
cháo shèng
  • pilgrimage;hadj
朝圣 [cháo shèng]
  • (1) [pilgrimage]∶教徒朝拜宗教圣地

  • (2) [hadj]∶作为穆斯林宗教义务到麦加去朝觐

朝圣[cháo shèng]
  1. 那儿离朝圣之路与通往坎佩尔的道路的交叉路口很近。

    It is near where the pilgrimage route crosses the road to Quimper .

  2. 许多人前往麦加或耶路撒冷朝圣。

    Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem .

  3. 成千上万的朝圣者把台阶踏得磨损了。

    The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims .

  4. 朝圣者缓缓敲响了钟。

    The pilgrims tolled the bell .

  5. 他们阅读有关印第安人和那些朝圣者的故事。

    They read stories about the Indians and the pilgrim .

  6. 这处圣地是人们朝圣的目的地。

    The shrine was an object of pilgrimage .

  7. 前往麦加的穆斯林朝圣者

    Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca

  8. 即便是现在,仍有大批拥趸前往这位已故苹果(Apple)创始人位于加州的住所朝圣。

    Even now , coach loads of admirers make pilgrimages to the late Apple founder 's house in California .

  9. CHAPTERONE第一�PLAYINGPILGRIMS朝圣贝思不再吃了,她悄悄走到幽暗的屋角坐下,默默想着那即将到来的欢乐,直到大家吃完。

    Beth ate no more , but crept away to sit in her shadowy corner and over the delight to come , till the others were ready .

  10. 本月晚些时候,我会和成本中心1号一起重返苏格兰,进行我们一年一度的爱丁堡边缘艺术节(EdinburghFringe)朝圣之旅。

    I will return later in the month with Cost Centre # 1 , on our annual pilgrimage to the Edinburgh Fringe .

  11. n.朝圣者中古时期许多人常到了耶路撒冷或其它欧洲宗教圣地去朝拜。

    pilgrim In the Middle Ages , many people used to go as pilgrims to Jerusalem and to other holy places in Europe .

  12. 一些十几岁的童子军身穿红色衬衣,准备在Arafat山附近充当朝圣者的指导。

    Groups of teenage scouts wearing red shirts also prepared for their role in guiding pilgrims near Mount Arafat .

  13. 位于普利茅斯市的巨石,据猜测是朝圣者从Mayflower搬运来的。

    A boulder in Plymouth supposed to be where the Pilgrims disembarked from the Mayflower .

  14. 为了防止H1N1流感的传播,阿拉伯国家的卫生部长们同意,对今年的麦加朝圣活动加以限制。

    Arab health ministers have agreed to impose restrictions on this year 's Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in a bid to prevent the spread of the H1N1 swine flu .

  15. 这些病例发生时距离麦加朝圣(Hajjpilgrimage)还有一个月。每年麦加朝圣会吸引数百万穆斯林前往沙特朝圣。

    The cases come a month ahead of the Hajj pilgrimage , which draws millions of Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia .

  16. 而学习于英国“新朝圣”展览会的一次展出中,也很可能会出现从TopkapiPalacemuseum中借来的一些珍藏,之前这一直是遭到土耳其当局封锁的。

    A Qatari version of the British Museum 's new " Haj " show will very likely have objects from the Topkapi Palace museum that were blocked by the Turkish authorities .

  17. 目前那里正在进行朝圣“leMagaldeTouba”,这可能说明过去一周在这些县中病例大量增加的原因。

    A pilgrimage " le Magal de Touba " is currently taking place , which may account for the high increase in cases in these districts in the past week .

  18. 今年复活节,我们一家开展了一次朝圣之旅,但我们并没有去卢尔德(Lourdes)、梵蒂冈或者其他基督教圣地。

    This Easter , my family has been on a pilgrimage . Not to Lourdes , the Vatican or any other beacon of the Christian faith .

  19. 这种病毒在医学界称作H5N1,好几年来已造成家禽和野禽感染和致命。当时,朝圣者用“火鸡”一词来代表各种野禽。

    Known as H5N1 in medical circles , this virus has infected and killed both domestic and wild birds for a number of years . The term " turkey " was used by the Pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl .

  20. 当不期而遇宗教朝圣者后,他们一家又机缘巧合地参加了在秘鲁冰川举行的喧闹的天主教QoyllurRit’l庆典。

    And after a serendipitous encounter with a religious pilgrim , the Harteaus found themselves attending the raucous Catholic festival known as Qoyllur Rit'I , held on a Peruvian glacier .

  21. 在祈祷朝圣者填写的街道,近Namira在阿拉法特,沙特阿拉伯周一,二○一○年十一月十五日清真寺。

    Pilgrims fill the streets in prayer , near Namira mosque in Arafat , Saudi Arabia on Monday , Nov.15,2010 .

  22. 每年这个时候,农民们都开始前往Geed-leh的朝圣之旅,去拜访那儿的教堂,并祈祷上帝的庇护。

    Every year at this time , the peasants began their long religious pilgrimage to Geed-leh , to visit the church there , and to pray for God 's help .

  23. 有些朝圣者和作家,甚至是Chateaubriand都尝试建立有关这些橄榄树的永久性论说,但是没有得到多少强有力的证据。

    Thereon , some pilgrims and writers , even Chateaubriand , have tried to build arguments as to the antiquity of the olives , but without winning much conviction .

  24. 朝圣委员会秘书长穆尔塔克.皮亚拉(MushtaqPyara)神父表示,关注朝圣者准备前往旁遮普省参与第六十二届默里亚巴德全国圣母朝圣地的朝圣之旅。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara , secretary of the pilgrimage committee , expressed concern as devotees prepare for the62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad , Punjab province .

  25. 商业主导圣诞节的气氛,但无法满足一心追寻永恒的朝圣者。

    Commercial Christmas atmosphere can never satisfy those pilgrims seeking eternity .

  26. 他们是用长达一个月的时间艰难前往拉萨的朝圣者。

    They were pilgrims making an arduous month-long journey to Lhasa .

  27. 不过,麦加朝圣的开始似乎遭受没有重大变故。

    Still , the Hajj appeared to begin without major disruptions .

  28. 朝圣期间有禁令禁止举行政治抗议活动。

    There was a ban on political protests during the pilgrimage .

  29. 共和国广场现在再次变成了一个朝圣之地。

    R é publique is now again a site of pilgrimage .

  30. 这个教堂四月份要组织到罗马丢朝圣。

    The church is organizing a pilgrimage to rome in april .