
wú qī tú xíng
  • life imprisonment;be sentenced for life;life sentence
无期徒刑 [wú qī tú xíng]
  • [be sentenced for life;life imprisonment] 指把犯人的终身自由剥夺的刑罚

无期徒刑[wú qī tú xíng]
  1. 他的死刑被减为无期徒刑。

    His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment

  2. 他被从死刑减为无期徒刑。

    His punishment of death was commuted to life imprisonment .

  3. 这个杀人犯被判处三项无期徒刑,同时执行。

    The murderer was given three life sentences , to run concurrently .

  4. 这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。

    The offence carries a mandatory life sentence .

  5. 法官判他无期徒刑。

    The judge gave him life .

  6. 蓄意杀人依法要判无期徒刑。

    In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory

  7. 有些人因为谋杀罪在服无期徒刑。

    Some were serving life sentences for murder .

  8. 鉴于对你的所有指控都证明属实,我特此宣判你无期徒刑。

    I hereby sentence you for life after all the charges against you have been proven true

  9. 这个主犯被判无期徒刑。

    The principal criminal was sentenced to life imprisonment .

  10. 他因谋杀被判无期徒刑。

    He was given a life sentence for murder .

  11. 他的判决由死刑减为无期徒刑。

    His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment .

  12. 死刑可能减为无期徒刑。

    The death sentence may be commuted to life imprisonment .

  13. 南希基塞尔(NancyKissel)之后被判有罪,她在被判无期徒刑后至今仍在服刑。

    Nancy Kissel was later convicted and is now serving a life sentence in prison .

  14. FrancesInglis最终被判无期徒刑,至少入狱9年。公众对此的强烈反感反映了人们对母子情深的本能理解。

    The wave of public revulsion at Frances Inglis ` s life sentence , of which she must serve at least nine years , reflects an instinctive understanding of the fierceness of that bond .

  15. 对于无期徒刑制度还存在的问题,应采取相应的措施予以完善。

    We should take some relevant actions to consummate life imprisonment .

  16. 爱是十分幸运的一起享有无期徒刑!

    Love is being lucy enough to have share a life .

  17. 因杀人他眼下在服无期徒刑。

    He is at present serving a life sentence for murder .

  18. 他将其中两起死刑减判为无期徒刑。

    He commuted two of the death sentences to life imprisonment .

  19. 将死刑减刑(改为无期徒刑)

    Commute a death sentence ( to one of life imprisonment )

  20. 我觉得无期徒刑比死刑更残酷。

    Compared with life sentence , I think death penalty is crueler .

  21. 被判无期徒刑的囚犯数目下降了。

    The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen .

  22. 他因谋杀了13名妇女而在服无期徒刑。

    He is serving life sentence for murder of13 women .

  23. 他因叛国罪和间谍罪被判无期徒刑。

    He was sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and espionage .

  24. 他眼下正在意大利的一个监狱内服无期徒刑。

    He is now serving a life sentence in an Italian jail .

  25. 被官方视为严重的案件最高可判无期徒刑。

    Cases deemed serious by the authorities carry a maximum life sentence .

  26. 这就意味着将来无期徒刑罪犯的数量越来越大。

    It means that the number of lifers is bigger .

  27. 他已上诉请求将死刑减为无期徒刑。

    He appealed for commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment .

  28. 他的判刑由法官减轻为无期徒刑。

    His sentence lightens by judge to the life imprisonment .

  29. 他们中三个被判处无期徒刑。

    Three of them were sentenced to imprisonment for life .

  30. 也很可能因为谋杀艾莉森被判无期徒刑

    And they 'd probably get a life sentence for killing Allison .