
  • 网络theme park;Theme Paradise
  1. 英国新的主题乐园可与迪斯尼乐园媲美。

    The new theme park will be Britain 's answer to Disneyland .

  2. 这个主题乐园每年吸引250万游客。

    The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  3. 为Kinect开发《迪斯尼乐园大冒险》(DisneylandAdventures)和《精英:危险》(Elite:Dangerous)的开发商在ScreamRide中,将主题乐园经营发挥到了极致。

    The developer behind Kinect Disneyland Adventures and Elite : Dangerous is taking the theme park business to the extreme in ScreamRide .

  4. 迪尼斯公司(Disney)如今正在将该公司所制作出品的儿童电视节目中的垃圾食品广告清理出去,还改善了迪斯尼主题乐园内所出售食品的质量。

    DisneyDIS + 0.85 % is eliminating ads for junk foods from its children 's programming and improving the food served in Disney theme parks .

  5. 不过与更加成熟的亚洲迪士尼主题乐园――东京迪士尼乐园(TokyoDisneyResort)的收益相比,香港迪士尼的业绩表现可以说是相形见绌。

    Still , the strength of Hong Kong Disneyland 's figures pales in comparison to the earnings at the more established Disney-themed resort in Asia , Tokyo Disney Resort .

  6. 品牌咨询公司thepartners首席执行官吉姆普赖尔(jimprior)表示,这些引人注目的消费已经将新加坡很多地区变成了供富裕游客享受的高端品牌主题乐园。

    Such conspicuous consumption is already turning parts of Singapore into something of a high-end brand theme park for wealthy visitors , says Jim prior , chief executive of the partners , a branding consultancy .

  7. 可以在日本中南部地区的箱根小涌园温泉主题乐园和spa度假胜地里泡泡清酒浴,或是在众多其他选择中选择一种,可以是绿茶、红酒或咖啡浴。

    Soak in a sake bath or one of several other options , including green tea , red wine or coffee , at the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Hot Springs Amusement Park and Spa Resort in south-central Japan .

  8. 主营地产与娱乐的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)董事长、亿万富翁房地产大亨王健林,正押注其投资30亿美元新建的一个儿童主题乐园将吸引大批中国中产阶层新富。

    Wang Jianlin , billionaire real estate tycoon and chairman of the property and entertainment conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group , is betting his $ 3bn investment in a new children 's theme park will draw a newly flush middle class through its gates in big numbers .

  9. 主要介绍了HDL-BUS“多网合一”控制系统在大连发现王国主题乐园中的应用。

    The application of HDL-BUS combined control system in Dalian Discovery Kingdom Theme Park was introduced .

  10. 主持这项计划的商人茂罗‧莫拉塔(MauroMorata)已尝试抚平地方人士的不安,他明确表示这座主题乐园会建在市区之外。

    The businessman in charge of the project , Mauro Morata , tried to ease some local concerns when he made clear that the park would be built outside the city limits .

  11. Sanrio公司最近被迫要消除HelloKitty和谐乐园的5亿日元的债务,尽管依旧保持公园开放。和谐乐园是日本最大的两个卡通主题乐园之一,但近来游客量已经减少。

    Sanrio was recently forced to write off the 500 million yen in debt held by Harmony Land , one of its two character theme parks in Japan , after a falloff in visitors , although the park remains open .

  12. 乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。

    The home of country music is Nashville , Tennessee & Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called Opryland where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides .

  13. 乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市——美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园——Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。

    The home of country music is Nashville , Tennessee - - Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called " Opryland " where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides .

  14. 实际上,这块业务看起来比资本密集型的主题乐园好得多。

    Indeed , it looks much better than the capital-intensive resorts .

  15. 我经常觉得我在一个主题乐园。

    I always feel like I 'm in a theme park .

  16. 每年您能去几次主题乐园?

    How often do you visit theme park every year ?

  17. 对于大型主题乐园而言,在众多自然条件中气候是最主要的因素。

    For large-scale theme parks , climate is the primary natural factor .

  18. 香港迪斯尼乐园是第一个迪斯尼主题乐园在中国。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is the first Disney theme park in China .

  19. 国内外主题乐园的类型、特点与发展趋向

    Types , Characteristics and Development Orientation of Theme Park at Home and Abroad

  20. 奥兰多华特?迪斯尼世界是第二个主题乐园在世界上。

    Orlando Walt Disney World is the second theme park in the world .

  21. 这个主题乐园是由私营企业投资兴建的。

    The theme park is fund by private enterprise .

  22. 环球游乐场就是一座室内主题乐园,

    The Nickelodeon Universe is an indoor theme park .

  23. 迪斯尼世界是个极好的主题乐园。

    Disney World is a wonderful theme park .

  24. 上海迪士尼主题乐园将于5月11日重新开放。

    The Shanghai Disneyland theme park will reopen to the public on May 11 .

  25. 我去主题乐园。

    I went to a theme park .

  26. 然而,作为一个产业,把云霄飞车视为主题乐园的象征是彻头彻尾的错误。

    But as a metaphor for the industry , the roller coaster is all wrong .

  27. 艾莱表示,他担心这座主题乐园会引来“行为不检者”。

    He said he was worried that the park would attract " debauched individuals . "

  28. 香港迪士尼乐园是一个位于香港迪士尼度假区的主题乐园。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is one located at Hong Kong Disney Resort area theme park .

  29. 东京迪士尼由两个独立的主题乐园组成,规模远远大于香港迪士尼。

    The resort is significantly larger than the Hong Kong property with two separate theme parks .

  30. 迪士尼认为,他们在美国的主题乐园在淡季比其竞争对手更能吸引游客。

    Disney says that its American parks are more resilient during slowdowns than those of its rivals .