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  • blue collar;blue-collar worker
  1. 这可让共和党候选人约翰•麦凯恩抓住了“把柄”,在第三次辩论中,他利用“Joetheplumber”大作文章,试图赢得蓝领选民。

    Republicans rejoiced , and John McCain made Joe the Plumber a theme of the third and final debate , in an attempt to woo blue collar voters .

  2. 最近,大众汽车(volkswagen)在田纳西州查塔努加的新工厂招聘了2000名蓝领工人,起薪全部是每小时14.5美元(折合年收入约3万美元,远低于美国平均收入)。

    Most recently , Volkswagen has hired all 2000 blue collar workers at a new facility in Chattanooga , Tennessee at a starting pay of $ 14.50 an hour ( which , at about $ 30000 a year is well below us median income . )

  3. 到1925年,制造业的蓝领工人已成为最大的职业群体。

    By 1925 , blue-collar workers in manufacturing industry had become the largest occupational group .

  4. 在蓝领聚居的威丁区,斯塔巴德的开放墙壁艺术馆(OpenWallsGallery)也有同样的功能,这座夜总会兼文化中心是由废弃的游泳池改建而成的。

    So does Open Walls Gallery in Stattbad Wedding , a defunct swimming pool repurposed as a nightclub and cultural center in the blue-collar district of Wedding .

  5. 道奇是一个日渐老化的蓝领品牌,只有一个正在转变为独立品牌的强大车型公羊(ram)卡车。

    Dodge is an ageing blue-collar name with only one strong model the ram truck which is being turned into a separate brand .

  6. 我的研究已经表明,由于劳动力短缺导致蓝领劳动者的薪资提高,私人消费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例有所上升。

    my research has shown that as labour shortages have led to higher wages for blue-collar workers , private consumption has risen as a share of gross domestic product .

  7. Benjamin花更少的时间和知识分子在一起,更多的时间和蓝领在一起,果不其然,他的商业感大大提高。

    Benjamin spent less time with intellectuals and more with his blue-collar employees , and sure enough , his business sense surged .

  8. Kronos英国业务主管布伦达•莫里斯(BrendaMorris)表示,该公司看到在蓝领和白领职员身上应用可穿戴设备很有效。

    Brenda Morris , who runs Kronos 's UK business , says the company sees applications for wearables in blue and white collar work .

  9. 她的双亲,约瑟夫马赫(JosephMach)和玛瑞娜沃斯莎凡特(MarinavosSavant)都是移民,分别是德国人和意大利人,在小镇的蓝领住宅区经营一家酒吧和烤肉店。

    Her parents , Joseph Mach and Marina vos Savant , were immigrants , German and Italian respectively , and ran a bar and grill in a blue-collar part of town .

  10. 麻省理工大学(MIT)的戴维•奥托尔(DavidAuto)指出,电脑时代自动化的主要影响不是因为夺走了蓝领工人的岗位,而是在于摧毁了能被简化成流水线所有工作岗位。

    David Autor , of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) , points out that the main effect of automation in the computer era is not that it destroys blue-collar jobs but that it destroys any job that can be reduced to a routine .

  11. 他出生在美国新泽西州的贝永(Bayonne,一个“蓝领小镇”),在那里长大,父亲是一名码头装卸工。

    It comes from Bayonne , New Jersey ( " a blue-collar town " ) , where he was born and brought up , the son of a longshoreman .

  12. UEF空军中的蓝领,酷暑是个非常有效率的区域轰炸机,无论是对移动目标还是对固定目标而言。

    The workhorse of the UEF air efforts , the Scorcher is an effective area bomber that is useful against all types of targets , both mobile and stationary .

  13. 同样,企业策略专家尤安森普尔(EuanSemple)也怀疑,像英国这种阶级意识分明的国家,是否会接受一个让蓝领和白领交流的职业社交网站。

    Equally , Euan Semple , a business strategist , wonders if a class-conscious country like the UK will adapt to a career networking site that mixes blue - and white-collar workers .

  14. 例如,Imai指出,简单制造工作流向海外低成本国家,迫使日本许多蓝领工人不得不从事力所不能及的工作,比如产品开发。

    For example , Mr Imai says the shift of simple manufacturing jobs to lower-cost countries overseas has forced many blue-collar workers in Japan to take on jobs , such as product development , that they are not qualified to do .

  15. 我从家里逃出来,追寻我对蓝领的渴望。

    I ran away from home to pursue my biue-coiiar aspirations .

  16. 对法律蓝领培养模式的思考

    Thinking and Advice of the Training Style of Legal Blue Collar

  17. 在美国的蓝领工人也失去了很多。

    Blue-collar workers in the United States have also lost out .

  18. 许多丈夫为蓝领劳工的妇女本身却从事白领的工作。

    Many women whose husbands were blue-collar workers had white-collar jobs themselves .

  19. 海南洋浦东部生活服务区蓝领公寓规划设计

    Planning of the Blue-collar Workers Apartment in Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone

  20. 马克思主义与中西方蓝领文化

    Marxism and the Blue - collar Culture in China and the West

  21. 中国的工资可能只等同于国外蓝领的收入水平。

    Chinese salaries may only equal blue collar pay abroad .

  22. 我还是把自己当作一个蓝领工人。

    I still think of myself as a blue-collar worker .

  23. 市场竞争呼唤蓝领人才

    The Market Competition is Calling Qualified Blue - collar Workers

  24. 一个身穿蓝领工人制服的顾客在流览其中一台平面电视。

    A man in blue collar work clothes eyes one of them .

  25. 出口可能蓬勃发展,但企业需要的蓝领工人减少了。

    Exports can boom - but with fewer blue-collar workers .

  26. 据说,很多蓝领都有心理疾病。

    It is said that many blue-collared workers suffer from psychological problems .

  27. 白领的工作应比蓝领的更受人尊重。

    White-collar jobs should be valued more than blue-collar jobs .

  28. 蓝领大家都知道,指的一般是体力劳动者。

    For example , blue collar whose job usually requires manual labor .

  29. 许多蓝领工人的工作现在已由机器替代。

    The jobs of many blue-collar workers are now done by machines .

  30. 浅谈软件蓝领与高等技术教育

    Talk about Blue Collar of Software and Higher Technical Education