
  • 网络Desalination Technology;seawater desalination technology
  1. 海水淡化技术在沿海电厂的应用浅析

    Analysis on Seawater Desalination Technology Applied to Power Plant along the Coast

  2. 海水淡化技术与太阳能利用

    Seawater Desalination Technology and Solar Energy Utilization

  3. 能源和海水淡化技术都是非常昂贵的。

    Energy and the technology to desalinate water are both expensive .

  4. 采用亚海水淡化技术对滩涂水库水淡化,建立了2m3/h的试验工程,试验过程中对水温、吨水电耗、进水TDS、产水TDS等指标的相关性进行了研究。

    A 2m3 / h test project for desalination of shoal water by seawater desalination technique was carried out . The mutual relationship between water temperature , power consumption per m3 product water , influent TDS , product water TDS etc.

  5. 太阳能海水淡化技术的研究概况

    A survey of the solar energy desalination of sea water

  6. 反渗透海水淡化技术在舰船上的应用研究

    Study on the application of the reverse osmosis desalination technology in ship

  7. 反渗透膜法海水淡化技术在大连石化公司的应用

    Application of Seawater Desalination by Reverse Osmosis Membrane in Dalian Petrochemical Corporation

  8. 其中发展海水淡化技术是一项可以有效缓解当前水危机的措施。

    Seawater desalination is an effective measure to ease the water crisis .

  9. 滨海地区电厂的海水淡化技术

    Sea Water Desalination of Power Plants in Coastal Area

  10. 在没有替代资源的地区,必须开发和应用海水淡化技术。

    Where no alternatives are available , desalination must be developed and deployed .

  11. 功能无机材料在海水淡化技术中的应用与开发

    The Development of Functional Inorganic Materials in Desalination Technology

  12. 海水淡化技术评述与成本分析

    Technology Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Sea Water Desalination

  13. 热法太阳能海水淡化技术及系统研究

    Research on the Desalination Technology and System Based on the Solar Heat Method

  14. 冷冻法海水淡化技术新进展

    Recent Progress of Sea water Desalination by Freezing

  15. 海水淡化技术的发展前景

    Developing Prospect of Sea Water Desalination Technology

  16. 反渗透海水淡化技术应用

    Application of reverse osmosis in seawater desalination

  17. 海水淡化技术的现状及其应用

    Present situation and application of seawater desalination

  18. 鼓泡增湿&去湿太阳能海水淡化技术的研究

    Studies on Seawater Solar Desalination of Humidification-Dehumidification

  19. 海水淡化技术包括蒸馏法和反渗透法。

    The sea water desalination technology includes the distillation method and the reverse osmosis method .

  20. 膜分离海水淡化技术

    Membrane Separation Technology for Seawater Desalination

  21. 发展海水淡化技术是解决水资源短缺的重要途径。

    Developing seawater desalination technology is an important approach to solve the problem of water shortage .

  22. 太阳能海水淡化技术

    Desalination with Solar Energy

  23. 但目前的海水淡化技术存在着投入高、能耗高、成本高这三个问题。

    However , the current desalination technology is of high input , high energy consumption , and high cost .

  24. 采用海水淡化技术解决沿海电厂用水问题的研究

    A study on solution for problem of water demand of coastal power plants by means of sea water desalination

  25. 之后,依据所选定的海水淡化技术进行海水淡化成本的计算,并以此作为经济因素指标。

    And then , calculate the desalination cost under the selected desalination technology and take it as the measurement of economic factors .

  26. 方法:采用反渗透海水淡化技术,通过海水预处理、高压反渗透脱盐等程序,从海水中获取可饮用的淡水。

    Methods : Seawater preparatory treatment , high pressure reverse osmosis desalination and other techniques were used to produce fresh water from seawater .

  27. 高能耗和高投资一直是阻碍反渗透海水淡化技术大范围推广应用的主要原因。

    High energy-consumption and high investment have been the main causes embarrassing the development of the reverse osmosis seawater desalination ( SWRO ) technology .

  28. 介绍了船用多级闪发海水淡化技术,分析了其特点,并展望了这一技术的发展趋势。

    This paper introduced the technology of marine multi-stage flash ( MSF ) seawater desalination , analyzed its characteristics and gave its developmental trends .

  29. 经过几个世纪的发展,海水淡化技术现已可解决部分地区的水资源短缺问题。

    Desalination of seawater has been developed for several centuries , and shortage of fresh water in some region has been solved by desalination .

  30. 我国是研究海水淡化技术较早的国家,经过几十年的探索与发展,已经成为世界上少数几个完全掌握海水淡化技术的国家之一。

    After decades of exploration and development . China has become one of the few countries which fully grasp desalination technology in the world .