
  • 网络supper;The Lord's Supper
  1. 慈运理坚持,圣经经文教导主的晚餐只是一个记号(sign),要赋予它更多的意义,就侵犯了圣礼的本质。

    Zwingli insisted that the biblical text taught that the Lord 's Supper was a sign , and that to make it something more violated the nature of the sacrament .

  2. 路德同样认为慈运理对主的晚餐的看法是重回到罗马教会。

    Luther likewise saw a return to Rome in Zwingli 's view of the Lord 's Supper .

  3. 基督论的问题构成了路德和慈运理在主的晚餐上激烈辩论的基础。

    The question of Christology formed the basis for Luther and Zwingli 's fierce debate on the Lord 's Supper .

  4. 你们聚集在一处,并不是为吃主的晚餐。

    When you come therefore together into one place , it is not now to eat the Lord 's supper .

  5. 走过基督论争论的过程,来看基督是否在主的晚餐中,我们会发现一种强烈的肉体与灵魂的二分法。

    Coursing through the Christological debate over Christ 's presence in the Supper was a strong dichotomy between flesh and spirit .

  6. 很不幸地,路德和慈运理认为在主的晚餐上的歧义,排除了他们在政治和宗教上结盟的可能性。

    It is unfortunate that Luther and Zwingli saw their differences on the Lord 's Supper as excluding any possibility for political and religious alliance .

  7. 虽然他们在主的晚餐和其他议题上维持不同的看法,但是对听众来说,他们在宗教改革传统上有共同的立场是很明显的。

    Though they maintain distinct views on the Lord 's Supper and other issues , the common ground between each Reformation tradition is evident to listeners .

  8. 路德用这些话间接暗示,当慈运理在追求对主的晚餐的理性认识时,否认了基督真正的人性。

    With those words , Luther indirectly implied that Zwingli was denying the true humanity of Christ in his pursuit for a rational understanding of the Supper .

  9. 苏黎世在1525年废除了弥撒。他们用新的敬拜礼仪来庆祝主的晚餐,用主餐台和桌布来取代祭坛。

    In Zurich , the mass was abolished in1525.The Lord 's Supper was celebrated with a new liturgy that replaced the altar with a table and tablecloth .

  10. 第六,守主的晚餐会增强并巩固我们的信心。最后,它的能力来自它信守一个忠诚的誓言。

    Sixth , observance of the Lord 's Supper increases and supports faith , and finally , its power is its keeping of an oath of allegiance .