
  1. 还有q2一撇,在这个例子中,我们把箭头朝正方向。

    And we 're going to have q2 prime , and we 're going to draw the arrows in the positive direction in these cases .

  2. 朝正兄脖子的疼痛仍然需要我们大家迫切的代祷。

    Brother Chuajun 's pain in his neck still needs our urgent prayers .

  3. 它几乎是朝正东方走的,他想。

    He 's headed almost east , he thought .

  4. 随着不锈钢表面的钝化、电位朝正方向移动,然后回复到通常的电偶腐蚀行为。

    When the stainless steel became passivated , the potential of the couple shifted towards positive and then resumed normal galvanic corrosion condition .

  5. 魏晋南北朝时期正处于我国中古时期最富有变化的年代。

    In the southern and northern dynasties period in our country is in the middle period of the s full of change .

  6. 比赛的目的虽说是猎杀松鼠,却不直接对松鼠射击,而是朝着松鼠正下方的树枝开枪。

    The goal of the contest was to hunt squirrels , but not by shooting them . Instead , the hunters would shoot the bark right below the squirrels .

  7. 它们朝正东行进,正往这边来

    They 're straight east . They 're coming this way .

  8. 中国早期绘画审美品格在魏晋南北朝的确立,正是在前代艺术演化基础上而实现的。

    The founding of aesthetic characters of painting in Wei-Jin-South-North Period is based on the artistic evolvement of the preceding dynasties .

  9. 我把车子停在广场前的小花园旁边,向卖花的姑娘买了一束铃兰,朝大剧院圆柱正中央的通道走去。

    I stopped the car in front of the small garden and bought a bunch of lily flower from a girl , walked towards the big theater column central channel .