
  • 网络cathedral;duomo;Cattedrale
  1. 凤凰涅??&英国考文垂主教堂的重建

    Rebirth & The Reconstruction of New Coventry Cathedral in England

  2. 最后,总结了主教堂的高度艺术成就。

    At last , it summarizes the high art prize of the Cathedral .

  3. 他们在晚间抵达,我带他们参观主教堂(Duomo),这始终是令人印象深刻的景点,这可从我伯父的反应看出来:

    It is evening when they arrive , and I take them on a walk to look at the Duomo , always such an impressive sight , as evidenced by my uncle 's reaction :

  4. 两人就穿过田野,朝天主教堂走去。

    The two started off across the field in the direction of the mission church .

  5. 伯鲁乃列斯基于1946年与世长辞,他的墓被恭敬地建在主教堂的地下室里。

    Brunelleschi died in1946.His grave was respectfully built in the crypt of the Cathedral of Florence .

  6. 尖拱从此后来居上,构成这座主教堂的其余部分。

    The pointed arch , mistress since that time , constructed the rest of the church .

  7. 巨大的圣玛丽教堂,天主教在悉尼的主教堂。

    Huge St Mary 's Cathedral , the main church for Catholic in Archdiocese of Sydney .

  8. 作为一个建筑师,他最为著名的作品佛罗伦萨的主教堂。

    Pazzi Chapel was a religious building in Florence , considered to be one of the masterpieces of Renaissance architecture .

  9. 她们被监禁,因为在莫斯科主教堂,她们上演了一场有政治倾向的表演,

    who have been jailed for staging what they described as a political performance in the main cathedral in Moscow ,

  10. 而我们对巴黎这座主教堂的描述,应当适合于中世纪基督教的所有一切教堂。

    And what we say of the Cathedral Church of paris , must be said of all the churches of Christendom in the middle ages .

  11. 他们被视为异端,由主教堂,教皇英诺森三世国王同时敦促法国和图卢兹伯爵采取行动。

    They were deemed heretics by the main church , and Pope Innocent III urged both the King of France and the Count of Toulouse to take action .

  12. 佛罗伦萨主教堂最初的设计是提供一个用于礼拜和令人印象深刻的内部,同时主教堂的另一个目的是作为一个公民的纪念碑,并要求充分施加外部。

    The original design of the Florence Cathedral was to provide an impressive interior for worshippers ; the Cathedral was also designed as a civic monument and required a sufficiently imposing exterior .

  13. 介绍了佛罗伦萨主教堂的建造背景,建造历程,建筑师的思维方法,建筑主要风格,建筑的艺术成就等。利用文化批评模式对佛罗伦萨主教堂进行了评论。

    Introduced the history background , instruction process , think idea of architect , main style and its success in art of the Firenze Cathedral , and used culture critique modern to criticize it .

  14. 听起来很像主祷文,去教堂的同学可能经常在教堂念了。

    That sounds a lot like the Lord 's Prayer that you yourself may often say in church if you ever go to church .