
  1. 我一直对在跨国投资银行工作很感兴趣。

    I 've always been interested in working for an international investment bank .

  2. 而当前跨国投资银行的国际监管还处于起步阶段,跨国投资银行的业务经营未得到很好规制,影响了国际证券市场发展。

    However , the supervision of transnational investment bank is underway with result of inefficient regulation , which lags the development of security market .

  3. 跨国投资银行对整个国际金融市场的发展和国际金融体系的安全起着重要作用,但其经营的是高风险行业,这要求对跨国投资银行进行有效监管。

    Transnational investment banking needs to be efficiently supervised with regard to its decisive role in the development of international finance market and the security of international finance system as well as the high risk of security business .

  4. 文章首先分析了跨国投资银行监管的基本理论问题,包括跨国投资银行及其监管的含义,投资银行与商业银行的区别,跨国投资银行监管的理论基础、目标、原则和内容等。

    In this paper , firstly , the author analyzes the basic points of transnational investment banking supervision , including the conceptions of transnational investment bank and its supervision , and the theories , the objects , the principles and the contents of transnational investment banking supervision as well .

  5. 详细分析了国际资本流动风险是如何通过汇率与外贸经济、跨国投资、银行间业务往来以及债务体系把国际资本流动风险在相关经济体系内进行传导。

    The fourth chapter , analyses the conduction and proliferation mechanism about the international capital flow risk , discusses how to conduct the risk through transnational investment , through the exchange rate and the foreign trade .

  6. 这两家瑞士跨国银行的投资银行业务都于第三季度报亏。

    Switzerland 's two global banks both recorded losses in investment banking for the third quarter .