
  1. 试论儒家折磨女性的精神手段

    Spiritual Means the Confucians Used to Torment Women

  2. 历朝历代都利用礼作为巩固统治和强化宗法制度的最重要的精神手段,并以此转化为各种承载礼制的载体包括建筑。

    All dynasty ruling classes used " ceremony and propriety " as the most important spiritual method to reinforce their ruling and strengthen patriarchal clan rules and regulations , which converted into various kinds of carriers of ceremony and propriety including buildings .

  3. 学校教育视域中的生命体验确立了对生命关怀的教育立场,强调注重学生的自主和能动性的发挥,是当下审美教育必不可少的价值取向和精神手段。

    From the perspective of school education in the experience of life not only establish on the life caring education position , but also emphasize students ' autonomy and initiative , it is the essential value orientation and spiritual means in the aesthetic education .

  4. 抑郁症、焦虑症和强迫性行为可心通过精神药理手段进行治疗。

    Psychopharmacologic treatment may be initiated to treat symptoms of depression , anxiety , and obsessive-compulsive behaviors .

  5. 在目前医院采取的物质激励手段作用弱化的情况下,医院管理者正在寻求差异化、多样化的精神激励手段。

    At present , the material incentive that the hospitals adopt weakens , so hospital administrators are seeking for the variation , the diverse means of the spiritual motivation .

  6. 高等教育产业化,是启动精神消费的手段。

    The industrialization of higher education is a means to promote spiritual consumption .

  7. 企业精神及其培育手段

    The Spirit of Enterprises and Its Fostering Means

  8. 另一方面,小说中人物把暴力当作一种精神救赎的手段。

    On the other hand , characters regard violence as a means of psychic salvation .

  9. 它是培养学生自主学习能力、实践能力和创新精神的有效手段。

    It is the effective tool of training independent learning ability , practical ability and creative spirit .

  10. 生物实验教学是培养学生科学方法、科学精神的重要手段。

    The biological experience teaching is the important way to foster the students ' scientific method and scientific spirit .

  11. 直到一位医生对她进行了一次面试,我们的对话才算结束。这种面视(口头测试)是医务人员判断病人是否患有精神病的手段。

    So it went until a doctor came by to give one of those oral quizzes that medical men apply in such case .

  12. 网络艺术作为概念是对艺术精神与高科技手段相结合,以网络媒体方式呈现出来的艺术形式的统称。

    As a combination of artistic spiritual conception and high-tech , " network art " is a common name of artistic form emerged from media networks .

  13. 创新教育是培养学生的创新能力,体育教育是培养学生创新能力和创新精神的有效手段。

    Innovative education is to train the students ' innovation abilities . Physical education is an effectual methed to develop the students ' innovation abilities and spirits .

  14. 创生中国译学体系须对传统译论及西方译论进行双重超越。传统文化的认同研究抑或对其进行反省和批判,均为译学研究张扬民族精神的重要手段。

    Either insistence on cultural identity or criticism of such identity offers a critical approach to the publicity of the Chinese ethnic spirits in modern translation studies .

  15. 结合化学学科的特点,加强化学实验教学是培养学生实证精神的重要手段;激发学生的主动性是培养学生实证精神的关键;

    Considering the characteristics of chemistry , it is an important means to strengthen the experiment teaching and the linchpin is to stimulate the students ' initiative .

  16. 意象美是体现中国画独特的写意精神的重要手段之一,是意象思维的结果,意象美是中国画的灵魂。

    Image Beauty is one important means that reflecting the unique spirit in Chinese painting , the result of image thinking , also the soul of Chinese painting .

  17. 其次,言语实践逐渐由作为自然实践和精神实践的手段的身份中独立出来,日益成为一种目的性的实践方式。

    The second is that parole practice has gradually rid itself of the identity as a means of natural and spiritual practice , and increasingly become a kind of practical approach of purpose .

  18. 她们有各自的绘画语言,色彩是她们表达精神的主要手段,她们对色彩语言的把握都较成功,具有很强的个性色彩。

    They have their own language of painting , and color is the expression of their spirit of their major means . They all grasp painting language successfully , and each one has a strong personality color .

  19. 它使音乐教育不局限于专业化技能训练,而成为培养国民文化精神的基本手段,为后来的学校音乐教学内容和形式的发展奠定了基础。

    Musical education has no longer been a professional skill training , but become a basic means to develop average people 's cultural quality , and laid a foundation of the contents and forms for the later school musical education .

  20. 物理学是一门实验科学,实验教学既是物理教学的基础,更是学生形成严谨的科学态度、实事求是的科学作风的重要渠道及培养学生具有探索精神的有效手段。

    Experimental teaching is not only the foundation of physics teaching , but also the important channel to form students the rigorous scientific attitude , practical scientific style and an effective means of training students to have the spirit of exploration .

  21. 色彩是视觉艺术中最直观、最感性的因素,在山水画艺术中,它体现着中国画家独特的哲学追求,是山水画家之自我与宇宙进行精神对话的手段和途径。

    As the most visible visual arts of the most emotional factors colors in the art of Chinese landscape paintings reflect Chinese painter unique philosophy pursued , it is home to paintings themselves and the universe with the spirit of dialogue channels .

  22. 首先必须建立防止二者过度契合的预警机制,严格控制契合,以弘扬人文精神为基本手段明确二者契合的价值基础,以消解二者之间契合的风险。

    Firstly , we should establish alarm mechanism to prevent the coincidence in excess , strictly control the coincidence , promote the spirit of humanism and clear the value base in order to eliminate the risks that the fit brings between the technology and Olympics .

  23. 佛洛伊德始终认为催眠是精神分析的主要手段,可以将内心最深处的精神状态表达出来。

    Probably always believe that hypnosis is the primary means of spiritual analysis , but most can be expressed deep mental state .

  24. 它们可以是过去时间和记忆的凝结,可以是各种社会权力关系的表现形式,也可以是作者剖析自身精神状态嬗变的手段。

    It could be a combination of time and memories in the past , a manifestation of different kinds of social power relationships or a tool for analyzing his spiritual status changes .

  25. 战时激励在我军政治工作中占有重要的地位和作用,是充分发挥我军政治优势,调动官兵精神动力的有效手段。

    Wartime motivation which is very important and valuable in political work of our army is an effective method to give full play to the political advantage of our troop and stimulate spiritual motive power of our officers and soldiers .

  26. 现代诗歌是反映现代人精神世界的高雅手段,为了创新它打破了以往诗词的限制,走了一条隐喻之路,并且在形式上趋向散文化。

    Modern poems , as an elegant means to reflect man 's spiritual world , have changed and broken the limitation of classical poem to pursue innovation , and thus have a tendency of prose style in form by using metaphor .

  27. 精神损害赔偿是对民事权利受到侵害的人进行精神抚慰的手段。

    Spiritual damage compensation is the means to provide spiritual consolation for the people injured in civil right .

  28. 结论:药物自我处置技能的训练能够不同程度的改善慢性精神分裂症住院患者的阴性症状、社会功能和社交技能,是其精神康复的有效手段之一。

    CONCLUSION : Training of self-management with drugs can ameliorate negative symptoms , social functions and social skills of inpatients with chronic schizophrenia in different degree , which is an effective means of psychiatric rehabilitation .

  29. 员工激励机制要在坚持以人为本、坚持物质激励和精神激励相结合等原则的基础上,要充分创新薪酬激励、晋升激励、培训激励和精神激励等激励手段。

    The employee incentive mechanism must be based on the people-oriented principle and the combination of material incentive and spirit incentive , and it must make good use of payment incentive , promotion incentive , training incentive , spirit incentive and so on . 3 .