
  1. 美国和欧盟(EU)应该保持同步,继续对俄罗斯进行经济制裁直至明斯克协议得到完全实施。

    The US and EU should remain in lockstep and maintain economic sanctions on Moscow until the Minsk agreement is fully implemented .

  2. 假定明斯克协议第二版只是一种战术暂停将是明智的。

    It would be wise to assume that Minsk II is little more than a tactical pause .

  3. 明斯克协议要求亲俄罗斯的反叛者和乌克兰政府军双方停火,撤走重型武器。

    The Minsk deal committed both pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian government forces to a cease-fire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons .

  4. 只有在普京决定降低他与乌克兰和西方对抗程度的情况下,明斯克协议第二版才能成功。

    The Minsk II agreement will only succeed if Mr Putin has decided to tone down his confrontation with Ukraine and the west .

  5. 尽管乌东部分离主义分子以及他们的俄罗斯靠山从未认真履行明斯克协议,这一协议依然是实现停火的可行基础,而停火或许将为更广泛的和解铺平道路。

    Though never properly honoured by the east Ukrainian separatists and their Russian backers , the Minsk accord remains a viable basis for a ceasefire that might pave the way to a broader settlement .

  6. 明斯克协议的政治要素还没有得到实施,包括基辅向反叛军占领地区下放权力,以及俄罗斯和其代理人将国际边界的控制权返还给乌克兰。

    The political elements of the Minsk agreement , including the requirement that Kiev should decentralise powers to the rebel-held regions , and that Russia and its proxies return control of the international border to Ukraine , are yet to be implemented .

  7. 会议公报指出,明斯克协议将于今年12月到期,这对外发出一个信号:一旦各方同意延长制裁,延长期限将为6个月,而不是最初制裁安排的一整年。

    The communiqu é notes the Minsk agreement is not expected to be completed until December , sending a signal that the extension , once it is agreed , would be for six months rather than the full year of the original sanctions regime .

  8. 美国国务卿约翰·克里(JohnKerry)称这些选举活动明显违反了明斯克停火协议。

    Secretary of State John Kerry called the elections a clear violation of the Minsk agreement .

  9. 总体积极的财报季,以及本周签署明斯克停火协议所带来的地缘政治忧虑的缓和,都让投资者感到振奋。

    Investors were cheered by a generally positive earnings season , as well as easing geopolitical concerns over Ukraine following the signing of a ceasefire in Minsk this week .

  10. 俄罗斯曾表示将承认选举结果,而乌克兰、欧盟政府及美国则表示,他们不会承认结果,坚称选举活动违反了今年9月在明斯克签署的停火协议。

    Russia has said it will recognize the results , while Ukraine , along with European governments and the United States , has said it will not , maintaining that the elections violated a cease-fire agreement signed in Minsk in September .