
  • 网络unlimited resources
  1. 欧盟没有一家最后贷款行,即没有一家拥有几乎无限资源、可以确保欧元存续的机构。

    The EU lacks a lender of last resort , an institution with virtually unlimited resources to guarantee the survival of the euro .

  2. 云计算具有许多软件应用程序部署优势,比如按使用量付费成本模型、缩短了上市时间,以及(几乎)无限资源和无限可伸缩性方面的洞察。

    Cloud computing promises a number of advantages for the deployment of software applications such as pay-per-use cost model , short time to market , and the perception of ( virtually ) unlimited resources and infinite scalability .

  3. 本方案针对WB公司该项目,详细地分析目前玻纤行业状况,剖析WB公司战略,针对项目存在的融资瓶颈,本着以有限的内部资源激发外部无限资源的项目运作思想,设计项目融资方案;

    We analyze the fine trade state of fiberglass at present in detail and interpret the majestic strategy of WB Company in this scheme . The financing bottleneck existing to the project makes us to design financing scheme for the project .

  4. 在这个不那么顺当的世界如鱼得水的人,将是那些足够明智,能够充分利用MOOC乃至整个互联网的无限资源的人。

    Those who thrive in this less forgiving world will be savvy enough to tap the boundless resources they can get from Moocs in particular and the internet in general .

  5. 波罗的海的鱼类类群:是有限资源还是无限资源?

    Fish stocks in the Baltic sea : finite or infinite resource ?

  6. 然而,那些将意志力视为无限资源的人反而会获得能量。

    However , people who view their willpower as a limitless resource get energized instead .

  7. 这些需求来自于这样一个事实,在今天的数据中心里,没有软件是一个拥有无限资源的“孤岛”。

    These requirements originate from the fact that , in today 's data centers , no software is an " island " with infinite resources .

  8. 在经济飞速发展的今天,企业作为经济发展的主体,不断地从有限的社会资源中获取企业自身发展所需的无限资源,为企业创造价值。

    With the fast development of the economy , enterprises which are the main bodies of the economic development constantly gain the infinite resources from the limited social resources for enterprises ' development and creating value for enterprises .

  9. 由于他的诚实正直、受托理财和无限的资源,J。

    Because of his integrity , stewardship and unlimited resources , J.P.

  10. 同时,单一CERNET的接入也无法满足师生访问无限网络资源的带宽需求。

    Meanwhile , the single CERNET can not meet teachers and students ' needs to access network resources by unlimited bandwidth .

  11. Mapper模式特点如下:将无限的资源请求转向一个单独的物理节点。

    The Mapper pattern is a way to direct a bounded infinite set of resource requests to a single physical point of code .

  12. 这是一个庞大、自由和无限可再生资源。

    It 's a huge , free and endlessly renewable resource .

  13. 美国的似乎无限的资源。

    The seemingly limitless resources of the United states .

  14. 在文化语言学的视野中,网络语汇是一个有待开掘而且拥有丰富资源的矿藏,文化语言学将从其中获得无限的资源和生机。

    Cultural Linguistics will get the unlimited resources and vitality from the network Language .

  15. 但是,额外的工作可以赋予您更大的能力,以及事实上无限的资源。

    But the extra work gives you more power , and virtually unlimited resources .

  16. 例如,如果我们拥有无限的资源与人力,美国一定可以打赢阿富汗战争。

    For instance , I presume that with infinite men and money we can succeed in Afghanistan .

  17. 这种扩张主要得益于快速增长,经济的增长似乎为财政开支提供了无限的资源。

    This expansion was helped by rapid growth , which seemed to provide inexhaustible resources to finance expenditure .

  18. 不会有什么大问题,请记住我们有着无限的资源可以使用。

    No problem is too big , and bear in mind that we have immense resources to call upon .

  19. 文化语言学将从民族语言中获得无限的资源和生机,同时,也将提高民族语言研究的社会价值。

    Cultural linguistics will derive limitless resources and vitality from national languages and in the meantime , enhance the social value of national language study .

  20. 在过去的十几年里,人们已经目睹了无线通信技术的迅猛发展,人们对于无限频谱资源的需求也在日益增长。

    Over the past years , we have witnessed a dramatic development of wireless communication technologies . The demand for radio spectrum resource increases ceaselessly .

  21. 因此,知识作为一种独特而又无限的资源已经成为经济发展的核心要素。

    Therefore , as one of the unique but also infinite resource , the knowledge has already become the core essential factor of the economic development .

  22. 所谓的完善保密是指破译者在占有全部密码算法且拥有无限计算资源的前提下也不能有效地求出密钥。

    So-called perfect secret system means that when translator occupy all encryption technologies and own the infinite calculation resources , he can 't still calculate out the true key .

  23. 从古至今,人类社会始终存在着需求无限和资源稀缺的矛盾,体育资源作为一种社会资源也不例外。

    Throughout history , human society , there is always demand for the contradiction between the infinite and scarce resources , physical resources as a social resource is no exception .

  24. 公共和私有云的出现创造了这样一种环境,可在其中根据需要汇集几乎无限的资源,与其他地方相比,这种环境在测试自动化中最能发挥其作用。

    The emergence of public and private clouds has created an environment where virtually unlimited resources can be summoned on demand and nowhere is this more significant than in test automation .

  25. 该系统通过有限的信息元描述无限的资源,实现了教学资源的高效组织,支持学习过程中资源自动重组。

    The system organizes infinite teaching resources by finite information units , implements efficient organization of the teaching resources , and thus supports the resources automatic regrouping in the process of learning .

  26. 在理想的世界中,每个VM能够按需访问无限多的资源。

    In an ideal world , every VM has access to unlimited resources on-demand .

  27. 发展是无限的,资源环境是有限的。

    Development is infinite but resources and environment is limited .

  28. 从有限到无限:信息资源共享的演变路径

    From Limitedly to Infinite : Research on Evolution Path of Information Resource Sharing

  29. 这意味着,当协议破坏者具有无限的计算资源时,这些协议是不安全的。

    It means that when attacker has unbounded computational resources , these protocols are no more safe .

  30. 作为一个特殊的行为主体,政府拥有无限的社会资源,拥有强大的国家权力。

    As a special subject of act , government has limitless social resources and powerful national rights .