
wú tiáo jiàn tóu xiánɡ
  • unconditional surrender;surrender at discretion
  1. 他们要求无条件投降。

    They demanded unconditional surrender .

  2. 今天上午早些时候,反叛的首领无条件投降。

    The leader of the revolt made an unconditional surrender early this morning .

  3. 这场战争的结局就是敌人无条件投降。

    The outcome of the war is the unconditional surrender of the enemy .

  4. 胜方要求敌人无条件投降。

    The victorious army demanded unconditional surrender .

  5. 无条件投降不是他脆弱的自我所能承受得了的。

    Unconditional surrender was more than his fragile ego could bear .

  6. 日本被迫无条件投降。

    Japan was force to surrender , no and about it .

  7. 今天早上,杜鲁门总统接受了日本的无条件投降。

    This morning President Truman received the unconditional surrender from the japanese .

  8. 无条件投降对天皇是一项不敬。

    Unconditional surrender had been seen as a threat to the emperor .

  9. 浅析日本军国主义无条件投降原因

    On the Cause of Japanese Militarism 's Unconditional Surrender

  10. 他们接受盟军无条件投降条件。

    They accepted the allied terms of unconditional surrender .

  11. 波茨坦会议要求无条件投降。

    The Potsdam Declaration called upon unconditional surrender .

  12. 日本无条件投降决策,经历了一个漫长的过程。

    Japan had taken a long time to make the decision on unconditional surrender .

  13. 同盟国宣布,他们只接受无条件投降。

    Status Offline The Allies declared they would accept nothing less than unconditional surrender .

  14. 总统提议完全无条件投降。

    The president offered a complete unconditional surrender .

  15. 签下了无条件投降的条约。

    Signed the act of unconditional surrender .

  16. 对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧。

    The43 of you , I have unconditional surrender , you sign the love contract .

  17. 总统和首相宣布了无条件投降的定则。

    The " unconditional surrender " formula was announced by the President and the Prime Minister .

  18. 它是迫使日本军国主义无条件投降的最具决定性的力量之一。

    It was one of the most decisive factors to compel the Japanese militarists to an unconditional surrender .

  19. 我们应该作为一支道义上的十字军。参加所有的军事冲突,并且要求我们的敌人无条件投降。

    We shoul enter every military conflict as a moral crusade requiring the unconditional surrender of the enemy .

  20. 这次会议第一次提出要日本无条件投降。

    It was on this meeting that a claim of " unconditional surrender " was raised for the first time .

  21. 约德尔将军在无条件投降书上签完字后说,他想讲几句,当即获准。

    After having signed the full surrender , General Jodl said he wanted to speak and received leaves to do so .

  22. 1945年8月15日,同盟国宣布“波茨坦公告”,日本接受无条件投降!

    August15th , 1945 , was proclaimed " V-J Day " by the Allies , a day after Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally .

  23. 这位俄国将军要求在元首地下避弹室里的人同在柏林的剩下的德国守军一起全部无条件投降。

    The Russian General demanded the unconditional surrender of everyone in the Fuehrer 's bunker as well as of the remaining German troops in Berlin .

  24. 然而,1949年新中国成立后,胜利日一度被改为8月15日,即日本宣布无条件投降的日期。

    However , after the founding of New China in 1949 , the victory day was reset to August 15th , the date Japan announced unconditional surrender .

  25. 即使在无条件投降的情形,由胜方口述投降条件时,亦应于最快时间内制作成书面文字。

    Even in case of an unconditional surrender , when the terms are dictated by the victor , they should nevertheless be embodied in a written capitulation as soon as practicable .

  26. 根据《雅尔塔协定》,1945年8月9日苏联出兵东北对日作战。1945年8月15日,日本宣布无条件投降。

    According to the Yalta agreement , on August 9 , 1945 , the Soviet Union dispatched troops off northeast of china for Anti-Japanese War . On August 15th , 1945 , Japan declared unconditional surrender .

  27. 1945年8月15日,日本接受《波茨坦公告》,宣布无条件投降。美军便以联合国军的身份进驻日本,对日实行全面占领。

    The emperor of Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation and surrendered at discretion in August 15 , 1945 . The American army garrisoned Japan in the name of Allied Forces , which drove Japan 's English education into a critical period .

  28. 本文简介:当温斯顿丘吉尔与罗斯福总统1943年在卡萨布兰卡会晤时,商讨出来的同盟战略对于日本德国和意大利是不言而喻的:敌军的“无条件投降”是同盟军许可的唯一政策。

    In this article : when Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt met in Casablanca in1943 , the allied strategy that emerged was very cleat to japan , Germany and italy : " unconditional surrender " if the enemy forces was the only policy the allies would follow .

  29. 当地的报纸,报道了艾伦这趟单车旅行,人们都觉得很吃惊。当温斯顿.丘吉尔向那些「敌人」高呼「无条件投降」时,艾伦却利用罢工,享受了两天自由。

    The bicycle journey was regarded with astonishment , and was reported in the local newspaper.13 While Winston Churchill called for the ' unconditional surrender ' of the ' enemy ' miners , Alan had made the most of the general strike for himself . He had enjoyed two days of freedom outside the usual system .