自动差速齿轮,滚子轴承上的刚性车轴。

    RUGGEDNESS . Automotive ring gear differential . Axle shafts on roller bearings .

  8. 面向INTERNET的滑动轴承磨损智能虚拟维护技术的研究

    The Research of the Intelligent Virtual Maintenance Technology about the Wear of Sliding Bearing Based on Internet

  9. 作者提出了一种有着不同可变系数的综合模型。跨导系数Kn的可变应用可变阻抗滑动轴承的动力系数计算

    Calculation of dynamic coefficient of variable impedance sliding bearing

  10. 磁力轴承模糊PID控制算法的研究

    Research of Fuzzy PID Control Arithmetic on Magnetic Bearing

  11. GM主轴承国产存在的主要问题及改进方案

    Main Problem Existing in China-made GM Primary Bearing and Improvement Scheme

  12. Si3N4陶瓷球轴承的检验方法

    Study on inspection method of si_3n_4 ceramic ball bearing

  13. 经验模式分解法(EMD)在滚动轴承故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition to Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing

  14. MoS2固体润滑剂在轴承润滑中的应用

    Application of MoS_2 Solid Lubricant in Bearing Lubrication

  15. 仿真结果表明,这种变参数PID控制器对磁悬浮轴承有比较好的控制效果。

    The simulation results show that the control effect of the variable parameter PID controller is better than that of the conventional PID controllers .

  16. 采用了基于H∞控制系统的优化设计思想,在对轴向磁轴承H∞控制进行分析的基础上将H∞控制应用于磁轴承的控制器设计中。

    It adopted the optimization design idea based on H ∞ control . And the H ∞ control in the control design of magnetic bearing was applied .

  17. 基于Lipschitz指数熵的轴承故障检测方法

    Fault Detection for Bearings Based on Signal Lipschitz Spectrum Entropy

  18. 分析了无轴承开关磁阻电机(SRM)径向悬浮力产生原理。

    Principle of producing radial force in bearingless switched reluctance motor ( SRM ) is !

  19. SKF滚动轴承仿真技术进展

    Development of Simulation Technology of Rolling Bearing in SKF

  20. 将经验模态分解和Wigner-Ville分布应用于轴承故障诊断的研究。

    The empirical mode decomposition and Wigner-Ville distribution are applied in the research of fault diagnosis of the bearings .

  21. 并联机构机电耦合动力学计算结合定参数PID控制器方程和具有陀螺效应的不对称转子运动方程形成了电磁轴承支承的转子系统的机电耦合动力学方程。

    The Electromechanical coupling dynamic equations of the rotor system supported by electromagnetic bearings are obtained by combining the equations of the PID controllers with invariable parameters and the motion equations of the un-symmetric rotor with gyro effect .

  22. 首先建立了磁悬浮轴承局部子系统线性Takagi-Sugeno(TS)模糊模型,利用单点模糊化、乘积推理和加权平均得到整个系统的非线性模型。

    Linear local Takagi-Sugeno ( TS ) - fuzzy models for magnetic bearing subsystem and nonlinear model for the overall system were given .

  23. 传统的PID控制器在工业现场得到了广泛的应用,但对于一个比较复杂的磁力轴承控制系统,由于外部条件的变化而使固定参数的PID控制器较难达到理想的控制效果。

    Traditional PID controller has already universally applied in industries . But the PID controller with fixed parameters can not achieve the ideal performance in some complicated magnetic bearing control systems , due to the changes of external condition .

  24. 对风机轴承座处的振动信号进行定期测量,获得多组风机在无故障和有故障条件下的振动信号。运用FLUENT软件对两叶轮背部间隙流场进行计算。

    The vibration signals on the bearing box of the fan was measured periodically . The leakage gas flow field between the bearing box and the impellers is solved by the software FLUENT .

  25. 采用专用的台架模拟试验机对固体润滑剂镶嵌轴承套与钢轴摩擦副间的摩擦磨损性能进行测定;用莱次偏光显微镜(PM)测试固体润滑剂的硬度;

    The frictional wear property of solid lubricant between embedded bearing sleeve and steel axle friction pair ring was tested by special simulate test machine , The hardness of solid lubricant was tested by PM ;

  26. WK-4型电铲提升卷筒轴承座及轴承盖的修复

    The Repairing of Bearing Cover and Chock of Hoisting Drum of WK-4 Type Shovel

  27. 磁悬浮轴承(MB)是一种新型的机电式轴承,是利用电磁场对导磁体的作用力而实现对转子的无接触支承。

    Magnetic Bearing ( MB ) is a kind of new typical mechatronics product which utilizes the electromagnetic attractive force exerting on a magnetic conductor to suspend a rotor without any contact .

  28. HPSN陶瓷球混合轴承疲劳寿命的探讨

    Research of the fatigue life for hybrid bearing HPSN

  29. IKO针状轴承以其特殊的内部构造实现机械设计的小型、轻量化。

    IKO acicular bearing by its special internal structure realization machine design small , lightweight .

  30. HTR-10MW电磁轴承转子系统辨识

    Application of Active Magnetic Bearing for Rotor System Identification in the HTR-10MW