
  • 网络precision management;Precise Management;accurate management
  1. 通过探讨应用DGPS、GIS、ES、数据库技术以及本体论技术实现对吉林省玉米信息精确管理。

    The application of DGPS , GIS , ES , ontology and the database technique were studied in the paper , which realized intelligent precision management system for the corn digital information in Jilin province .

  2. 精确管理思想是目前国内热门流行的管理思想之一。

    Precision management are currently popular idea popular , one of management thought .

  3. 过去所使用的MIS系统(ManagementInformationSystem),无论从效率、准确度、智能程度上讲,都已经不能满足目前城市燃气管网的精确管理。

    The past-used Management Information System ( MIS ) can 't meet the requirements of the current accurate management for urban gas pipeline systems whatever on efficiency , accuracy , and intelligent level .

  4. 通过对基于TELNET协议的网络管理软件的研究与设计,实现了基础接入交换设备的精确管理、ARP病毒监控与定位、数据采集存储等功能。

    TELNET-based protocol through the network management software research and design , to achieve a basis for access to accurate management of the exchange of equipment , ARP virus monitoring and positioning , data acquisition storage and other functions .

  5. 射频卡技术在森林巡查精确管理中的应用

    The Application of RFID Card Technology in Forest Patrol Accurate Management

  6. 栾润峰:给中国带来精确管理时代

    Luan Runfeng : Bring Accurate Era of Managing to China

  7. 基于模糊聚类分析的田间精确管理分区研究

    Definition of Management Zones Based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Coastal Saline Land

  8. 因此,急需一种快速、方便的土壤分析技术来对土壤特性进行评估和精确管理。

    So , a fast and convenient soil analytical technique is needed for soil quality assessment and precision soil management .

  9. 研究结果为提高田间试验有效性、土壤改良及土壤养分的精确管理提供了科学依据与基础资料。

    The study provided the basic data and theoretical basis for realizing precise management of nutrient , improving the saline soil and increasing experimental effectiveness .

  10. 军事院校的管理必须重视院校的发展战略,充分运用现代管理理论、管理技术和方法,实施精确管理。

    Military academies must pay attention to the development of management strategies , to make full use of modern management theory , management techniques and methods .

  11. 农田硝态氮的精确管理应作为减控流域土壤氮素非点源流失的关键措施。

    This showed that precise management of nitrate nitrogen in farmland-dominated watersheds was a key practice for control and reduction of agricultural non-point source N loss .

  12. 以施氮为例,精确管理的施肥方案要比粗放管理节约肥料48.7%。

    As an example , the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application by site specific management could be decreased by 48.7 % when compared with the traditional management .

  13. 农业生产过程的精确管理模型及决策支持系统是变量处方生成的数字化基础,是整个精确农作信息流管理中的核心环节。

    The precision crop management model and decision support system is the digital base of making variable prescription , and is the core of precision farming information management .

  14. 氮素是水稻的主要营养元素.怍物氮素含量是评价作物长势、估测产量与品质的重要参考指标,对作物氮素精确管理具有重要意义。

    Crop nitrogen content is an important parameter in crop growth monitoring , crop yield estimation and quality assessment precision nitrogen management is of great importance in crop production .

  15. 通过研究认为,具有双轴化管理、精确管理特点的数字化城市管理模式,是解决传统模式存在问题的有效途径。

    Through research , we find that a digital urban management baring the characteristics of double axial and accurate management is an effective way to solve problems in traditional models .

  16. 研究地下滴灌条件土壤水分运移规律试验,是地下滴灌设计的前提,对精确管理滴灌具有现实的指导意义。

    Research on soil moisture movement of underground drip irrigation is the premise of the underground drip irrigation design , which means accurate management of practical guidance for drip irrigation .

  17. 由于管理手段和管理工具的落后,使得部门业务无论是在过程控制还是在信息集成、共享上都存在着很多问题,制约了公司精确管理理念的推广和实施,影响了公司的持续发展。

    By the reason of backwardness in management means and management tools , the department has a lot of problems in both transaction management and information integrated , information sharing .

  18. 现代物流要求在准确的时间、准确的地点以准确的价格将物资交付给顾客,需要整个供应链的精确管理和控制。

    Modern logistics requires delivering the goods to customers with accurate time , accurate location and accurate price , which needs the precise management and control of the whole supply chains .

  19. 从空间趋势和时间稳定性上对各生育期各取样土层进行了分析,并生成管理分区图,可用于指导香蕉园养分或水分精确管理。

    Stability in space and time trend of the growth on the soil of each sample was analyzed , and generate management zoning plan , the field can be used to guide the exact nutrient or water management .

  20. 因而笔者就以沈阳师范大学图书馆为例,试图把图书馆管理与精确管理思想结合起来,无论是理论还是实践上都做了一些探讨。

    I therefore on the Shenyang Normal University Library as an example , trying to put the management of library management and precise combination of thought , whether the theory or practice to do some research into this .

  21. 该系统有助于减少人工记录和管理的工作量和出错率,提高维修管理的效率和准确性,实现航空维修人为差错的精确管理,同时还能为航空安全管理部门提供决策支持。

    This system can reduce manual recording , management work and error rate , thus enhancing the efficiency and precision of maintainence management , realizing sophisticated management of human errors and supporting the policy decision of aircraft security department .

  22. 并且将目前在企业管理中应用的精确管理理念融入到虚拟的电子政务和研究生综合管理互动系统平台的框架建设中有较大的指导意义。

    At the same time ," precision management " concept , which originate from the enterprise management , merged with the virtual electronic government affairs and graduate comprehensive management mutual system platform frame construction , which has a great guiding significance .

  23. 伴随着人类社会的发展,管理思想经历了由传统到创新的过程,从传统的人本管理和朴素的模糊管理,到近代经典科学的精确管理,再到现代化、系统化的模糊管理。

    With the development of human society , management thought went through the process from tradition to creation , from the traditional human-centered management to plain vague management , to classical and scientific precise management in modern times , to the vague management with modernization and systematization .

  24. 人才管理软件提供商HeadLight的商业心理学主管黛比•汉斯(DebbieHance)表示,企业已经从下级那里得到全方位的反馈,从而可以精确确定管理者需要改善的地方。

    Debbie Hance , head of business psychology at Head Light , a talent management software provider , observes that companies already gather 360-degree feedback from subordinates to pinpoint areas where managers need to improve .

  25. 面向故障树结构的不精确知识管理

    A Management Algorithm for an Uncertain Knowledge Oriented Fault Tree Structure

  26. 精确农业管理系统可变量技术研究现状与发展

    RD of Variable Rate Technology in Precision Agriculture Management System

  27. 铁路燃油精确计量管理系统的研制

    The Development of High Accuracy Metering and Management System for Railway Fuel-oil

  28. 多视点云数据的拼合与精简技术研究从云梦秦简看秦国经济的精确化管理

    A Study of Multi-view Point Cloud Merging and Data Reduction

  29. 并通过对产品结构的更细致的配置,可对生产过程进行更精确的管理。

    And with more careful configuration of the product structure , the manufacture process can be managed more accurately .

  30. 有了这些信息,企业就可以精确的管理装载需求,提高系统性能,减低成本。

    Armed with this information , companies can proactively manage load requirements , improve system performance and reduce costs .