
zhóu xīn
  • axis;centre;axle centre
轴心 [zhóu xīn]
  • (1) [axle centre]∶轮轴中心

  • (2) [axis]∶一个物体或一个三维图形绕着旋转或者可以设想着旋转的一根直线

  • (3) [centre]∶比喻中心

轴心[zhóu xīn]
  1. 地球环绕自身的轴心转动。

    The earth revolves on its axis .

  2. 在此之前,邪恶轴心继续地吓唬着我们。

    Until then , the axis of evil continues to terrorise us .

  3. 色谱条件:色谱柱为C(18)柱;基于最优设计的轴心受压钢筋砼截面计算方法

    The Calculation Method of the Axially Compressed Reinforced Concrete Column Section Based on Optimum Design

  4. Axis有一个与提供程序功能相当的部分,不过它通常被称为轴心点(pivotpoint)。

    Axis has a provider equivalent , but often it is referred to as the pivot point .

  5. FRP约束混凝土圆柱体轴心抗压强度研究

    Study of Axial Compression for FRP Confined Concrete Circular Columns

  6. 目的:探讨总结以术前CT扫描椎弓根轴心来获得螺钉置入解剖参数引导胸腰段椎弓根螺钉置入的改良方法。

    Objective : To discuss and summarize the improved setting-screw technique of the lumbar-thoracic pedicle on the preoperative CT scanning the pedicle axes .

  7. 用外包钢筋混凝土方法加固RC轴心受压柱的承载力计算

    Calculation of load carrying capacity of axially compressive RC columns strengthened with enclosed reinforced concrete

  8. FRP约束方形混凝土柱轴心受压强度模型

    Model of axial compressive strength on the square concrete column confined by FRP

  9. FRP布约束混凝土方柱轴心受压性能的有限元分析

    Behavior of FRP-confined concrete square columns under uniaxial loading

  10. 轴心受压FRP约束钢筋混凝土圆柱的承载力计算方法

    Axial Compressive Capacity of FRP Confined Circular Columns

  11. CFRP加固高强混凝土柱轴心受压性能试验研究

    Test Study on Mechanical Performance of High-strength Concrete Column Confined by CFRP under Axial Load

  12. 高性能GFRP包裹RC方柱的轴心受压试验研究

    Experimental research on RC square columns wrapped with high performance GFRP under axial compressive load

  13. Holland轴心轨迹计算法的改进

    An Improvement on the Holland Method in Computing of the Journal Center Orbit

  14. 区域性团队会使用WAN或者网络客户端来连接至区域性轴心。

    Regional teams at regional sites connect to regional hubs by using WAN or web clients .

  15. 为轴心式气顶、AC变频调速变频刹车DC直流调速、电磁制动。

    It adopts axle center type gas top , AC frequency speed adjusting , frequency conversion , DC direct current speed adjusting and electromagnetic braking .

  16. 莱钢产轧制H型钢构件受力性能的理论与试验研究(Ⅲ)H型钢轴心受压构件极限承载力的试验研究

    Study on the mechanical property for rolled H-shaped steel members produced by laigang (ⅲ) study on the ultimate strength capability for axial compressed rolled H-shape columns test

  17. 基于小波向量和自回归AR模型给出了大型旋转机械轴心轨迹的一种识别方法。

    By wavelet-vectors and AR-model of2-dimension autoregressive time series , we give an identification algorithm of the orbits of shaft centerline .

  18. 砂轮轴轴心线与工件中心线不平行对轴承内径V(dmp)的影响

    Influence of . Unparallel Between Axes of Grinding Wheel and Workpiece on V_ ( dmp ) of Bearing Bore

  19. 意大利宣布建立一个新的贸易轴心,从而将希望寄托在即将成为欧盟(EU)轮值主席国的法国身上,在世界贸易组织(WTO)内推动两国的主张。

    Italy has hitched its wagon to the forthcoming French presidency of the European Union , declaring a new trade axis to push their case within the World Trade Organisation .

  20. 采用能量法推导出FRP加固轴心受压钢管的弹性屈曲荷载计算公式。

    The elastic buckling load of axially loaded compression steel pipes strengthened with FRP was presented in this paper by using energy approach .

  21. 这些站点会将本地存储库转移至区域性轴心,并分解本地的ClearCase与ClearQuest服务器。

    These sites will transition their local repositories to the regional hub and deprecate their local ClearCase and ClearQuest servers .

  22. 对于使用IHS负荷平衡功能的小型区域性轴心来说,向它提供的ClearCase与ClearQuest阶段三都是可选的。

    For smaller regional hubs that use the IHS load balancing capability that is provided with ClearCase and ClearQuest phase three is optional .

  23. 钢结构设计规范对热轧H型钢剖分T型钢轴心受压杆件腹板高厚比的限值做了修订。

    Revisions are made for the limitation of width to thickness ratio of cut T-type web subject to axial compression in the design code for steel structures , in which the assumptions for the theoretic deduction are not conservative enough .

  24. 它导致了邪恶轴心概念的产生,将萨达姆•侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的伊拉克,神权统治的伊朗以及金正日(KimJong-il)的朝鲜联系起来。

    It led to the idea of an axis of evil connecting Saddam Hussein 's Iraq to theocratic Iran and Kim Jong-il 's North Korea .

  25. 在理论上运用Runge-Kutta方法对运动方程求取数值解,通过周期分岔图及轴心轨迹图研究其非线性特征;

    In theory , the numerical solution of motion equations is obtained by using Runge-Kutta method and the nonlinear characteristics are studied through bifurcation and contrail charts .

  26. 利用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)实现了轴心轨迹的分量分解和分量合成,能清楚地得到转子轴心轨迹的组成成分,判断一些常见的旋转机械故障。

    Using fast fourier transform ( FFT ), it realizes components decomposition and components synthesis and display the component of axis locus clearly , so it can diagnoses some common fault of rotating machinery .

  27. 本文还对超高速磨削主轴进行了有限元分析,运用ANSYS软件研究磨削主轴的形变与等效应力的分布,为分析动态条件下的轴心运动轨迹奠定基础。

    It also studies the principal axis by the finite element analysis . Researches on the deformation of principal axis and the stress distribution with the ANSYS software lay the foundation on the axis trajectory under dynamic conditions .

  28. 并将成果运用在基于Riccati传递矩阵法所建的轴系整体模型中,得出了导轴承处的轴心轨迹。

    The result then has been used in the whole rotor-bearing system model based on Riccati transfer matrix method . The axes track at the guide-bearing has been turn out .

  29. 通过有限元方法,对国产轧制H型钢轴心受压构件的极限承载力进行了弹塑性和几何非线性的有限单元法理论分析,同时考虑了热轧型钢的残余应力和构件的初始缺陷。

    By means of finite element method an elastic-plastic and geometrically nonlinear finite element method is developed to analyze ultimate strength of H-shape steel columns under axial compressive loading . Initial imperfections including residual stress due to hot-rolled and initial overall deflections of columns are considered .

  30. 考察Q460高强等边角钢在轴心受压和两端偏心受压下的破坏形态和极限承载力,并且将ANSYS的分析结果和试验结果对比分析。

    The failure mode and ultimate bearing capacity under axial compression and eccentric compression are studied . The results of ANSYS are also compared with the test results .