
  • 网络subject clause;subjective clause;Noun clauses as the subject
  1. 在从属子句的教学中,定语从句、表语从句、主语从句以及同位语从句的使用应受到重视。

    In the teaching of subordinate clauses , the ability to produce more relative clauses , predicative clauses , subject clauses and appositive clauses should be emphasized .

  2. 你和那个集团有何关系?whathappenedwas是what引导的主语从句

    Do you have anything to do with this group ?

  3. 战胜,克服示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线。Whathashappened是主语从句。

    Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon .

  4. 众所周至,光以直线传播。主语从句。

    It is well known that light travels in straight lines .

  5. 主语从句,困难中你的表现会显示你究竟喜欢什么。

    How you behave in difficulties shows what you are really like .

  6. 他甚至没有道歉,这使我非常生气。(主语从句)

    That he didn 't even apologize made me angry .

  7. 他告诉我们主语从句引导词在整个工作中,他都会帮忙的。

    He told us that they would help us though the whole work .

  8. 新税使人民不胜负荷。What主语从句

    The new taxes pressed heavily on the people .

  9. 值得注意的是原子虽小,却具有很大的能量。(主语从句转译为表语)

    It is note worthy that small as atoms are , they contain vast amounts of energy .

  10. 事情总是这样发生的:很多事情偏偏在同一时间出乱子。由what引导的主语从句。

    What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment .

  11. 现在科学家警告说,有一种肉眼看不到的能波,即“电子烟尘”,如果不加以控制,可能危害人类的健康。主语从句。

    Now scientists warn that if not under control , the unseen energy waves ," electric smog ", may be hazardous to our health .

  12. 还可用以引导主语从句用前言引入(一主要话题)

    Whether is also used when the clause it begins is the subject of a sentence whether To proceed toward ( a main topic ) with preliminary remarks .

  13. 在从句的使用方面,两种报纸主语从句、表语从句及状语从句的出现频率大致相当;而《卫报周报》中的宾语从句则远远多于《中国日报》。

    Generally , they share the similar using percentage of subjective clause , predicative clause , and adverbial clause while objective clauses in The Guardian Weekly are far more than those in China Daily .

  14. 主语关系从句诱发更大的ERP振幅,因此更难理解。

    Subject-extracted relative clauses were more difficult to comprehend , with higher ERP amplitude .

  15. 从整体而言,可及性的作用明显,主语关系从句比宾语关系从句使用更频繁,正确率更高;

    Generally , Chinese EFL learners use subject relative clauses more frequently and accurately than object relative clauses .

  16. 在大多数语言中,对于关系从句的研究结果表明主语关系从句比宾语关系从句更容易理解,即主语关系从句的加工优势,但这种普遍存在的主语从句的加工优势在汉语中受到了挑战。

    For the study of relative clauses , subject relative clauses have been proved in many languages to be easier to process than object relative clauses . However , this universal subject preference among languages has been challenged by researches in Chinese .

  17. 该论文以语料库为基础研究了限制性that主语补语从句在学术散文中的频率分布,集中在两个变量上,一是主语位置结构类别,二是落于主语位置名词语义类别及频率。

    This paper , based on a corpus , intends to explore the frequency of finite that-subject complement in academic prose , with its focus on two variables : the varieties of structures in subject position and the varieties and frequency of the nouns in subject position .